
Collectively "changed face"! TSMC and Samsung announced one after another, foreign media: China will not buy!

author:Ren Qi Ji

In recent years, China's rise in the technology industry has attracted the attention of the world. However, a recent news shocked people: TSMC and Samsung announced that sales of chips produced in China would drop sharply, and foreign media began to say that China would no longer buy these products. The news immediately sparked a discussion about the trend of U.S.-China tech competition and raised broader questions.

Collectively "changed face"! TSMC and Samsung announced one after another, foreign media: China will not buy!

In fact, the news was not surprising. With the intensification of the Sino-US trade war and China's strong support for its domestic technology industry, China is gradually reducing its dependence on foreign chips and high-end technology products, and improving the pattern of its own industrial chain through independent research and development and cooperation to protect its national security and economic interests.

However, the United States is dissatisfied with this. The United States has pressed Taiwan and South Korea to force TSMC and Samsung to stop selling chips and other high-end products to China. This has greatly impacted China's semiconductor industry, and has also intensified the scientific and technological competition between China and the United States.

In addition, we need to delve into why the Chinese government is reducing its reliance on foreign chips and high-end technology products. In addition to the issue of domestic purchase costs, there are security threats and national strategy considerations. Many high-end chips and technology products contain U.S. intellectual property and may be added to the blacklist of anti-China sanctions by the U.S. government at any time. It can be seen that China is striving to improve its scientific and technological innovation capabilities and protect its national interests.

In this context, China's chip industry will usher in broader development opportunities. China has become one of the world's largest manufacturers of electronic devices, occupying a leading position in 5G, artificial intelligence and other fields. However, we also have to take into account the complexity and uncertainty of the technology itself. Both cost and production capacity are challenges that China's chip industry must face.

Therefore, the Chinese government must strengthen investment in technological innovation and attract international high-end talents to achieve independent chip manufacturing. China's semiconductor companies also need to continue to deepen their innovation capabilities and complete the transformation from "followers" to "leaders". At the same time, Chinese enterprises must seek better international cooperation to expand their market share, and conduct business exchanges, knowledge sharing, and technical cooperation with other countries.

In short, the rapid rise of China's technology industry has become the focus of the world's attention. Despite the pressure to compete in technology between China and the United States, China is gradually becoming more autonomous, innovating and improving its own chip-making capabilities. With the in-depth exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries, there will be more opportunities and challenges, and we need to seize these opportunities to jointly promote the healthy development of global scientific and technological innovation.

Collectively "changed face"! TSMC and Samsung announced one after another, foreign media: China will not buy!

In recent years, China's rise in the field of chip manufacturing has attracted much attention, and major manufacturers have invested more money and resources in the domestic market. However, in recent days, there has been an unexpected news: two world-renowned chip manufacturers, TSMC and Samsung, have collectively announced that they will build a number of advanced or mature process plants in Taiwan, and at the same time announced that they will stop selling chips to China. This news immediately aroused widespread attention in the industry and public opinion.

For the reason why TSMC and Samsung collectively announced to stop selling chips to China, industry insiders generally believe that it is in response to US sanctions. In recent years, due to the impact of trade frictions, economic tensions between China and the United States have become increasingly tense, and the US government has begun to restrict the use of American technology by Chinese companies, especially in the field of chip manufacturing. To avoid U.S. sanctions, TSMC and Samsung chose to stop selling chips to China and build multiple advanced or mature process plants in Taiwan. This way, they can circumvent U.S. sanctions and won't affect their business in other countries.

However, for China, this news is undoubtedly a heavy blow. China has been committed to promoting the development of chip manufacturing, and the decision of these two world-renowned chip manufacturers will undoubtedly have a negative impact on China's chip industry. China has had to reduce its dependence on foreign chips and accelerate the development and production of local chips to ensure the domestication of the chip field.

In fact, in recent years, the development of China's chip industry has achieved certain results. According to recent data, the scale of China's chip market has reached more than 200 billion yuan, and it has shown a trend of growth year by year. Not only that, China is also vigorously introducing technology and talents to accelerate the development of the chip industry. However, compared with global chip giants, China's chip industry is still in its infancy and needs more investment and support.

In order to promote the development of the chip industry, the Chinese government has introduced a series of policies to encourage local chip manufacturing, including funding, tax incentives and other support. At the same time, China is also vigorously cultivating talents in the local chip industry, establishing a complete technological innovation ecosystem, and promoting the improvement of the industrial chain.

Collectively "changed face"! TSMC and Samsung announced one after another, foreign media: China will not buy!

In addition, in the development of the digital economy, China has also made remarkable achievements. Not long ago, the scale of the mainland's digital economy has reached 36 trillion yuan, ranking first in the world. This fully shows that China already has strong competitiveness and advantages in the field of digital economy, laying a solid foundation for the development of the chip industry.

In short, whether it is the decision of TSMC and Samsung to collectively announce the suspension of chip sales to China, or China's achievements in the development of the chip industry, it shows the fact that China, as one of the world's largest chip markets, has great potential for the development of its chip industry. In the future, China needs to strengthen its own technological innovation capabilities, accelerate the research and development and promotion of local chips, and build a more complete chip industry chain to meet the people's demand for a high-quality life and occupy a greater advantage in the global scientific and technological competition.

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