
This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

author:Ming Lang Historical History
This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance


The Qing Dynasty was a late period of Chinese feudal society and one of the periods when women had a lower status in traditional Chinese culture. During this period, women were strictly confined to the family, and the clothes they wore and the etiquette they showed were greatly restricted. However, with the continuous development of society, the status of women began to gradually improve, and their status in society became more and more important. This paper mainly studies the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance, reveals the historical and cultural background behind it, and the impact and significance of these changes on the society at that time. This paper aims to study the changes of women's etiquette in the Qing Dynasty, and to gain an in-depth understanding of the evolution of society, culture and history in the Qing Dynasty, as well as the impact of the advancement of women's status on traditional culture and social change.

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

Dress and etiquette norms for women in the Qing Dynasty

The dress and etiquette norms of women in the Qing Dynasty were closely related to their social status and status. In general, women's dress and etiquette norms were regulated by a series of strict systems during the Qing Dynasty.

The development of women's clothing and its significance

Qing dynasty women dressed differently from traditional Hanfu, mainly using closed placket, placket, belt and headdress to distinguish women's status and class. Women's clothing must be respected, and there are many restrictions on the color, pattern and style of clothing. For ordinary villager women, it is already lucky to wear two wide robes and a long skirt.

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

The norms of women's clothing reflected the moral standards and cultural concepts of the society at that time, and also reflected the hierarchical nature and class differentiation of the society at that time. Women cannot enter the male sphere, and their bodies cannot be too exposed, which highlights the restrictions on the image of women in society.

Changes in female etiquette norms and their significance

In the Qing Dynasty, women's etiquette norms were also subject to many restrictions, they could not blindly participate in social activities, nor could they dress casually. Women are expected to keep themselves quiet and behave accurately and generously in public. They have to have different etiquette in facing different people, different moments and environments, such as pick-up, drop-off, walking, and so on.

The change in women's etiquette norms is actually the result of the improvement of women's status and social status, as well as the positive role of women in social culture and morality. The improvement of women's etiquette norms has brought people some new ideas and values, which have an important impact on the culture and morality of the entire Qing Dynasty.

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

The impact of women's advancement on Qing dynasty society

In the Qing Dynasty, the improvement of women's status mainly occurred gradually during the Kang Yongqian period. During this period, due to the rise of neo-Confucianism and the emergence of new cultures, women began to be gradually recognized as part of society, and women's social status was improved to a certain extent. This improvement is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

Education: During the Kang Yongqian period, culture developed, and some women's educational institutions emerged, so that some women had the opportunity to receive education, which was conducive to women's self-improvement and knowledge accumulation.

Marriage concept: During the Kang Yongqian period, due to the influence of new culture, people's concept of marriage began to change, and marriage began to emphasize equality, sincerity and mutual respect. These changes in perception are conducive to improving women's social status and sense of status.

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

Social aspects: Women began to participate in social life, which led to more social recognition and attention for women, and their status and status were improved.

The advancement of women had an important impact on Qing society. On the one hand, the improvement of women's status narrows the gender gap, which is conducive to the development of gender equality, affects the concept of marriage and family structure, and is conducive to improving relations within the family; On the other hand, the improvement of women's status played a positive role in the overall development of Qing society, enhanced the quality of the population, and promoted the development and inheritance of culture. Therefore, it can be said that the advancement of women's status in the Qing Dynasty is of great significance to the entire Qing Dynasty society.

The impact of changes in women's etiquette and their social significance

The change in women's etiquette norms is a reflection of the improved status of women in the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, women's etiquette norms underwent great changes, and this change was mainly reflected in the following aspects:

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

Clothing: The norms of female etiquette during the Qing Dynasty had very clear requirements for women to wear. From the corset skirt at the beginning to the gorgeous clothing such as gold-encrusted jade hairpins and satin skirts and embroidered shoes in the late Qing Dynasty, women are no longer limited to the home category, but also gradually move towards the public sphere, which to some extent highlights the improvement of women's status.

Living habits: The living habits of women in the Qing Dynasty have undergone great changes, from the beginning of women only taking care of housework to the implementation of the lockdown regulations, women gradually moved towards social activities, focusing on etiquette, and had a better understanding of family culture such as family style, genealogy, and family discipline.

The change in women's etiquette norms had a great impact on Qing society. On the one hand, this change promotes the development of women, strengthens women's status, status identity and self-awareness; On the other hand, the influence of changes in women's etiquette norms also extended to the entire Qing society, affecting the development of Qing culture, changes in moral concepts, clan culture, and marriage and family in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, the change of women's etiquette norms is of great significance and has a role that cannot be ignored in history.

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance


In summary, the improvement of women's status in the Qing Dynasty was gradually taken place under the influence of multiple cultural and social factors such as new culture and neo-Confucianism, and the change of women's etiquette norms was the embodiment of women's status. The improvement of women's status had a profound impact on the entire Qing Dynasty society, on the one hand, it promoted the growth and development of women, and strengthened women's status, status identity and self-awareness; On the other hand, the improvement of women's status played a positive role in the overall development of Qing society, promoting the development of Qing culture, changes in moral concepts, clan culture, and marriage and family in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, the improvement of the status of women in the Qing Dynasty and its related cultural and social changes are of great significance for us to understand and study the history and culture of the Qing Dynasty.

This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance

At the same time, the dress and etiquette norms of women in the Qing Dynasty are also one of the important aspects of studying the status improvement of women in the Qing Dynasty. Through the study of the changes in women's dress and etiquette norms in the Qing Dynasty and the social changes they reflected, we can gain an in-depth understanding of the historical background of the improvement of women's status in the Qing Dynasty, and the impact of women's advancement on the entire Qing society. In addition, studying the changes in women's dress and etiquette norms in the Qing Dynasty can also help us better understand and master the evolution of female beauty, aesthetic edification, family values and social morality in traditional Chinese culture, which is also of positive significance for promoting the development and progress of modern society.


This paper discusses the changes of women's etiquette in county and rural society in the Qing Dynasty and its social significance