
She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

author:Momo Zao talked

She is the first female academician in New China, she has never been married, but she has 50,000 children, call her mother. She is Zhong Nanshan's aunt and Yuan Longping's midwife. She personally delivered more than 50,000 babies in her lifetime and is known as the mother of ten thousand babies. She is Lin Qiaozhi, the pioneer of obstetrics and gynecology in China.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

Lin Qiaozhi

Lin Qiaozhi, born in Gulangyu, Fujian in 1901, when she was five years old, her mother died of illness, and she decided from a young age that I wanted to study medicine. She was admitted to Peking Union Medical College at the age of 19 and became the first female doctor of medicine at the age of 28. But she unexpectedly chose obstetrics and gynecology, which many people did not look at at at the time. At that time, the maternal and neonatal mortality rates in China were very high, and Lin Qiaozhi's idea was very simple, wanting to save more mothers and babies.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

In 1932, she was sent by the school to study at the London Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Manchester Medical School in England, and later she went to study at the University of Chicago, where the school wanted her to stay in the United States, but she insisted that I was a Chinese and that Chinese mothers and babies needed me to return.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

Lin Qiaozhi

In 1940, Lin Qiaozhi returned to China and became the first Chinese female director in the history of Union Hospital. During the war, Union Hospital was forced to close its doors, and her medical research was interrupted for nearly 10 years. Later, Lin Qiaozhi rented a few rooms in Beijing's Dongtangzi Hutong and opened a gynecological clinic, which was not only free for many poor patients, but also reverted. She often puts some money in her house call bag to relieve patients in need. After the founding of New China, she saw a doctor in the outpatient clinic of Union Medical College Hospital, and also encouraged ordinary people not to hang up her expert number, telling them that "hang my ordinary number, and I will also treat you for a doctor." She taught everyone in the obstetrics and gynecology department that saving one pregnant woman and pregnant woman is saving two people.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

Lin Qiaozhi

She treats every patient extremely seriously, often touching the patient's head, wiping the sweat from their foreheads, and never sending any patient away without saying a word. She said that doctors treat people, not repair machines, but face real people. Lin Qiaozhi is very strict in the management of the inpatient ward, she requires the nurses not to make loud noises, move the chair to be lifted, move the leg to lift, not make the sound of shoes mopping the floor, take care of the patient, and create a quiet space.

Lin Qiaozhi generally never performs surgery during delivery, but strives to correct the fetal position. She said that there must never be a situation where a doctor cures a disease and a patient loses a harmonious and complete life. During her lifetime, she also vigorously promoted the health screening of Chinese women. She said that the hospital is only the second line of defense for treatment, and the first line of defense is prevention, but there was great resistance at that time, because women were imprisoned by traditional ideas and felt that gynecological examinations were not very honorable, Lin Qiaozhi had to take doctors door-to-door mobilization, under her inspiration, hundreds of thousands of women across the country walked into the hospital and began their first gynecological examinations.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

She wrote tens of thousands of medical records by hand throughout her life, and every page was neatly made. She said that doctors should write well, which is the minimum bottom line.

In December 1978, Lin Qiaozhi and Chu Tunan led a Chinese-people-to-people friendship delegation to visit four Western European countries, and returned to China in the United Kingdom due to ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Upon examination, she was diagnosed with hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, and heart disease. During her illness, she began to write books on gynecological oncology in wheelchairs and hospital beds, and completed the 500,000-word monograph "Gynecologic Oncology" in 4 years.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

Lin Qiaozhi stamps

On 2 December 1980, she was admitted to hospital with an aggravated condition. Although discouraged by relatives and friends, she continued to work. At this time, she was no longer a resident doctor, but she asked the doctor and nurse on call to notify her as soon as there was a problem with the patient, even in the middle of the night. Even the day before she died, she delivered six babies.

On April 22, 1983, Lin Qiaozhi passed away peacefully. Before leaving, she left a will and explained three things: first, she saved 30,000 yuan in her life and donated it all to kindergartens and nurseries, second, her body was donated to the hospital for medical research, and third, her ashes were sprinkled on the sea surface of her hometown of Gulangyu Island, Fujian. Her last words were, I have no guilt, no concern, no regret, and I can go away.

She never married, but had 50,000 children, and six children were delivered the day before she died

It has been many years since Dr. Lin Qiaozhi passed away, but she never seems to have gone far. We miss Lin Qiaozhi because she let us see the greatness of doctors and let us feel the brilliance of women. The healer sees the disease, saves the heart, prescribes medicine, and gives love. Skill is not high but virtuous, skill is not skillful but benevolent. Going all out is her greatest respect for her own life and the greatest sincerity for the lives of her patients...