
Is malaria parasite really effective in treating tumors? The doctor finally told the big truth!

author:Hu Yang

There are many strange treatments in this world, and before the treatment trial, no one can know whether these treatments are really effective, and it is not denied that some treatments have unexpectedly achieved miraculous results. But when it comes to human trials, caution is always required, even if the subject is a patient with advanced cancer. All treatments need to achieve initial therapeutic effects in animals and verify their safety before being transferred to humans for trials.

Is malaria parasite really effective in treating tumors? The doctor finally told the big truth!

Before the establishment of modern medical and ethical systems, there were indeed cases of malaria being used for the treatment of terminal illness at that time and obtained successful cases, and even the precedent of winning the Nobel Prize, when penicillin had not yet come out, syphilis lacked effective treatment and was considered a terminal disease for a long time, advanced patients would have syphilitic nerve damage and become demented, an Austrian doctor injected such a patient with the blood of malaria patients to cause high fever in patients, and unexpected results were received. In fact, such treatment really exists in the folk, and the probability of achieving results is only about one percent, and it is conceivable that how many people have been delayed or mutilated by other experimental treatments.

Is malaria parasite really effective in treating tumors? The doctor finally told the big truth!

The modern ethical system was established to protect the right of everyone, including terminally ill patients, to be perfected after being mutilated too many innocent people by such as Japan's 731 bacteriological unit in World War II, and any treatment must be verified by animal experiments and widely recognized before human experiments can be carried out, otherwise it will bring invisible dangers to patients. Some people say that it is already a terminal illness anyway, and the dead horse is a live horse doctor, but if such a method brings danger, it is unfair to the patient.

Is malaria parasite really effective in treating tumors? The doctor finally told the big truth!

So what is said to have been through animal experiments and widely recognized, generally all treatment methods must first have theoretical rationality, using some of the therapeutic properties of the treatment method, first tested on animals, these animals can first induce target diseases through specific methods, such as malaria treatment AIDS, first need to infect monkeys with HIV (HIV only infects primates), and then inject malaria parasites into AIDS monkeys to cause malaria, After a certain period of time, the amount of HIV replication in the monkey, the change of symptoms and the survival time of the monkey are evaluated, and if the treatment effect and safety data are obtained, it is then tested in humans. The effective results of animal experiments require the publication of scientific and technological papers and the questioning of peers, and eventually most of the peers believe that it is feasible to obtain the opportunity to apply for ethical approval for human experimentation.

Is malaria parasite really effective in treating tumors? The doctor finally told the big truth!

Malaria parasite treatment of tumors is in fact not supported by good scientific and technological papers, equivalent to thinking of a possible effective method in their own team roughly observed a bit of use in patients, such a process is possible even if there is no ethical system before even controversial, but in modern times, animal experiments have not been widely recognized by peers to apply to the human body should not be tolerated, although many strange treatments for tumors in the private sector and even some private hospitals are popular, But it's very difficult to openly recruit patients for clinical trials and hope to skip the middle steps and get direct acceptance from many people.

Is malaria parasite really effective in treating tumors? The doctor finally told the big truth!

No one can say for sure whether malaria parasite treatment of tumors will eventually work, but more animal experiment support may be needed before it can be used in humans, otherwise it is likely that there will be many lives in place of rats just to verify the safety and efficacy of their treatment, which can be avoided.

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