
Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

author:Darling's female perspective
Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

May Day Golden Week, everywhere is a sea of people, this year is generally summarized in one word, that is, "blocked", there are many cars, tourist attractions are many.

Economic revitalization itself is a good thing, and only when it flows will the economy get better.

However, some people are about to come out with a moth, let it go out well and not play, but make a different scenery, and the result is accidentally on the national hot search, and the final gain is not worth the loss. [I want to be quiet]

At the tourist attraction of Dongyang Hengdian in Jinhua, Zhejiang, a mother and daughter forcibly cut in line, but were blocked by other tourists, but they did not expect to be cursed by the mother and daughter.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

At about 6 p.m. on April 30, at the ticket gate of Hong Kong Street, Guangzhou Street, everyone was lining up in an orderly manner to enter, and suddenly, a mother and daughter forcibly inserted themselves into the middle of a queue.

At this time, a young man in white behind him kindly told them, you have cut the queue, you have to line up. Your time is precious, and everyone's time is precious.

The young man may never have dreamed that this is a very normal reminder in itself, but he did not expect to usher in the bombardment of the mother and daughter.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender
Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

As a result, the mother and daughter looked at this little brother, although the elder person was relatively tall, but his temper was relatively weak, so his arrogance was immediately raised by 5 degrees.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

Mom said you don't know yet, I'm not easy to mess with!

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

My daughter said that I had provoked the wrong person, and I told you, I was going to cut the queue!

The man in white can only say weakly, I just remind you to cut the queue.

At this moment, the mood of the mother and daughter has reached its peak. I saw the young bespectacled daughter scolding and her face turned red [I want to be quiet]

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

My mother does not show weakness, her temper is particularly hot, and her expression is particularly fierce. Although her mother is older and has gray hair, she can't see a little kindness on her face that an old man should have.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

Netizens commented one after another, this is the female version of Li Youtian in the madness! [I want to be quiet]

We are not good bullies", what do you pull "why do you hold us", "You think you are a man, I'm afraid of you, right? ”,“我最讨厌就是你这样欺软怕硬的人,我们‬站到‬前面‬去了‬和‬你‬有‬什么‬关系‬? ”,“我告诉你‬,我‬不是‬好惹‬的‬,你‬这次‬惹错‬人了‬”。

Look at these words they say, if you don't cut the queue, will the people behind you pull you? It is impossible to pull very hard, maybe it should be a gentle pull with your hand, but I didn't expect to poke the hornet's nest.

In the past, when I was in Shanghai, the uncles and aunts around me, when they saw what happened on the road that should not be done, would enthusiastically help and condemn this immoral person together. There are many people and morale is high, and generally such people run away in ashes.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

I really feel sorry for the young man in white clothes, the young man, should not be particularly old, in the face of such two fierce women, the young man instantly felt invincible.

So from beginning to end, the young man didn't say two words, basically it was a mother and daughter, and they kept calling over there.

People say that what kind of mother has what kind of daughter, and many netizens feel that it is vividly reflected in this mother and daughter.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

Subsequently, an insider broke the details of the incident.

Originally, they were standing in the left line of the queue, but later found that they were standing wrong, that team was the window for checking tickets, and they didn't want to queue up again, so they directly moved to this side of the line.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

As things fermented, someone else revealed their background!

Some netizens said, who is this? What's the background? So arrogant, is it so reasonable to cut the queue? It's really the first time I've seen the queue cut in so righteously.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

This neighbor who does not live in the same neighborhood as them broke the news:

Good guy, it seems that this is a habitual offender! [Petrifying] the whole one is not easy to mess with the family.

During the quarrel, the mother and daughter also mentioned that they were Sichuanese, and she said that we Sichuanese are not easy to mess with.

But netizens in Sichuan couldn't sit still, and shouted one after another:

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender
Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender
Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

They cannot represent Sichuan!

Some netizens said, don't misunderstand, he is from Sichuan, not Chongqing [covering his face]

Some netizens said that Sichuanese people are not easy to mess with, but don't go out and shame people.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

Therefore, some netizens can't help but worry, can Sichuan still let them go back? [Cover face]

When people were discussing the mother and daughter, some netizens also pointed out that the security guards of the attractions came, indiscriminately, and directly let them cut in line in order to calm the people.

In fact, the security guard should have probably not encountered this situation in this regard, and in the face of this kind of emergency, he thought about calming people at the first time, and then did not know how to face it.

Zibo handled the quality complaints in the treatment of tourists very well, and finally gave a good answer.

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

A girl from Guangxi specially went to Shandong from Guizhou to experience the Zibo barbecue festival, but she didn't expect to encounter an incident, and she took the train back on the same day.

I arrived in Zibo City from Guizhou on April 24, but I bought small peaches during the eight major situations, took them home and found that it was bad and in a very bad mood, so I left Zibo City overnight. Then the next day, at 15:16 p.m. on April 25, I called the Zibo Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the staff told me that 12345 could be solved faster. Originally, I thought it was just a simple perfunctory, but at 17:10 on the afternoon of April 25, a phone from the Zibo room contacted me, he said that it was a staff member who defended consumer rights, and then asked me about the specific situation, and the staff looked for the one I said among the vast vendors in the eight major bureaus, and then found the vendor by phone, voice and video, and then contacted the refund. When the incident in the afternoon was resolved, I felt that the enthusiasm of Zibo people and the attitude of Zibo staff both felt that Zibo was a good city, and then I planned to go to Zibo again when the flow of people was not much.
Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender

You can compare it, the same tourist attractions, encounter problems, really to stand in the perspective of tourists, sincerely, sincerely to solve problems for tourists.

Therefore, if it is handled well, it is an opportunity for scenic spots. It just depends on how you grasp it.

Write at the end

Hengdian cut the queue new progress: the identity of the mother and daughter was pickpocketed, and the insider broke the details of the incident, it turned out to be a habitual offender