
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

author:Central Shanxi City Circle

【Shouyang • Toutiao】"Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" unlocks Shouyang's new image

Speaking of Shouyang, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the third-generation emperor Qi Huanzao, or the heroine Yin Lingzhi of Liu Hulan? Is it a fat but not greasy pork head, or dried tofu? This "May Day" holiday, the hottest word is "into Zi to catch up with the roast", and in Shouyang, the hottest word is "Xiaohe barbecue tribe".

The holiday is not over, Shouyang "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" has received more than 50,000 tourists, and the "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" series of short videos has accumulated more than 500,000+ hits... There is no doubt that "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" has become the most popular "Internet celebrity check-in point" in Shouyang. Behind the "Internet celebrity" and "explosion" is undoubtedly the result of a series of factors such as the city's cultural heritage, environmental improvement, and treatment temperature.

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

Follow the trend to create a new brand of cultural tourism

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

People often say that this is an era of "traffic is king", especially with the wide application of short video APP in daily life, any new idea and new hot spot may quickly become a "flashpoint" of regional cultural tourism promotion, promoting "traffic" into "retention", whether it is the "cultural and tourism director applied for battle" at the beginning of the year, or this "entering Zi to catch up", which profoundly proves this point.

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

The villages along the Shouyang Xiao River are accompanied by mountains and rivers, fresh air and pleasant scenery, and every spring and summer intersection, many tourists spontaneously come here for leisure camping, enjoy the beauty of nature and the taste of food. When "entering Zi to catch up with baking" has become the "flashpoint" of the whole network, the county party committee and the county government keenly captured that barbecue can become a new brand of Shouyang cultural tourism work. In order to seize the rare "barbecue heat" and the peak period of mass travel and play during the "May Day" small long holiday, the main leaders of the county party committee and the county government have repeatedly gone to the villages along the Xiaohe River to understand the situation of rural environmental improvement and infrastructure construction on the spot, and also frequently organized water conservancy, cultural tourism, transportation and other departments and relevant townships to seriously study the preparatory plan for the "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe".

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

In particular, the "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" May Day holiday activity was launched, and the order of holiday leisure activities along the Xiaohe River was further standardized by setting up seven points in three areas, including Duan Ting, Jiangong, Lujiazhuang, Dongta, Lisi, Liyuan, and Longqi Lake Scenic Area, and also equipped with safety management personnel at each point; At the same time, there are also a variety of Shouyang special snacks for sale at each point, such as crisp and delicious Yulu fragrant pears, sweet and sour dried apricot pears, golden and splendid wood millet, crystal clear Duan Ting rice, crisp and fragrant 10,000 melon seeds, all of which make tourists praise. The "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" May Day holiday activity not only enhances the travel experience of the majority of outdoor leisure people, but also takes a solid first step to build a new brand of cultural tourism in the county.

Indulge in the color of the landscape and eat the smell of fireworks in the world

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

Stroll by the Xiao River, the smell of fireworks is strong. The flowing water, the trees, the birds and insects, the Xiaohe barbecue tribe along the river, the barbecue aroma is overflowing, carrying the laughter of tourists. "The environment is very good, everyone is having fun." "Walking into the landscape and the city still has a different feeling, and the heart is more relaxed." "I love this environment, the atmosphere with mountains and water is very good." This year's Xiaohe barbecue tribe focuses on the sense of atmosphere, which is the common feeling of most tourists. This phenomenon is inseparable from the beautiful natural scenery of Xiaohe, and it is also beneficial to the development of the "three governance, three constructions and three evaluations" in rural areas.

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

Since the launch of the founding action, all townships have focused on fighting dirt and chaos and famine, using green as makeup, water as the medium, and culture as the essence to build forest villages, water beauty villages, and cultural tourism villages, injecting a steady stream of vitality into the comprehensive improvement of the countryside. Treating barren slopes and weeds, cleaning up silt, salvaging floating garbage in rivers, replacing open garbage ponds with plastic bins... After environmental improvement and water conservancy construction, today's Xiao River, large areas of grass, crystal clear river water and smooth and wide parking lots, further enhance the good experience of tourists camping and barbecue.

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

"I came last year, and this year I feel much cleaner and the surroundings have improved a lot." Mr. Zhang, a tourist camper, brought his family and children to the Xiaohe barbecue tribe in Jiangong today. Compared with the previous dirty, deserted and chaotic, Mr. Zhang sighed deeply: "This year, the camping environment is more clean and tidy, the management of personnel and vehicles is also orderly, and more friends will be recommended in the future." ”

Strengthen service guarantee and shape the new image of Shouchuan

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

When faced with the daily flow of more than 10,000+ people of the "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe", it also really tests the response ability and grassroots governance ability of the whole county. The staff of the County Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Songta Town, Sheephead Cliff Township and Xiluo Town took the initiative to give up holidays and turned into volunteers, waiters and salesmen to create a good playing environment for tourists. Li Shunan, a township cadre in Xiluo Town, not only introduced Xiluo's special snacks at the sales point of the Duanting Village Jiangong Group, but also made the "business" into the circle of friends. She said, "I didn't expect that there would be so many people in the 'Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe', although the holiday was lost, but our Xiluo Yulu pears and millet let more people know, and the people's agricultural products have a wider sales channel." ”

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

The traffic management brigade of the county public security bureau has strengthened road surface patrols, strengthened road surface control, increased the control of tourist chartered vehicles, passenger vehicles, taxis, engineering vehicles and other vehicles, strictly investigated and dealt with serious traffic violations such as overloading, speeding, drunk driving, fatigue driving, and driving without a license, strictly prevented traffic accidents, and built a safe "protective wall" for tourists coming to Shou; The County Market Supervision Administration strictly reviews and registers all food sellers, and at the same time sends law enforcement personnel to the scene every day to carry out supervision and inspection, using rapid detection technology to sample and inspect the food raw materials operated by the food sellers, focusing on the detection of pesticide, veterinary drug residues and other indicators of food raw materials to ensure food safety... At the same time, each township has also actively produced the "Tourist Consultation Form" to keep abreast of tourists' "pain points", summarize and sort out every day, study corrective measures every night, and make targeted improvements in a timely manner, so as to effectively create a comfortable and reassuring play environment for tourists.

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

"The grid chief posted a message in the group, saying that our village was going to hold the 'Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe' May Day holiday, and we took the initiative to come and help." Li Erniu's family lives near the barbecue spot, and after knowing the news of the event, he spontaneously came over to help tourists find parking spaces, light stoves, and skewers, "If guests want to come, of course we have to be warmly welcomed!" "In recent years, Shouyang County has been guided by the special action of grasping party building and promoting the improvement of grassroots governance capabilities, and vigorously carried out grid empowerment and efficiency improvement work, truly making the grid a "capillary" connecting every household, activating the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance, strengthening the relationship between grassroots cadres and the masses, and laying a solid foundation for social governance.

Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang
Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" shows the new image of Shouyang

Standing water flows deep to reach far. The "one-hit hit" of the "Xiaohe Barbecue Tribe" is inseparable from the careful planning of "borrowing the east wind", but it is more derived from the cultivation and accumulation of Shouyang in recent years, and it is the accumulation after a long period of achievement. Only by putting effort into peacetime, daily accumulation of size, laying a solid foundation and making sufficient preparations, can we encounter opportunities, take the lead, "three major events" injected development momentum, ten major livelihood projects are saturated with people's feelings of "people's livelihood account", the continuous optimization and upgrading of the business environment makes the environmental magnetic field more attractive, rural revitalization and urban quality improvement are intertwined with the main theme of happy life, and the rising enthusiasm for entrepreneurship drives the new engine of Shouyang's high-quality development... "Xiaohe barbecue tribe" began on "May Day", but it is not only "May Day" , Shouyang because of the "Xiaohe barbecue tribe" won visitors from all directions, but will never stop at the "Xiaohe barbecue tribe", Shouyang will improve skills and accumulate energy bit by bit, shape the image in every move, compete for the lead, and cultivate tomorrow's potential with today's efforts.