
Do you know your blood type? Blood type A, B, AB and O, which blood type is healthier?

author:39 HealthNet

There are often such bloody plots in TV series: the child needs a blood transfusion in an accident, but finds that the blood type does not match the parent's blood type, and then there is a family ethics battle. But does this happen in reality?

Mr. Zhong, who lives in Guangdong, has always had a good relationship with his wife, who failed to get pregnant a few years ago, and finally welcomed their child in the fifth year after marriage. At the beginning of the year, the child was found to be severely anemic and urgently needed a blood transfusion, but the blood test sheet showed that the son had type O blood.

Mr. Zhong was stunned on the spot, he is type A blood, his wife is type B blood, isn't the blood type hereditary? Should the child only have type A, type B or AB?

Mr. Zhong immediately asked his wife what was going on, and the doctor on the side had no choice but to explain: the combination of type A blood and type B blood can also give birth to children with type O blood.

Do you know your blood type? Blood type A, B, AB and O, which blood type is healthier?

First, what kind of children will parents with different blood types have?

How exactly is blood type inherited? It turns out that the locus of the ABO blood group system is on the 9th pair of chromosomes in the human body. There are only two ABO system genes in each cell, of which A and B genes are dominant; The O gene is recessive and does not show a role.

Meaning: The human genotype of blood type A is AA or AO; The human genotype of blood type B is B· B or BO; The genotype of AB blood can only be AB; The genotype of blood type O can only be OO.

Under the premise of being clear about this general principle, then use genetics to explain:

The chromosome of type A blood is Iai, the chromosome of type B blood is Ibi, the chromosome of type O blood is ii, and each parent has a genome to synthesize new chromosomes, so the combination of type A blood and type B blood may have 4 results——

Type A: The chromosome is Ia i

Type B: Chromosome Ibi

Type AB: The chromosome is Ia Ib

Type O: chromosome II

Therefore, it is not surprising that type A blood + type B blood gives birth to a child with type 0 blood.

Do you know your blood type? Blood type A, B, AB and O, which blood type is healthier?

2. Whose blood can be transfused into your body? The answer is engraved in the genes

The junior high school biology textbook writes that type O blood is a "universal blood transfusion type" and AB blood is a "universal blood type", which has some truth.

We know:

People with type A blood carry anti-B antibodies in serum and have A antigen on red blood cells.

People with type B blood, serum carries anti-A antibodies. Red blood cells have B antigens.

In people with blood type O, serum carries anti-A and anti-B antibodies. There are no antigens on the red blood cells.

In people with type AB blood, serum does not carry any antibodies. Red blood cells have A and B antigens.

When the antigen binds to the antibody, a agglutination reaction will occur, and if the A blood is transfused to a person with type B blood, the A antigen it carries will bind to the anti-A antibody in the patient's body, and a transfusion agglutination reaction occurs, which can lead to red blood cell rupture and hemolysis.

Type O blood does not carry any antigens and can theoretically provide blood for other blood types, but conversely, other blood types cannot be transfused to people with type O blood, because other antigens will bind to the antibodies of type O blood itself. Therefore, type O blood is considered to be the most "selfless" "universal blood transfusion".

However, recent studies have found that random input of "universal blood" is also dangerous.

Third, can not blindly transfuse blood, beware of hemolysis

The so-called "universal power" refers to the "washed red blood cells" of type O blood commonly used clinically to transfuse patients with blood types A, B and AB.

But let's not overlook another indicator on the blood test sheet – RH negative/positive!

According to the Rh blood group system, the Rh blood group code is relatively simple, mainly divided into Rh-positive and Rh-negative. The vast majority of people are Rh-positive blood type, only a small number of people are Rh-negative, commonly known as "panda blood", and Rh-negative patients are unable to receive Rh-positive blood blood.

Do you know your blood type? Blood type A, B, AB and O, which blood type is healthier?

The "Clinical Blood Transfusion Technical Specifications" issued by the former Ministry of Health stipulates that for patients with Rh-negative and other rare blood types, self-transfusion, homotypic transfusion or coordinated blood transfusion should be used.

In the finale of the TV series "Crazy", Gao Qiqiang's son was admitted to the hospital and urgently needed a blood transfusion, and he was precisely "panda blood", and no one present could give him a blood transfusion, and when it was a matter of time, only An Xin said "I am panda blood" with great righteousness, which saved Gao Xiaochen's life.

It can be said that people with "panda blood" are both precious and unlucky, and in the matter of blood transfusion, they must be fully prepared in advance.

Fourth, blood type does not determine personality, but may affect disease

It used to be very popular to say that "different blood types have different personalities", but it has not been recognized by the academic community. However, there are many studies on "blood type affecting diseases".

In 2012, the Harvard School of Public Health compiled data from two long-term studies that followed nearly 90,000 adults over 20 years and found that people with type O blood had a relatively lower risk of heart disease. People with type AB blood were 23 percent more likely to develop heart disease, 11 percent more with type B blood, and 5 percent more likely to have heart disease compared to people with blood type O.

In 2014, a study from Taiwan included nearly 340,000 healthy people with laboratory-based blood types. Compared with blood type O, blood type A is significantly associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer and mortality, and non-O blood is associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Do you know your blood type? Blood type A, B, AB and O, which blood type is healthier?

In 2018, research presented at the Chinese Tumor Marker Conference showed that ABO blood group is an independent prognostic factor for ovarian cancer patients. After analyzing the relationship between blood type and clinical features in ovarian cancer patients, the researchers found that ovarian cancer patients with B and AB blood had a poor prognosis and that this association was independent.

In addition, research from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom found that people with type O blood have a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease.

However, this does not mean that type O blood is 100% healthier, there are many factors that affect the disease, healthy lifestyle, reduce stress, maintain adequate sleep, and reduce the probability of disease.

Tips: Ordinary people should determine their blood type as soon as possible, pregnant women with rare blood types should inform their doctors in time, contact the rare blood group bank, and store blood for preparation, just in case.


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[2] Incredible! Can blood type determine the length of life? Did people with this blood type pick up big bargains? Xinhua.2019.01.07

[3] Xiao Wenhai, Zhu Hongmei. Analysis of antibodies to erythrocyte blood group irregularities in patients with clinical transfusion[J]. Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion, 2012, 25(7):2.

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