
A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

author:Xu Dewen Science Channel
A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

An Englishman named Mark Boditch, with his wife and three children, rushed out to sea in a mackerel fishing boat, and on the sea surface less than a kilometer off the coast of Weymouth, England, they suddenly found that an animal's head appeared on the surface of the sea, sinking and floating with the waves.

The Baldic family thought it was a basking shark, so they slowly leaned up, ready to observe and study, but as the fishing boat got closer, they found that the animal still had two ears on its head, and it was obvious that it would not be a shark.

A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

Getting closer, they finally found that it was a young female red deer, seemingly exhausted, and it looked like it might have strayed into the sea and entered a deep area of more than thirty meters deep.

The Bauditch family quickly wrapped it in a rope, rescued it, and returned to the shore to put it in the woods, but the doe refused to leave and came back to them, not knowing whether they wanted to ask for adoption, and then they would be clothed. They had to roar and frighten before letting it go.

A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

Baldic said it was low tide at the time, and if they hadn't saved the fawn, it might have been swept into the sea and drowned.

However, netizens do not buy it, saying that you may waste the expression to save the wrong, people red deer is a swimmer, swimming leisure in the sea, you fish up the other one, interrupt people's leisure and leisure what is it.

Are red deer really good swimmers? What does it go to the sea for?

A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

Deer are actually good swimmers, they can swim about 24 kilometers (15 miles) per hour, faster than the fastest marathon runners in humans, and they are still in the water, far faster than humans swim. Some have observed that deer can swim more than 16 kilometers, crossing wide rivers and lakes in search of food, new habitats or escape predators.

Deer can swim such a long distance without getting tired because of their special body structure, and the most important thing is their two layers of thick hair. The hairs on the bottom layer are very dense and can prevent heat loss in the water and maintain body temperature, while the outer layer is a long hollow hair, which is filled with air, providing a lot of buoyancy, and even keeping a third of their body above the surface of the water, like a boat.

A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

So deer don't sink in the water, which allows them to swim leisurely, and their legs are extremely strong, their hooves are huge, their strength is strong when paddling, and the amount of water they plane is also large, so they are fast.

Deer swim in the water, of course, not for fun or other recreational activities, but for the reasons we mentioned earlier. In 2020, someone filmed a video in Lochmady Bay in North Eust, Scotland, where a stag with its 9 "harem beauties" crossed the sea to Lockeportland Island in search of a beautiful new life – probably afraid that his harem would be robbed by other bucks.

A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

Yes, you read that right, these doees are indeed its harem, the "beautiful ladies" who fight for their lives. From August to early winter every year, it is the mating season of red deer, and adult male deer often make "horns" and even suffer serious injuries in order to attract the attention of the female deer. Raise "horns" for half a year, this is a good time to use the horns, and then it will fall off, waiting for the next year to grow longer.

The winning stag can be favored by many doves and become its "harem", up to 20 heads, but they will also pay a heavy price. In addition to the possibility of being injured and killed in a fight, they have to work hard to pass on their genetic material throughout the mating season to prevent the harem from being taken away, rarely have time to eat, and lose as much as 20% of their weight.

A doe was in distress at sea, and a captain rescued it, but netizens said: You may have saved the wrong one

So in the deer herd you will see a very unequal phenomenon, under the age of four or eleven years old of the male deer, there is basically no possibility of forming their own harem beauty team, can only be outside the harem of other bucks, eyes staring at another hi skin, which is very similar to the human society in some places.

So Brother Boditch may have really made a mistake, but what was this little doe doing in the sea? Maybe no one really knows, will it be the harem beauty that the big brother of the bucks lost?