
How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

author:Leyou Chongzuo

Every spring, Weizhou Island in the Guangxi Northwest Sea welcomes a group of important "guests" who flock to flock, fly, or rest and forage in wetlands, including cattle-backed herons, egrets, house swallows, as well as three treasure birds, black capuchins, cuckoos, and small birds of prey waiting birds.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲Migratory birds visiting Weizhou Island

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

Weizhou Island migratory birds

Scientific research data shows that there are 188 species of wild birds on Weizhou Island, so how many migratory birds do you know?

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲Cowback heron

▲ Bullback Heron: The only heron that does not eat fish but feeds mainly on insects, and also preys on other small animals such as spiders, yellow eels, ants and frogs. It forms an attachment relationship with domestic animals, especially buffalo, often following the livestock to prey on insects that are startled by domestic animals from the aquatic weeds, and often resting on the back of cattle, hence the name.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?


▲ Egret: It is a good friend of the bull-backed heron, with a small body, a black mouth, black legs and feet but yellow toes. Its natural habitats are swamps, rice paddies, lakes or tidal flats. Feeds on a variety of small fish, yellow eels and shrimp. He is a regular visitor to mangroves and a "inspector" of wetland ecology.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?


▲ Heron: It is an extremely common water bird in the wetlands of Eurasia and Africa. It is a large aquatic bird with a long head, neck, feet and mouth, so that its body appears slender, and its upper body is pale gray from the back to the tail.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲House swallow

▲ Jia Yan: It is it that flies into the homes of ordinary people, small and cute, meaning auspicious and healthy.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Black-naped tern

▲ The black-naped tern (scientific name: Sterna sumatrana) is 31 cm long and is a slightly smaller and very white tern. It has a long forked tail and a characteristic black occipital band. The upper body is light gray, the lower body is white, the head is white, only the eyes have black spots, and the neck and back have black bands. The first winter bird has brown spots on the top of the head and nearly black spots on the nape of the neck. Juvenile: gray-brown on the side of the head and back of the neck, nearly brown on the upper body with yellowish and gray scallop-shaped spots, nearly white waist, rounded tail without forks. It feeds mainly on small fish. It also feeds on marine animals such as crustaceans, plankton, and molluscs. It is found in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific Ocean, south from Japan, including Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Australia. In 2015, researchers observed black-naped terns and brown-winged terns on Xieyang Island, the first time these two species of birds had appeared in Guangxi.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Black-faced spoonbills

▲ Black-faced spoonbills (scientific name: Platalea minor) are birds of the spoonbill genus of the partridge family, known in Taiwan as the black-faced spoonbills, also known as spoon birds and spoonbills. It is named because of its long, flat, spoon-like mouth, which is very similar to the pipa in Chinese musical instruments, and also known as the "black-faced angel" because of its elegant posture. The black-faced spoonbill is extremely rare in number and is one of the most endangered species in the world. Like the white spoonbills, the black-faced spoonbills are Grade II protected animals in China.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲Pond heron

▲ Pond heron (scientific name: Ardeola bacchus) is a typical wading bird, with a body length of about 47 cm, white wings, and a brown longitudinal stripe. Breeding plumage: dark maroon on the head and neck, purple sauce on the chest. Winter: Brown longitudinal stripes when standing, white body and dark brown back when flying. The iris is brown; the mouth is yellow (winter); the legs and feet are greenish gray. Usually silent, with a low croaking sound when arguing. It inhabits rice paddies, ponds, swamps, and groups of 3-5 individuals or 3-5 animals forage in paddy fields or swamps, and are not afraid of people. The diet is dominated by fish, frogs and insects, and the food composition of young chicks and adult birds is similar. During the breeding period, the nest is in the tree or bamboo forest, the nest is shallow disc-shaped, composed of branches, dead branches of fir, bamboo branches, tea branches and sarsaparilla vines, etc., and there is no other bedding in the nest. Researchers have found that it has appeared on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Blue-footed sandpiper

▲ The blue-footed sandpiper (scientific name: Tringa nebularia) is a bird of the order Plover family. Body length 30-35 cm, wingspan 53-60 cm, weight 140-270 g, lifespan 12 years. The upperparts are greyish-black with black axial spots and white feathers. The underparts are white with black longitudinal spots on the foreeck and thorax. The mouth is slightly upturned, and the legs are nearly green.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Thrush

▲ The thrush (scientific name: Garrulax canorus) is a bird of the family Finchesidae Thrush. The total length is about 23 cm. Most of the body is tan. The top of the head has a dark brown longitudinal stripe on the back, and the eye circles are white and extend backwards into narrow eyebrow lines. He often forages in the grass under the forest, and is not good at flying long distances. During the breeding period, the male birds often hide alone among the weeds and branches, and are very good at chirping, the sound is very loud, the song is melodious and gentle, very beautiful, and it is a famous cage bird. It has appeared on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Large (scientific name: Parus major): A small and medium-sized bird with a body length of 13-15 cm. The entire head is black with a large white spot on each side of the head. The upperparts are bluish grey and the back is stained green. The underparts are white , and a broad central longitudinal stripe on the thorax and abdomen connects with the chin and throat black. It has appeared on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲White-breasted bitter evil bird

▲ The white-breasted bitter bird (scientific name: Amaurornis phoenicurus) belongs to the order Cranes, with a total of 4 subspecies. The base of the mouth is slightly raised, but does not form a frontal nail, the peak of the mouth is shorter than the phalangeal bone, the tarsal bone is shorter than the middle toe (with claws), and the wings are short and round, and they are not good at flying long distances. He is a good swimmer, sneaking in reeds or aquatic grasses, and can also swim slightly, occasionally flying short distances, feeding on insects, small aquatic animals and plant seeds. During the breeding period, the male birds sing fiercely in the morning and dusk, sounding like "kue, kue, kue", so it is called "gu evil bird" or "bitter evil bird".

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲Three treasure birds

▲ Three treasure birds (scientific name: Eurystomus orientalis), body length 26-29cm, weight 107-194g. The whole body is blue-green , the head and wings are darker , dark brown , and the primary flight feathers have pale blue spots at the base , which are very pronounced when flying. The iris is dark brown, and the mouth and feet are red. He often stands for a long time on the dead branches at the top of tall trees on the edge of the road, or flies in circles and up and down in the air, "quacking" as he flies. If in flight insects are found, they are chased to prey, and if lizards or insects are found on the ground, they are like Berau taking bait and jumping on the ground to hunt on foot. This species of bird is known for its beautiful courtship flights. It has appeared on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Black curly tail

▲ Black capuchin ( scientific name : Dicrurus macrocercus ) is a bird of the family Passeriformes capuchinidae. The total length is about 30cm. It is black throughout , with glowing blue upperparts , thorax and tail feathers. The tail is deeply concave in length, and the outermost pair of tail feathers curl outwards upwards. It inhabits open areas, has very strong territorial behavior during the breeding period, is fierce, and likes to fight in groups during the non-breeding period. It mainly feeds on insects. It usually inhabits the foothills of mountains or on the top of trees along streams, and often falls on power lines in open areas. Large numbers, often in pairs or integrated small groups, agile movements, flying and shouting.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Cuckoo

▲ Cuckoo is also called Du Yu, Zi Gui, and Urge. It always chirps to the north, and in June and July it whines even more, day and night, and makes a very mournful sound. That's why it's called Cuckoo Crying. Aliases: Zigui, Cuckoo, Duyu, Tí Jué, often referring to about 60 arboreal species in the subfamily Rhododendron and the subfamily Cuckoo. Cuckoos are found in temperate and tropical regions around the globe, especially in the tropical spheres of the Eastern Hemisphere. Cuckoos inhabit dense vegetation, are timid, and often hear their voices but do not see their shape.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Grey-faced eagle (scientific name: Butastur indicus) is a bird of the Falcon family Hawk family, a medium-sized bird of prey, with a body length of 39-46 cm and a weight of 375-500 g. The upperparts are dark brown , the coverts on the wings are also tan , and the tail feathers are greyish brown. It inhabits mountain forests such as broad-leaved forests, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests, and feeds on animal foods such as small snakes, frogs, lizards, rats, squirrels, hares, foxes and birds. It has appeared on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Fairy eight colored plover

▲ The Fairy Eight Colored Plover (scientific name: Pitta nympha) is a medium-sized bird. The body length is about 20 cm. The call is a clear two-syllable whistle "kwah-he, kwa-wu", longer and slower. There are about 100-1000 breeding pairs in China, and 50-1000 migratory individuals. It is a globally vulnerable bird that has appeared on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Spot-billed pelican

▲ Spot-billed pelican (scientific name: Pelecanus philippensis) is a bird of the pelican family Pelican family, also known as "Taohe" and "Gannet". It inhabits coastal coasts, rivers, lakes and swamps, and feeds on fish, but also eats frogs, crustaceans, lizards, snakes and so on. Global near-threatened birds. The distribution in China is uncertain. In the past, it was considered a rare resident bird and is found along the coasts of east and south China from Jiangsu to Guangxi, southern Yunnan, and Hainan Island. Weizhou Island has a transit record.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Brown booby bird

▲ Brown booby (scientific name: Sula leucogaster): A gamebird, a large seabird. The body is thick and slender, streamlined, and the total length is about 70 cm. The upperparts are tan , with more intense axils of the wings and tail feathers , each with white or brownish-white feathers. The front neck and chest are the same color as the upper body, and the rest of the lower body is pure white. The mouth and eyes are bare skin yellow-green. It generally inhabits the rocky cliffs and beaches of islands in the middle of the ocean. Except for the breeding season, most of the time is active at sea. He is good at flying and swimming, often flying in small groups over the sea or swimming on the surface of the sea, sometimes flying far from the coast in pursuit of food. It feeds mainly on a variety of fish, especially flying fish, but also on squid and crustaceans. It has been observed on Weizhou Island.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Sea Cormorant

▲ Sea cormorant (scientific name: Phalacrocorax Pelagicus) is commonly known as the squid. Typical marine cormorant. The body length is about 70 cm , and the body feathers are black and shiny. The face is red , similar to that of the red-faced cormorant , but the crown feathers are sparser and softer during the breeding period , the face is less red than the forehead but the cheeks are more red , and the faces of young birds and non-breeding birds are pink and gray , and the body size is slightly smaller. The iris is blue; the mouth is yellow; the feet are gray. Silent at sea. Its natural habitats are coastal and estuarine areas. It mainly feeds on fish and shrimp, and also eats a small amount of seaweed, kelp, seaweed and so on.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

▲ Green-winged duck

▲ Green-winged duck (scientific name: Anas crecca) is a small duck, with a body length of 37 cm and a weight of about 0.5 kg. The mouth and feet are black. The male has a dark maroon color from head to neck, a wide green band on both sides of the head from the eye to the side of the neck, and the undertail coverts are black, and there are yellow triangular spots on each side, which are very eye-catching when swimming in the water. When flying, the emerald green wing mirrors with metallic luster on the wings of the male and female ducks and the white edges of the front and rear edges of the wing mirrors are also very eye-catching. Females have "teasing" performances.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

In order to raise the awareness of wildlife protection among the masses and strengthen the protection of endangered terrestrial wild species, on March 20, 2019, weizhou island tourism area officially launched the "World Wildlife Day" and "Bird Love Week" publicity activities. Lin Deguang, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Weizhou Island Tourism Zone, attended the launching ceremony and delivered a speech. "Let us go hand in hand, live up to our mission, focus on spreading the culture of loving birds and protecting birds, establish the moral trend of protecting the island and protecting birds, and work together to build a civilized, safe, harmonious and ecological Weizhou Island." At the ceremony, Secretary Lin Deguang called on the general public to actively participate in the team of bird lovers and birds, protect bird habitats, and guard green homes.

How many of these birds do you know on Weizhou Island?

Weizhou Island is a paradise for migratory birds mainly due to its unique geographical location.

Weizhou Island is located in the middle of Beibu Bay, Guangxi, 67km away from Beihai City, including Weizhou and Xieyang islands, with a total area of 26.13k㎡, of which Weizhou Island is 24.14 k㎡, and Xieyang Island is 11.9k㎡. Established in 1982, the reserve is an important stopover "stopover" for migratory birds along the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the main protection objects are various migratory and traveling birds. The terrain of the area is gentle, Weizhou Island is generally below 50m above sea level, Xieyang Island is 40~80m above sea level, and the highest Yangweiling is located on Xieyang Island, with an altitude of 140.19m. The climate belongs to the northern tropical monsoon region, with an average annual temperature of 23 °C, an absolute low temperature of 21.9 °C, and no frost all year round, which is the highest temperature in Guangxi.

According to the survey results, it was confirmed that there were 186 species of birds in Weizhou Island Bird Nature Reserve, belonging to 16 orders and 52 families, accounting for 34.125% of the 543 species of birds in Guangxi. A total of 13 of these birds are listed as threatened by IUCNX, including 3 endangered (EN) species, 6 vulnerable (VU) species and 4 near threatened (NT) species. There are 29 species of birds under national key protection, including 2 species of birds under primary key protection and 27 species of birds under key protection at the second level.

The biggest feature of the bird composition of Weizhou Island Nature Reserve is that migratory birds (including winter migratory birds, summer migratory birds and traveling birds) account for a large proportion. Of the 186 species of birds, 172 are migratory birds. There are only 14 species of resident birds. Among migratory birds, the largest number of traveling birds is 117 species; There are 7 species of summer migratory birds.

Weizhou Island is an important stopover for migratory birds, located on the migratory bird migration route between northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, the South Sea Islands and Australia, and is an important stopover for migratory birds along the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. Every spring, migratory birds that have exhausted a lot of physical fitness by migrating northwards can recover after resting here for a period of time and replenishing food. Some of them will continue north along the coastline, flying to Northeast Asia and even Alaska; The other part will enter the interior and continue north in a fan-shaped spread, flying to central China, north China, central Siberia and Central Asia. In autumn, most migratory birds migrate back.

These include a large number of birds of prey, and the population of birds of prey such as the grey-faced eagle is very large. The black-faced spoonbill, which is of great international concern, is one of the most endangered water birds in the world, and about 5 to 15 black-faced spoonbills migrate through the Weizhou Island Reserve every year and move on the beach. The global vulnerable bird Fairy Plover also has a considerable population in this area, and strengthening the protection of the Fairy Plover in the area is of great significance to the recovery and development of the global Fairy Eight Colored Plover population.