
Wow! Dolphins' Amazing 10 "SuperPowers"


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Wow! Dolphins' Amazing 10 "SuperPowers"

Hanson Lu / Unsplash

Dolphins are docile, lively and very friendly marine animals; they have a high IQ, can learn many movements under human training, and are generally loved by people around the world.

For mammals, adapting to marine life requires some unique skills. Today, dolphins have evolved a series of incredible "superpowers", let's take a look!

Hemi-brain sleep

Sleep is an essential physiological need for all animals in the world, and most of the physical exertion can be restored through sleep. However, due to different living conditions, the sleep patterns of various animals are also very different. The dolphin's brain consists of two parts that are completely separated, and when one part is working, the other part is fully rested, that is, the dolphin alternates between the left and right brains, and they can swim while sleeping. This hemi-brain sleep helps them stay awake and alert at all times.

Excellent eyesight

In addition to a well-established sonar system, dolphins also have excellent vision. Whether underwater or on the water, the 300-degree panoramic view allows it to look in two different directions at the same time, sometimes even behind it.

Super skin

Dolphins have unique skin that grows up to 9 times faster than humans and renews their skin cells every two hours. In addition, their skin secretes a special non-sticky antibacterial gel that can be used to prevent barnacles and parasites from approaching.

Good samaritan

We often hear stories about dolphins saving people, which are not fictional, but real. In fact, dolphins are not limited to people, they even spare no effort to help other aquatic species, and dolphins have been praised as "lifeguards at sea". There are many explanations for why dolphins save people, but the jury is still out and continues to be studied.

Extra long breaths

Bottlenose dolphins can hold their breath and stay underwater for 12 minutes, or dive to the bottom of the sea at depths of 500 meters. Dolphins have more red blood cells and higher concentrations of hemoglobin than humans, and their blood and muscles can store and transport more oxygen. The more oxygen stored in the body, the longer it stays underwater.

Quick self-healing

Dolphins have the ability to heal quickly and self-healing, and scientists are puzzled. Dolphin injured tissue can also regenerate quickly, the wound can quickly grow completely well, the original wound skin is smooth, no different from the surrounding skin, will not leave a bumpy scar. In addition, because dolphins are able to constrict blood vessels and control blood flow to stop bleeding, even if a huge wound appears on the body, dolphins will not die from excessive bleeding.

Natural pain relief

Dolphins are actually as sensitive to pain as humans, but dolphins do not have a significant pain response after being seriously injured, and their behavior habits and predatory ability are not affected. Some scientists believe that this is because they are able to produce non-addictive natural painkillers on their own, and their analgesic intensity is similar to morphine.

A master swimmer

Thanks to the unique body structure and skin structure, dolphins can swim quickly in the ocean. Swimmers are known to produce about 60 or 70 pounds of thrust, while dolphins are able to produce 300 to 400 pounds of thrust. As a result, dolphins are definitely one of the most efficient swimmers in the ocean.

Free from infection

The ocean is full of microorganisms, how can injured dolphins not die from wound infection in such an environment? Scientists are still inconclusive. But the biggest possibility is that dolphins' skin and fat contain a miraculous compound that acts like antibiotics, which can be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so that the wound is not infected.

Electrical induction

Dolphins have the ability to sense electric fields, and they can actually sense the electric fields generated by underwater organisms. Using this skill, dolphins can easily hunt prey in muddy water and muddy seabeds.

Smart and elegant dolphins also have traits such as displaying culture, using tools and displaying altruism, which have long been considered unique to humans. It is with these "superpowers" that dolphins become one of the most intelligent animals in the animal kingdom!