
At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

author:Tang Barge Tiger

When it comes to "color revolutions", I believe that most Chinese will think of the anti-government demonstrations in Central Asia for the first time in their minds. For example, the most typical example is the "Tulip Revolution" in Kyrgyzstan in 2005, which was secretly planned by external forces to carry out regime subversion through nonviolent means, with a very strong pro-Western color. No, given that four of the five Central Asian countries are members of the SCO, at the SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting hosted by India, Foreign Minister Qin Gang called on the SCO member states to jointly oppose the "color revolution" instigated by external forces.

At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

(News from Russian Satellite News Agency)

A few days ago, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said at the SCO Foreign Ministers' Council Meeting that SCO member states should support each other's sovereignty and jointly oppose the "color revolution" instigated by external forces. Foreign Minister Qin Gang pointed out that SCO member states should adhere to strategic autonomy, strengthen unity and mutual trust in safeguarding sovereignty, security and development interests, oppose the interference of external forces in regional affairs, and then instigate "color revolutions".

At the same time, Foreign Minister Qin Gang also called on SCO member states to continue to combat terrorism, especially the "East Turkistan", as well as various organized criminal activities such as drug trafficking.

So why did Foreign Minister Qin Gang emphasize his joint opposition to "color revolutions" at the SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting? This may be the case of the SCO member states.

As we all know, there are currently eight SCO member states, and if you add Iran, which is going to turn positive this year, it will reach nine. Of these nine member states, Central Asian countries account for four: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Since all four countries are CIS countries, they have always been the best targets for erosion by external forces, aiming to overthrow pro-Russian governments in the region and thus install pro-Western, or rather pro-American, democratically elected governments.

At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

(Foreign Minister Qin Gang attends the SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting hosted by India)

As early as 2005, the United States and the West planned a "tulip revolution" in Kyrgyzstan, because the city flower of the capital of Kyrgyzstan is a spring flower, and the protest and demonstration time coincides with the spring flower, and the city is densely yellow, so it is also called the "yellow revolution".

At that time, Kyrgyzstan held parliamentary elections, and the pro-Russian government camp achieved a relatively satisfactory result, but the Western-backed opposition was not so lucky, and directly ended in a crushing defeat. Faced with such a result, the opposition naturally found it difficult to accept, on the one hand, they accused the election process of fraud and illegality, on the other hand, they incited supporters to take to the streets, by storming government buildings, detaining government officials, calling on the then Akayev government to resign and re-elect a new government.

At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

(Kyrgyzstan's "Tulip Revolution")

While the wave of opposition protests continues one after another, some Western countries, led by the United States and Europe, have also continuously pressured the Kyrgyz government to abandon violent means and solve problems through dialogue on the basis of respect for human rights and civil liberties. Not only that, Western countries have secretly provided asylum to the Kyrgyz opposition, secretly supporting the opposition's protests and demonstrations to overthrow the government.

The final result, I believe everyone knows, is that Akayev agreed to resign from the presidency and fled to Russia. The new government, led by Bakiyev, ruled for five years until April 2010, when he was ousted by the opposition.

It can be said that the "tulip revolution" in Kyrgyzstan was essentially a "color revolution" planned by external forces in Central Asia to get rid of the influence on Russia and establish a revolutionary regime that was more inclined to the West in terms of values. To put it bluntly, it is to create a foothold for yourself in Russia's sphere of influence and weaken Russia's influence.

At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

(SCO flag)

Since Central Asia is a high-incidence area for "color revolutions", and the four Central Asian countries are members of the SCO, it is very appropriate that Foreign Minister Qin Gang now calls on SCO member states to jointly prevent "color revolutions". Why do you say that?

In fact, as the rear of China and Russia, once external forces successfully plan a "color revolution", Central Asia will inevitably have a series of negative impacts on neighboring countries and make the region unstable. If Western countries successfully plan "color revolutions" in Central Asia, then Western forces have a foothold in Central Asia and use this foothold to spread around the periphery, and the mainland, as a neighboring country in Central Asia, naturally becomes one of the targets of Western forces.

At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

(Schematic map of the five Central Asian countries)

In this context, it is particularly important to guard against "color revolutions". Through the big platform of the SCO, Foreign Minister Qin Gang called on member states to jointly oppose the "color revolution", which is to cut off the important grasp of the penetration of the United States and Western countries into neighboring countries, especially these tentacles reaching out to China, and do a good job of preventing trouble. After all, the United States and the West have always been eyeing China's neighbors, hoping to create a foothold for themselves by intervening in Central Asian affairs, forming a "three-sided" situation against the mainland, which seriously threatens the mainland's national security.

More importantly, the fundamental purpose of the SCO is to "maintain and strengthen regional peace, security and stability", which is precisely linked to the prevention of "color revolutions". After all, preventing external forces from meddling in regional affairs is an important manifestation of maintaining regional peace and stability.

At the SCO summit, Foreign Minister Qin Gang's words were to cut off the tentacles of the West and reach out to China

Of course, if you want to prevent the infiltration of external forces, it is not feasible to rely on one country alone, and all countries should unite as a warmth, and on this basis, through the way of seeking common ground while reserving differences, we should work together to combat terrorism, prevent "color revolutions", cut off all tentacles that seek to undermine peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, and restore peace and tranquility to the region.

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