
Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral

author:Qiu Dongping

Strictly classified, cross peony corals should not belong to stony corals, and if I remember correctly, they should be a type of fungal coral.

There is no need to divide it into another category here, because it is not a strict popular science article, and there are not many fungal corals.

Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral

Photographed on September 9, 2017 in Dong Ping Chau, Hong Kong

Cross peony corals are still very common on the seabed of Shenzhen, especially in the submarine reef of Dapeng Bay, which is the dominant variety of corals.

Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral

Among the corals in Shenzhen, it is one of the corals that I can clearly distinguish at a glance.

Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral
Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral
Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral

Photographed on September 17, 2017 in Dong Ping Chau, Hong Kong

Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral
Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral

Photographed on September 24, 2017 in Dapeng Ji'ao Bay

Creatures of the sea around Shenzhen (65): Stony coral (8) - Cross peony coral

Published Corals (click to view):

Shield gyro coral

Frost antler corals

Cannonball Flower Coral

Disclaimer: This is a self-amusement essay, not a popular science article, the biological name is self-compiled, the information may be wrong, please be cautious with the citation. In addition, small articles and photos may not be reproduced and other uses (except for sharing) without permission, and once found, please pay 20,000 royalties.

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