
"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

author:Raising flowers

Recently, a green plant similar to coconut and bamboo has appeared in the field of vision of flowers, and many flower friends have also raised a few at home. Hua Hua went to the market to ask about it, and the price was really touching. It can be called a "cheap and big bowl", although its body size is relatively beautiful, but it has emerald green leaves and a straight posture.

"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

The height of the potted plant of the pocket coconut is generally not more than 1 meter, the stem is slender and upright, and it rarely branches, and it can also bloom yellow flowers and small red-orange fruits in spring.

"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

It likes to grow in a warm, humid and semi-shaded environment, so it is very suitable for raising in the living room and other inhospicious corners of the sun, or under some tall, large-leaf potted plants on the balcony. Pocket coconut prefers well-drained, moist loam soils because its native ring is relatively moist and warm.

"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

Its requirements for fertilizer are not high, generally in the growing season 1-2 times a month water fertilizer, late autumn and winter slightly fertilization or no fertilization. Change the pots every two to three years in the spring.

The principle of "small coconut" watering is to dry rather than wet, when the air is dry in summer and autumn, it is necessary to often water the "small coconut" in the form of spraying to improve the humidity of the environment, which is more conducive to its growth, and at the same time can also maintain the leaf oil green; in winter, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount and frequency of watering, which is conducive to the plant overwintering and keeping warm.

"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

As mentioned earlier, the pocket coconut prefers a semi-shaded environment, so it is afraid of direct sunlight. After being exposed to the sun, its leaves will fade or yellow, and even produce scorched leaves and dark spots. Therefore, when the sun is poisonous in the summer, it is best not to expose it directly to the balcony. Pocket coconuts are prone to brown spot disease in a high temperature and high humidity environment. In fact, brown spot disease often appears in plants, and timely spraying of drugs can be prevented. Insect pests such as mesozoans may also occur when the surrounding environment is dry and poorly ventilated. If insect pests are found, you can spray some homemade garlic solution, which will have some bactericidal and insecticidal effects, and you can also use professional insecticides, such as 800-1000 times dilution of oxidized fruit spray control.

"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

Because it likes a well-drained and slightly moist environment, many people use water to raise pocket coconuts, which not only meets its water-loving requirements, but also solves its drainage needs. The way to hydroponic pocket coconuts is also very simple, and there are now many special pots in the flower market. Wash the roots, put them in the partition net, and then put some pottery particles and other fillings, and finally put some decorative rubble on the surface of the clay, whether it is placed at home or on the desk is a different landscape.

"Cheap and big bowl" pocket coconut home has, the maintenance method is all here!

Today the flowers will introduce so much to you ~ there are friends who like pocket coconuts can try to plant in the way the flowers say, to ensure that your little "coconut" can be emerald green and tall Oh ~

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