
13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

author:Cosmic Encyclopedia

<h1>Secrets of magical plants</h1>

Why can't people with allergic reactions to paint eat mangoes?

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

Mango belongs to the sumac family, contains monohydroxybenzene or dihydroxybenzene components, and usually contains some similar ingredients in paint, has a great irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes, especially easy to cause allergies.

<h1>Which plants eat animals? </h1>

Common plants that eat animals include thatched vegetables,

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

Flytraps, pitchergrasses, bottlegrasses, etc., they generally grow in a relatively poor environment, in order to obtain the nutrients needed for growth, some parts of them (such as leaves) specialized into traps, to prey on mosquitoes, flies and small beetles.

<h1>Does the blossom have a sound? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

When the flowers bloom, with the movement of the flower organs, a certain sound is produced, but this sound is difficult for the human ear to distinguish.

<h1>What is the longest-lived plant in the world? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

The "dragon's blood tree" that grows in Africa can generally live for 2,000 years, and some can live for five or six thousand years, or even 8,000 to 10,000 years.

<h1>Do plants have biological clocks? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

Of course. For example, the flowering time of plants and the sleep behavior of leaves are dominated by the plant biological clock, and they are also manifested in a variety of physiological phenomena such as plant respiration, photosynthesis, and growth rate.

<h1>Which plants emit light? </h1>

Because there is a large amount of phosphorus in the plant, when the phosphorus comes into contact with the air, it will emit cold light, such as the "luminous tree" in northern Africa,

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

The "Night Queen Flower" of Cuba and the "Lantern Tree" of China's Jinggangshan region. The brightness of this phosphorescence is proportional to the size of the tree.

What is the secret of the color of the flower? Why are flowers born in alpine snowfields generally light in color, while tropical flowers are intense and bright?

Because flowers contain anthocyanins, anthocyanins, carotenoids and other substances. Anthocyanins can take on a variety of colors depending on the pH of the leaves and the temperature of the surrounding environment. The acidity and alkalinity in each plant are different, and the color of the flowers presented is naturally different. In addition, the temperature will also affect the discoloration of anthocyanins, the temperature is low in the morning, the color of the flowers is light; in the afternoon, the temperature is high, the color becomes darker. The difference in color between plateaus and the tropics is due to temperature.

<h1>Are there any plants that can "walk"? </h1>

Yes. There is a kind of "awakening tree" in the eastern and western parts of the United States,

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

This plant can grow with peace of mind in places with sufficient water, and once there is a drought and lack of water, it will "pull" the roots out of the soil, roll them into a sphere, and go with the wind. When you encounter a place with water, stretch the curly roots and insert them into the soil to start a new life. When the drought comes, the tumbleweed in the northeast of China will also collect the roots from the soil and roll with the wind in a ball.

<h1>Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? </h1>

Plants also have "parasites". Some plants parasitize other plants and sustain life by absorbing nutrients from the parasitic plants, a phenomenon called "parasitism". Common parasitic plants are Silkworm

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

, Ledang, Snake, Mistletoe, Mulberry Parasitism, Rootless Vine, etc.

<h1>Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? </h1>

Among the mimetic plants, the most striking is the horned waslamic orchid of the family Tuilanaceae,

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

In order to get pollination of horned bees, its flowers look like the bodies of female horned bees. In some of the stone thickets of southern Africa, a plant called "stone flower" grows, and its thick leaves are particularly pebble-like in color and shape. In the Himalayas of China, the appearance of "eye grass" is like a cobra with its head held high, which often makes some small herbivores daunted.

<h1>What do the rings on the tree tell us? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

The rings contain a wealth of climatic, astronomical, medical and environmental information. In history, such as encountering ships that have sunk in previous generations, the tree species of the shipbuilding is determined according to the annual ring pattern of the ship's wood, and the age of distress is inferred according to the corrosion condition; meteorological science, the paleoclimate changes over thousands of years can be inferred through the width and narrowness of the annual ring, the width of the annual ring indicates that the sunshine is sufficient, the wind and rain are smooth, and the narrow annual ring indicates that the temperature is low, the rainfall is small, and the climate is harsh.

<h1>Why are iron tree blossoms rare? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

The iron tree, scientific name cycad, is one of the most primitive seed plants on earth. Iron tree flowering has a strong regionality, it likes humid heat, good light, and the northern part of our country has little rainfall, dry, iron trees often take decades or even hundreds of years to flower, some do not flower for life; iron trees that grow in the tropics can bloom and bear fruit every year after 10 years.

<h1>What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

If the tree is not growing very densely, it is generally possible to distinguish north from north from the trunk: the smooth side is south, and the other side is north. It is identified by the direction in which the leaves grow, and the general direction of the leaf face is the south side. Identified by the annual rings of the trees, the side with the wider annual ring distance is the south that is sunny and can make the trees grow well. It can also be distinguished by the moss of stone or tree roots, which prefers to grow in wet places, that is, in the back of the sun, and its reverse is the south of the sun. If the trees are dense, the direction facing the mouth of the ant nest is generally south.

<h1>Are figs really fruitless without flowering? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

Figs are flowering. It flowers on the total shaft, the tip of which is recessed downwards and grows into a thick fleshy hollow ball with an unsealed hole in the top. The ball is cut open with a knife, and many small male flowers can be seen at the upper end of the perimeter of the cavity, with small female flowers at the lower end, and the figs are pollinated by insects, and during the flowering season, there is a bug that burrows into the small hole to help pollinate it.

<h1>Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen? </h1>

13 kinds of plant secrets, such as some plants will "glow" and "walk" magic plant secrets Which plants will eat animals? Does the blossom have a sound? What is the longest-lived plant in the world? Do plants have biological clocks? Which plants emit light? Are there any plants that can "walk"? Animals have parasites. So are there any plants? Which plants have discoloration, mimetic bionic functions? What do the rings on the tree tell us? Why are iron tree blossoms rare? What tips can I get from plants when I get lost in the wild? Are figs really fruitless without flowering? Why are black, coffee-colored flowers rarely seen?

The plant's colorful flowers, a major function is to attract pollinators. Of course, there are also some green, black and other uncommon colors of flowers, China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan region has a plant called tiger whiskers, the flowers are black.