
Exotic creatures in Costa Rica


#Natural headlines #The rainforests within Costa Rica are among the oldest pristine jungles in the world. In this hidden world, there are many strange species that live together to feed around. In this almost plant-covered place, the most convenient way to get out is from the trees.

The white-faced capuchin monkey is the smartest and most adaptable animal in the jungle. They are widely distributed throughout Costa Rica. The so-called many people are powerful, and many capuchin monkeys living together can cope with various accidents together. The 4-meter-long python relies on its body to wrap tightly around its prey and die. The white-faced capuchin monkey is also part of the python's recipe. Monkey herds have monkeys who stand guard and keep watch, and alert monkeys often leave pythons inoperable. Capuchin monkeys rely heavily on cooperation between groups and deep affection between families, and they take turns grooming each other to make each other more intimate. But in order to be able to take care of each other's feelings, trust must stand the test. This kind of test is a bit like "big eyes and small eyes", an extraordinary behavior that has recently been discovered by scientists. This is a behavior unique to Costa Rican capuchin monkeys. They performed such ceremonies in pairs, sitting for an hour at a time, as if they had entered the realm of "old monks settling down." Scientists believe that these behaviors can lead to trust between ethnic groups and deepen mutual affection. But this behavior is different from combing hair, and it is really impossible to judge what the practical significance is.

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica

White-faced capuchin monkey

Costa Rica's wild world is as strange as its varied landscape. It is the only place in the world that is so small that it can accommodate a variety of habitat landscapes. It was only 300 million years ago that this young landland rose from the ocean as a bridge between North and South America and a place where the animals of the two continents merged.

The proboscis raccoon was one of the first animals to roost from North America. They are close relatives of raccoons, and they usually can't stop for a moment, always looking for food everywhere. Male proboscis raccoons usually act alone, while males and females like to pull their cubs around in gangs to forage around. They are used to cocking their tails high into the air for getting to know each other. The proboscis raccoon is an omnivore, and a rotten trunk can be nibbled for half a day. But jungle life is full of dangers, . With 500,000 species of animals living in this small jungle world, narrow roads meet often. Mountain lions are the mighty carnivores of this jungle, and the proboscis raccoon is often the food on the mountain lion's table. The cougar has a number of skill additions, can run at a speed of up to 40 km/h, can swim in the water, and even climb trees.

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica


This behavior of the long-tailed pygmy bird is truly unique in the jungles of Costa Rica, where two males will dance together to attract the attention of the female. The female bird is very picky about mate selection and disdains to watch the single bird performance, so the two male birds dance together, and the strange thing is that one of the male birds is willing to be the spare tire of the female bird, because only the male protagonist has the opportunity to mate, although the supporting actor's dance skills are not inferior, but they will leave after the performance. Such a partnership can last up to 10 years, and only after the death of the male protagonist can the supporting actor mate. Only then can you inherit the hero's territory and find your own heir.

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica

Long-tailed pygmy bird

The most colorful animals in the jungle are often the deadliest. Pit vipers' venom destroys blood tissue, making them the most dangerous animals in the world. Snakes are good at ambushing, and in the jungle snakes have also learned strange camouflage skills. Even snakes belonging to the same family have great differences in color and pattern. The red-eyed tree frog is good at using color for self-defense. The bright red eyes are used to scare enemies, it is very good at climbing trees, and there are suction cups on the toes that can be adsorbed on leaves and branches. Tree frogs are nocturnal, most frogs lay eggs in the water, but the red-eyed tree frog is different, they lay their eggs under the leaves above the pond, but the yellow-bellied snake can easily eat the frog eggs, and the red-eyed tree frog eggs are the favorite food of the yellow-bellied snake. After 6 days, the frog eggs evolved into tadpoles, and the wash of heavy rain helped the tadpoles fall into the pond below. Tadpoles that fall into ponds will still become food for other animals. The cat-eyed snake (named for its eye-like eye) is an adult red-eyed tree frog whose main diet is tadpoles.

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica

Red-eyed tree frog

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica

Cat-eyed snake

Some animals have neither deadly fangs nor color camouflage, and can only survive on other skills. Green lizards need to be warmed in the sun, which exposes them to predators' eyes. Lizards are top-notch escapee athletes, and green lizards are able to "float on water" on the water. The Green Lizard is capable of reaching speeds of up to 1.5 m/s on water. But some animals can't run at all, sloths are the slowest mammals in the world, three-toed sloths move so slowly that algae can live in their hair, and their green coat can make them invisible in the leaves. Even their digestion process is very slow, and it takes a month to digest a leaf. Sloths live on top of trees, and their green fur protects them from being bitten by ants. It also provides a breeding ground for another species of tiny animal, the sloth moth lives only in the hair of the sloth, and hundreds of sloth moths grow in each sloth hair. This moth lives on the excrement of sloths, which defecate once a week and defecate on the ground. Moths lay their eggs in sloth droppings, and young moths feed on feces.

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica

Three-toed sloth

Costa Rica's mountain peaks are covered with mountainous rainforests, and in this warm, humid environment lives some extremely rare exotic animals. More than 50 species of hummingbirds make their home here, they suck nectar for a living, the most famous here is the anchovy green bite, some people say that there is no more beautiful bird in the entire Americas. The anchovy green-biting crater breeds in the tree hole, and the male will bring the avocado back to the hole for the female and young birds. The fruit of a fig tree is food for many birds, and in return birds help them spread the seeds.

Exotic creatures in Costa Rica

Anchovy green bites the cuckoo

From the clouds to the seashore, from the top of the trees to the underwater. Nature's activities never stop. Predation, dancing, transformation. Animals in every corner of the rainforest live non-stop.