
The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Florida mountain lion is a subspecies of mountain lion, is the largest species of cat subfamily, mainly living in the south of Florida pine forest, coniferous forest, has developed canine teeth and split teeth, hearing and smell is also extremely developed, mainly to wild boar and deer and other medium and large animals for food, due to people's large number of hunting and habitat destruction, so that the number of Florida mountain lions in the wild is very small, according to incomplete statistics now Florida mountain lions in the wild the number of no more than 200.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Island gray fox is a small fox living in the United States, mainly distributed in the Channel Islands of California, the body length between 60-80 cm, every year between August and November will be a skin change, is an omnivorous animal, generally small mammals, birds, insects, etc. for food, due to the living environment, so that they are extremely weak resistance to foreign parasites, especially the pathogens carried by dogs, coupled with the predation of golden eagles and human hunting, making the number of island gray foxes sharply less.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Red wolves are mainly distributed in the southeastern United States, is a medium-sized canine, their body length between 95-120 cm, weight between 25-35 kg, mainly grouse, raccoons, etc. as the main food, occasionally eat carrion, due to the intensification of human activities, so that the number of red wolves in the wild was once only 20-30, after human efforts, the number of red wolves is now about 5000.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

The map turtle mainly lives near the Pascara Ancient River in Mississippi, with a body length of between 5 and 13 cm, is a small turtle that feeds mainly on insects and snails near the river, due to habitat destruction and decline in survival rate, the number of map turtles in the wild has dropped sharply.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Wolverine, also known as marten bear, is the only one in the genus of marten bear, distributed in michigan, the United States, body length between 80-100 cm, diurnal nocturnal, is an omnivorous animal mainly to ungulates, rodents for food, sometimes eat some wild fruits, because it can jump freely in the dense forest, so there is also a "flying bear" called, the temperament is very fierce, will use urine to preserve food, the number of wild is extremely rare.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

The Delhi Sandy Flower-loving Fly is a unique organism in the United States, the fly is mainly distributed in California, the United States, because it likes to chase flowers and gets its name, mainly feeds on nectar, but due to the destruction of the living environment and the use of a large number of pesticides, the number of Drizzard flower-loving flies is less than 1,000.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Alabama beach rats mainly live near the 14-mile-long beach on the Fort Morgan Peninsula in the United States, and like most rats, they are diurnal and nocturnal, very alert, and mainly feed on shells and insects on the beach, but because the habitat is replaced by high-rise buildings, their number in the wild is worrying.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

California condor is the largest of the North American birds, weighing between 10-15 kg, wingspan can reach 3 meters, will fly about 200 kilometers a day to find food, they mainly live on the decomposing corpses of other animals, with the natural world of "scavengers" known, but due to environmental damage, the wild California condor was once less than 10, and now under people's protection, the number of California condors is constantly rising.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Texas blind salamander, also known as Texas no-eye salamander, is mainly distributed in limestone covered lava caves, body length between 20-30 cm, translucent body, lifelong lifelong life at the bottom of the water, to the bottom of the snail, shrimp, small fish, etc. for food, the number of wild existence is less than 1000.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas

Webster perch, also known as the red-tipped dart perch, is an endemic fish species found in the southern United States in a river channel where it is used to swimming against the water, but dams and over-discharge of pollutants have resulted in fewer than 5,000 species in the wild.

The top ten endangered animals in the United States are as rare as China's giant pandas