
The US state of Florida plans to ban Chinese citizens from buying land and real estate, causing a discriminatory controversy

【Text/Observer Network Zhou Yibo】

On May 5, local time, Newsweek reported that dozens of Chinese-Americans protested a bill targeting Chinese citizens outside the Florida Capitol a few days ago, causing concern.

The Florida House of Representatives has reportedly passed a bill banning Chinese nationals from buying land or real estate in the state. The bill, supported by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Republicans and a handful of Democratic state lawmakers, who claimed it was necessary to ensure so-called "national security." Opponents argue that the bill is discriminatory and allegedly violates the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

The US state of Florida plans to ban Chinese citizens from buying land and real estate, causing a discriminatory controversy

Screenshot of the US Newsweek report

The bill, called SB 264: Interests of Foreign Countries, passed the Florida House of Representatives this week by a vote of 95 to 17 and will now be tabled in the state Senate.

Under the bill, Russian, North Korean, Iranian, Cuban, Venezuelan and Syrian citizens are prohibited from buying land within a mile of military bases or critical infrastructure, while Chinese citizens face a statewide ban on buying land or real estate unless they obtain U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status.

DeSantis has claimed that China is "gobbling up land" in the United States, a situation that is not in "Florida's best interest" and suggested it was a threat to national security.

The bill quickly sparked backlash, with some critics pointing out that it was discriminatory and allegedly violated the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Public information shows that the Fair Housing Act, enacted as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, was a key step in the legislation of the American civil rights era, which prohibited the sale of homes based on race, nationality, religion or sex.

The US state of Florida plans to ban Chinese citizens from buying land and real estate, causing a discriminatory controversy

Florida Mayor Ron DeSantis

On May 3, Florida House of Representatives Democrat Fettrice Driskell said the bill could be unconstitutional. She questioned, "Who will enforce the bill?" Real estate agent? ”

On April 29, dozens of Chinese-Americans protested outside the Florida Capitol holding placards reading "All Equal" and "No to the Anti-Asian Act."

According to the US news website Axios, during the review of the bill, many Chinese groups also protested the content of the bill. Just last weekend, a similar protest erupted in Miami.

Lawyers from Miami say Asian-American groups in Florida are preparing to file a lawsuit against the bill.

The US state of Florida plans to ban Chinese citizens from buying land and real estate, causing a discriminatory controversy

Protest in front of the Florida Capitol on April 29

The US state of Florida plans to ban Chinese citizens from buying land and real estate, causing a discriminatory controversy

Last weekend, protests took place in Miami

According to US media reports, many US states, including Texas and Florida, are considering banning Chinese citizens from purchasing land, housing or any real estate in the United States, claiming that this is for "national security" considerations.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said in response to relevant inquiries on February 10 that words and deeds that generalize the concept of national security and politicize economic, trade and investment issues violate the principles of market economy and international trade rules, and undermine the outside world's confidence in the US market environment.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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