
Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

author:Flower lovers

Spring has arrived, and like most flower lovers, hydrangeas have also ushered in the blooming period, and they have bloomed in clusters of globular inflorescences, which are definitely the focus of balconies and yards. Hydrangea can be potted on the balcony or planted on the ground, and although the blossoms are beautiful, if we want to move it back indoors to enjoy it, we must first consider whether it will have an impact on human health. In the following 3 cases, it is recommended not to move hydrangeas home, otherwise it is easy to "damage people".

Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

Hydrangeas should not be placed in closed rooms during flowering

If flower lovers pay attention, they will find that many flower gods keep hydrangeas in the yard or potted on the balcony, and few people will keep it indoors. Even the hydrangeas placed on the balcony are mostly without buds or the petals have not yet opened. But when hydrangeas have entered the flowering period and a large number of buds are opened, it is best not to place them in a closed room.

Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

The single flower of hydrangea is very small, but the amount of flowers is amazing, each large flower ball is composed of dozens of small flowers, ordinary medium-sized flower seedlings, can bloom 4~5 flower balls at a time, hundreds of flowers bloom at the same time. Each floretto emits pollen during flowering. The huge amount of flowers, the pollen released by hydrangea will also be very rich. Put the flowering hydrangea in the room, the closed room is poorly ventilated, and a large amount of pollen will be inhaled by us into the lungs or contact with the skin. If there are people with allergies at home, it is easy to cause allergic reactions and endanger health.

Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

For families with children or pets, hydrangeas should not be placed indoors

The whole plant of hydrangea is toxic, the branches and leaves are the most toxic, and its toxins are mainly found in the sap. Under normal circumstances, as long as we do not eat hydrangeas, and do not let the juice branches and leaves of hydrangeas drip into the eyes or skin, there will be basically no problem. But families with children or pets should be especially careful.

Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

Children or pets may eat hydrangeas for play, or break the branches and leaves of hydrangeas and water will touch the skin and eyes, which can cause poisoning. There have been families with hydrangeas who have been poisoned by pets eating hydrangea leaves by mistake, so families with children and pets must pay attention not to move hydrangeas indoors. If you are raising hydrangeas on the balcony and there is no way to put them outdoors, it is best to place the hydrangeas in a high place out of the reach of children and pets.

Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

Maybe some flower friends see that hydrangeas are poisonous and will completely give up raising it, but in fact, it is not necessary. The toxicity of hydrangea is mainly in the juice, and the toxicity is not very strong. As long as we avoid accidental ingestion and do not let the juice contact the skin and eyes, there is no problem with normal maintenance and ornamentation.

Although hydrangea is beautiful, there are 3 situations in which it should not be placed indoors, otherwise it will "damage people"

For families with respiratory problems, hydrangeas should not be placed indoors

Patients with respiratory diseases such as pharyngitis and allergic rhinitis at home are best not to place flowering hydrangeas indoors. Hydrangeas bloom in large quantities and release great pollen. Although the pollen of hydrangea is not toxic, the pollen floats in the indoor air, and after being inhaled into the body, it is easy to stimulate the respiratory tract and may aggravate the condition. Therefore, patients with respiratory diseases at home, hydrangeas should be placed outdoors or on ventilated balconies after blooming to avoid a large amount of pollen entering the room.