
Zou Xixiang, the sniper god of the volunteer army, killed 203 enemies with 206 bullets, which is legendary!

author:Miss you when the wind rises 1089

Zou Xixiang, born in 1922 in a peasant family of the He family of the Gang Gang tribe in Liyuan, Wuchuan, Guizhou Province, when he was very young, Zou Xixiang learned to hunt with his father, he has excellent eyesight, as long as the prey appears in the line of sight, he can accurately judge the position of the prey, almost nothing, and became a well-known sharpshooter when he was a teenager!

Zou Xixiang, the sniper god of the volunteer army, killed 203 enemies with 206 bullets, which is legendary!

In the late stage of the Liberation War, the rule of the Kuomintang had collapsed, and there were no soldiers available, so he was frantically arresting Zhuangding in the southwest region, as long as it was a man, whether old or young, he could not escape, at that time Zou Xixiang, who was strong and had grown into a big man, was forcibly incorporated into the Kuomintang ranks, and later, the Chinese People's Liberation Army liberated Dushan, and Zou Xixiang's location was determined to revolt, just like that, he became a PLA soldier!

When the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out in 1950, he followed his troops to participate in the war in Korea, and in the battle, because of his outstanding performance, especially his divine marksmanship, the enemy suffered a lot, so he was soon appointed as a platoon commander.

Zou Xixiang, the sniper god of the volunteer army, killed 203 enemies with 206 bullets, which is legendary!

In October 1952, the Battle of Shangganling broke out, Zou Xixiang's unit received the task of garrisoning Beishan on the 537.7 highland, the intensity of this battle was rare in the world, it lasted for 43 days, and finally we won the victory, this victory was hard-won, it was won by thousands of heroes like Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, Sun Zhanyuan and so on.

According to post-war statistics, Zou Xixiang and his comrades killed a total of 3,558 enemies with cold guns, while he himself, with 206 bullets, annihilated 203 enemies, which is legendary. He was also awarded the title of "Hero of Cold Guns" by the headquarters of the Volunteer Army. The Americans call the 537.7 Heights North Hill Sniper Ridge!

Zou Xixiang, the sniper god of the volunteer army, killed 203 enemies with 206 bullets, which is legendary!

In 1956, Zou Xixiang was demobilized and returned to his hometown, he never mentioned his past deeds to the local organization, but chose to abide by his duty and make his own contribution to the construction of his hometown.

Zou Xixiang, the sniper god of the volunteer army, killed 203 enemies with 206 bullets, which is legendary!

In his grandson's mobile phone, there is a military merit certificate in Korean. His grandson said blankly, I don't know what it means, but I only listened to my grandfather and saw Kim Il Sung, the award given by North Korea. After seeing it, a Korean translator said that it was a second-class meritorious service certificate issued by the Standing Committee of the People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which read: "Comrade Zou Xixiang was awarded second-class merit for participating in the Battle of Shangganling." "Date of payment: November 1952. Because of this, we can now know the story of the old hero!

Now the mountains and rivers are unharmed, the country and the people are safe, thousands of you have bought with blood and life, pay tribute to the heroes, today is prosperous, as you wish!