
The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

author:Zhang Fei, who reads 10,000 books

The Tang and Song dynasties were the heyday of Chinese feudal society and an important stage in the development of China's land system. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the land system underwent succession and changes, which was not only the inevitable result of social and economic development, but also the inevitable embodiment of historical changes. This paper will discuss the inheritance and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

1. The succession of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

The succession of the land system in the Tang Dynasty is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Promotion of the average field system

The Tang Dynasty's practice of the average-field system was an important milestone in China's feudal land system. The implementation of the equalization system made the nationalization of land a reality, and it also had a significant impact on the redistribution of land. In the Tang Dynasty, the implementation of the average-field system was both an economic and a political means, which helped to strengthen the central government's control over land, and at the same time helped to regulate social contradictions and maintain social stability.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

The implementation of the average-field system fundamentally changed the land system in China's feudal society. Before the Tang Dynasty, land was basically privately owned, and the ownership and use of land were in the hands of landowners. The implementation of the average-field system made the nationalization of land a reality. The equalization system stipulates that each farming household divides the land equally, achieving an equal distribution of land. This equal distribution of land separates the right to use the land from the ownership, with the ownership of the land vested in the state and the right to use in the peasant households. This distribution method helps to reduce the burden of farmers, increase their enthusiasm for production, and also help strengthen the central government's control over land.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

The implementation of the average-field system has also played an important role in regulating social contradictions and maintaining social stability. The contradictions in Tang Dynasty society were mainly manifested in the land issue, and the concentration and privatization of land led to the unfair distribution of land and aggravated social contradictions. The implementation of the equalization system has made the distribution of land more fair, reduced the occurrence of social contradictions, and helped maintain social stability.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

The implementation of the system is not only beneficial to farmers and the central government, but also has great significance for the development of the entire country. The implementation of the average-field system has improved the efficiency of land use and developed agricultural production, thus promoting economic prosperity. At the same time, the system also helped to promote local political stability, thus laying the foundation for the country's unity and development.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

To sum up, the Tang Dynasty's average-field system was an important milestone in China's feudal land system. The implementation of the system of equal fields will not only help strengthen the central government's control over land, but also help to regulate social contradictions and maintain social stability. At the same time, the implementation of the average field system has also had a positive impact on the development of the entire country.

2. The development of private ownership of land

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

The private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty was further developed, mainly in the following aspects.

First of all, the private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty was further strengthened. The Tang Dynasty implemented the system of equal fields, which divided land equally according to the size of the family, and established the basis of private land ownership. At the same time, the Tang Dynasty also stipulated the ownership of land, and the establishment of land ownership made the private ownership of land more stable.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

Second, the circulation of land in the Tang Dynasty was developed more freely. Land circulation in the Tang Dynasty was mainly divided into two forms, one was land canonization, that is, land was used as collateral to borrow funds; The other is land sales, that is, the transfer of land. In the Tang Dynasty, land quality and land buying and selling made land circulation more free and land resources more rationally utilized.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

Third, private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty promoted the development of agricultural production. Private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty enabled land owners to make better use of land resources and increase land output. At the same time, the private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty also promoted technological innovation in agricultural production, agricultural production tools and farming methods were continuously improved, and the level of agricultural production was greatly improved.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

Finally, private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty promoted social and economic development. The private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty enabled landowners to make better use of land resources and continuously increase the output of agricultural production, thereby promoting the development of the commodity economy. At the same time, the private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty also promoted the development of cities, which needed a large number of agricultural products, and agricultural production could provide sufficient food for the city, thus promoting the prosperity of the city.

In short, the private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty was further developed, making the private ownership of land more stable, the circulation of land more free, agricultural production greatly improved, and social economy also achieved greater development.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

3. Improvement of the land taxation system

The Tang Dynasty was a glorious period in Chinese history, and its governance systems and policies were also praised by later generations. Among them, the land taxation system was an important part of the political economy of the Tang Dynasty and was further improved.

The land taxation system of the Tang Dynasty was continuously perfected and improved on the basis of the previous generation. In the early Tang Dynasty, the "average field system" was implemented, that is, land was distributed according to the number of household registrations and taxes were implemented. In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, as the drawbacks of the average-field system gradually became apparent, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang began to implement the "Three Divisions Tax Law", that is, to collect taxes according to the output and quality of land. At this time, land taxation has changed from a simple number of household registrations to an assessment of land output, which is more fair and reasonable.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

Another important feature of the land taxation system in the Tang Dynasty was the government's management and supervision of land taxation. The Tang Dynasty set up special tax agencies, such as the Hubu, the Duzhi Envoy, and the Three Divisional Envoys, to supervise and manage land taxation. At the same time, the government also strictly supervises the circulation and quality of land to ensure the fairness and reasonableness of tax collection.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

In addition, the land taxation system of the Tang Dynasty also focused on encouraging and supporting agricultural production. The Tang Dynasty government attached great importance to the reclamation of farmland and the construction of water conservancy facilities, providing strong support and guarantee for agricultural production. At the same time, the government has also formulated a series of agricultural policies and measures, such as tax exemptions and loans, to encourage farmers to actively produce.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

In short, the land taxation system of the Tang Dynasty has been further improved, from the number of household registrations to the assessment of land output, and then to the management and supervision of the government, all of which reflect the fairness and rationality of the Tang Dynasty government's land taxation. At the same time, the Tang Dynasty government also paid attention to the encouragement and support of agricultural production, provided strong guarantees and assistance for farmers, and promoted the prosperity and development of society.

Second, the changes in the land system of the Tang and Song dynasties

The changes in the land system of the Tang and Song dynasties are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

1. Further development of private land ownership

The private ownership of land in the Tang Dynasty was further developed, mainly in two aspects: first, the right to operate and use the land was gradually separated, peasants could freely transfer the right to operate the land, while the landlord could retain the right to use the land; Second, the mode of land management has begun to change to the household production system, and the fruits of peasants' labor on the land can get certain benefits.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

In the Song Dynasty, the private ownership of land reached its peak, which was manifested in the following aspects: first, the private nature of land was more obvious, the landlord's ownership and use rights of land were guaranteed, and the peasants could only be used as users of land; Second, the mode of land management began to change to a single-person operation, and the landlord no longer directly managed the land, but leased the land to the peasants or hired the peasants to operate, which promoted the development of productive forces; Third, the transfer of land ownership has begun to transfer to businessmen and landlord groups, and the circulation of land management rights has become more flexible, which has made the degree of marketization of land constantly increasing.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

In short, private ownership of land in the Tang and Song dynasties developed differently in different historical contexts, but both showed a trend of land privatization. Behind this trend is the development of socio-economic structure and productive forces, but also brings a series of social problems, such as land annexation and the gap between the rich and the poor. Therefore, in the process of the development of private land ownership, it is necessary to strengthen the protection and management of land resources, and at the same time pay attention to the livelihood and interests of farmers, so as to achieve social equity and stable development.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

2. Intensification of land acquisition

The Song Dynasty was a very important dynasty in Chinese history, during which many important historical events and social phenomena occurred. Among them, the phenomenon of land annexation was a very serious problem in the society of the Song Dynasty, more serious than that of the Tang Dynasty. This phenomenon had an extremely profound impact on the economy, politics and culture of Song Dynasty society.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

First of all, the phenomenon of land annexation in the Song Dynasty was mainly caused by uneven economic development and social class differentiation. With the development of the economy, the value of land continues to rise, and land ownership has become a very important social resource. In this process, some wealthy landlords and businessmen began to use their capital and social status to acquire and annex land through various means, thus forming a large number of land tycoons. These land-rich people are occupying an increasingly important position in the economy, while the peasants at the bottom of society are becoming poorer, and the phenomenon of land acquisition is becoming more serious.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

Second, the phenomenon of land annexation had an impact not only on the economy and society of the Song Dynasty, but also on politics and culture. Politically, the phenomenon of land annexation has led to the division of social classes and threatened the stability of society. Culturally, the phenomenon of land annexation has led to the moral decline of society and the distortion of values. The exploitation of peasants and workers by any means by some landlords and businessmen in pursuit of profit not only violated social justice and moral principles, but also led to social inequality and instability.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

In short, the phenomenon of land annexation in the Song Dynasty was more serious than in the Tang Dynasty, and the reason was caused by uneven economic development and social class differentiation. This phenomenon had an extremely profound impact on the economy, politics and culture of Song society, and its negative effects still exist today. We therefore need to learn from history to strengthen land management and protection and promote justice, stability and sustainable development of societies.

3. Changes in the land taxation system

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties

The land taxation system in the Song Dynasty changed. In the Song Dynasty, land taxes were mainly levied by landlords on peasants, a system known as "rent adjustment". The implementation of this system not only protects the interests of landlords, but also has a serious impact on the livelihood of farmers. This change in the system caused social contradictions and laid the foundation for the changes in the Song Dynasty.


The inheritance and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties is not only the inevitable result of historical development, but also the inevitable embodiment of social and economic changes. The development of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties laid the foundation for the prosperity of China's feudal society and made important contributions to the progress and development of Chinese history.

The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties
The succession and change of the land system in the Tang and Song dynasties