
Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

author:My God

Located in the north of South America, it is the largest, largest and most tributary river in the world. Since the river length measurement method is inconclusive, the Amazon River length has a variety of different theories, one of which is the common 6400 km, with a basin area of more than 6.9 million square kilometers.

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?


We all know that China's first largest river is the Yangtze River, the length is more than 6300 kilometers, the basin area is only more than 1.8 million square kilometers, only Wuhan City has more than a dozen bridges and tunnels, across the Yangtze River there are nearly 90 bridges, and the world's largest river Amazon River does not have a bridge, which makes many geographical science enthusiasts some doubts, the length of more than 6400 kilometers on the river, why there is no bridge?

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

Wuhan Parrot Island Yangtze River Bridge

Of course, there are many bridges and tunnels in China, on the one hand, for geographical reasons, on the other hand, because China has the elegant name of "infrastructure madness", every mountain opens the road and meets the water to build bridges, it seems to have become a common thing in infrastructure construction, and in recent years, in the construction of bridges and tunnels across rivers, rivers, seas, etc., a lot of world firsts have been created!

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

So is it that our "fund demon" has arrived at Amazon, and it is natural to conquer the environment there? So far, we haven't known, mainly because the environment in the Amazon is so terrifying that it's known as the "no-go zone for humanity"! Bridges in China have the reputation of "natural grabens to change the way", but in Amazon is not modern technology can meet!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > Amazon have it all scary? </h1>

A few years ago, we watched the military theme movie "Rushing Out of the Amazon", and we also know a little bit about the Amazon, the ferocity of the Amazon is not only a dense primeval forest, but also a very scary creature that we can't see, including agnito, caiman, electric eel, arapaima and piranhas, etc., which are terrible to think about!

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?


Amazonian dolphins are the world's largest freshwater dolphin, reaching up to 2.6 meters in adult size, and piranhas, which live in groups and may attack humans and animals, although many experts do not think they are so terrible, but in the 1981 capsizing accident in Óbidos 300 people were killed in their mouths. There are also anacondas in the shallow waters of the Amazon Basin, the largest snake in the world, which spend most of their time in the water, exposing only their nostrils to the water, but the anaconda generally does not attack fishermen. There are also thousands of species of fish, crabs and turtles living in the river, and many native species: piranha, Fushou snail, Helena butterfly, Menglun Wang lotus, these names seem to have never been heard!

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

Toothpick fish

Of course, in addition, there is also a parasitic catfish in the Amazon Hanoi that is very interested in the human urethra, also called toothpick fish, which is a catfish that grows in the Amazon Basin of South America, probably the smallest vertebrate in the world, the adult is less than 10 cm, the body color is transparent, the body shape is slender, so it is difficult to find in the water, belongs to the hairy catfish family, the gill cover has a bundle of spines, lives by parasitics, usually drills into the gills of large fish, hooks with spines, and sucks fish blood. With a smooth, mucus-like skin and inverted spines, the fish's gills are powerful and fast swimmers that are creepy at the same time. Swimming in Hanoi and xiao xie is a big taboo for tourists, because toothpick fish will be attracted by body fluids, and quickly burrow into the human body to suck blood and even eat human tissue, causing severe pain. Unless surgery is performed, toothpick fish will not drill out of the human body, and even the locals are afraid to smell it.

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?


There are countless such terrifying creatures, and in short, the necessity of the bridge is very obvious to the surrounding residents.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > environment in the Amazon Basin</h1>

The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world and the largest river in the world, with a flow of 219,000 cubic meters per second, which is several times larger than the sum of the other three major rivers, the Nile (Africa), the Yangtze River (China), and the Mississippi River (usa), which is about equivalent to the flow of 7 Yangtze Rivers, accounting for 20% of the world's river flow; the basin area is 6.915 million square kilometers, accounting for 40% of the total area of South America; and the number of tributaries is more than 15,000. More than half of the Amazon River is located in Brazil, and Brazil's capacity is not enough to build a bridge.

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

Amazon River Basin Water System

Due to the rainy areas near the equator, the amount of water is abundant all year round, and the average annual flow of the Amazon estuary is as high as 210,000 cubic meters per second, making it the world's widest and largest river in the basin, which Brazilians proudly call "river sea". The Amazon River nourishes the vast expanse of South America and gives birth to the world's largest tropical rainforest, making this area recognized as the world's most mysterious "kingdom of life". Moreover, the entire Amazon basin is inhabited by only 15 million people, most of whom are indigenous people who live on fishing and hunting, and because of the tributaries like capillaries, it is difficult to connect the local area with several bridges, and the economic value of building bridges is far less economical than that of ships!

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

The upper reaches of the Amazon River are about 2,500 kilometers long and are divided into upper and lower sections. The upper section is about 1,000 km long, with a drop of 5,000 m, deep valleys and steep slopes, forming a series of rapid waterfalls; the lower section is the section between the two estuaries of the Two Estuaries of the Amazon River, because of the slow flow and developed flow into the Amazon Plain, the width of the river to the end is about 2000 meters. It is controlled by equatorial low pressure all year round, with high temperatures throughout the year, updraft, and easy clouds to rain. The Amazon River and its tributaries converge, bringing abundant water to the rainforest. The terrain opens up to the Atlantic Ocean, ensuring a constant supply of water vapor. As a result, cities in the Amazon River basin are scarce.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" why aren't there bridges on the Amazon >? </h1>

The Amazon plains are low and flat, mostly below 150 metres above sea level, making it a place where rivers meander and there are many lakes and swamps. Rainy, humid and persistently hot climates are the hallmarks of the climate. There is no hard rock here, once the rainfall is large, the riverbed is immediately washed away, there are too many uncertainties, not only to build a bridge, even the living may be unsettled, what is the use of building a bridge in such a situation?

Why hasn't a bridge dared to cross the Amazon? Bridge: Can't control the horrors of the Amazon River, is the Amazon all terrible? Environment in the Amazon Basin Why are there no bridges on the Amazon?

The bridge was still there, and the river was running

Even if the bridge is built, after the flood, the river "runs", then it is not a waste of time! At this point, you should probably understand why there are no bridges on the Amazon, right? That's the horror of the Amazon!

#亚马逊河 #