
What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future

author:Kong Youxiang is a physiotherapist

Many people have numbness in their legs and are weak and always like to ask sciatica? What's going on?

Sciatica is due to the presence of a pressure on a certain part of the body, forming a certain inflammation and stimulating the corresponding pain symptoms. It is mostly manifested by radiation from the waist to one side of the hip, the back of the thigh, the outside of the lower leg and the back of the foot, showing burning or knife-like pain, and rarely radiating to both lower limbs.

It is only a symptom, not a disease, so we should be more concerned about which causes the sciatic nerve problem.

Of course, we must first understand where the sciatic nerve grows in our body.

What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future

This nerve enters the pelvis from the waist, walks in front of the sacroiliac joint, and then passes through the ischial hole in the pelvis through the piriformis muscle to the buttocks, down the back of the thigh, and divides into the tibia and the total peroneal nerve at the middle and lower 1/3 junction of the thigh. The tibia nerve continues to descend along the popliteal fossa and calf around the back of the medial malleolus to the sole and medial sole of the foot; the total peroneal nerve bypasses the peroneal neck and turns to the outside of the calf, divided into deep peroneal nerve and superficial peroneal nerve, and descends along the anterolateral side of the calf to the dorsal and lateral soles of the foot.

The sciatic nerve is composed of lumbar 4, 5, sacral 1, 2, 3, a total of 5 nerve roots anterior branch. The sciatic nerve innervates the posterior thigh and calf muscles, and if the pain occurs, it is mostly pain located in the sciatic artery pathway, which is caused by extrarereal entrapment.

What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future

The most common locations of the sciatic nerve are:

1. Jamming at the intervertebral foramen

There are many reasons, such as the most common lumbar disc herniation, especially the herniation of lumbar 4 to 5, lumbar 5 sacral 1, as well as scoliosis, lumbar spinal stenosis and so on

What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future

2. Entrapment at the iliac fossa of the pelvis

There are still many reasons, the most common are long-term sedentary people, pelvic forward leaning people, iliops and psoas muscles are too tense

What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future
What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future

3. Jammed at the outlet of the sciatic hole

The most common is piriformis syndrome, the piriformis muscle is too tense; there is also pelvic tilt (high and low pelvis), of course, pelvic problems are the most common, and the most studied is the sacroiliac joint disorder.

What is the most common thing a doctor who specializes in treating pain has heard? I hope to hear less and less in the future

Of course, there are many reasons, not only these I have listed, but as long as it can cause a certain point of entrapment at the upper points, it will cause problems in the sciatic nerve and produce symptoms. So please don't do too much online consultation how to treat? How to exercise? Because many factors will cause, not your three words and two words can explain the condition clearly, the doctor can not rely on your description alone to diagnose your problem, must be face-to-face, combined with some freehand examination, and even imaging can make a corresponding judgment, there will be a follow-up treatment exercise program. Of course, do not blindly listen to some people bragging about chinese medicine applied externally, taking Chinese medicine, etc., after reading these factors that lead to the onset of the disease, I believe I do not need to explain why. Individuals do not reject Traditional Chinese Medicine, but believe that the combination of Traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine can better solve the pain of patients, but before choosing any treatment, you must have a basic judgment!

All health science written by individuals is for reference only and does not involve the scope of medical diagnosis and treatment!!!!