
The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

author:Dr. He Panlei, a Chinese medicine practitioner

The 56-year-old Mr. Huang was originally in good health, but in recent years, as he grew older, Mr. Huang felt that his body was not as good as before, and he often suffered from weak waist and legs, and felt tired without much work.

At night, what was originally their "initiative" to stay up late slowly changed to "passive" staying up late, often insomnia and unable to sleep peacefully. In recent days, I can't remember things exactly, and I often can't remember where my clothes and mobile phones were.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Feeling that there was a problem with his body, he went to the hospital, and after examination, the doctor diagnosed it as kidney deficiency.

It turned out that because Mr. Huang was over half a hundred years old, the organs in the body were already weakened, the resistance became poor, coupled with the high-salt diet and the habit of staying up late, which damaged the kidneys, and symptoms such as sore waist and knees, insomnia and forgetfulness appeared.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Kidneys are a very important organ of the human body, after the age of 50, the human body's kidney function gradually weakened, this time after Mr. Huang healed, he should also insist on eating more vegetables and fruits that are beneficial to the kidneys, light diet, go to bed early and get up early, in order to protect kidney health.

First, why should we protect our kidneys from damage?

The five internal organs of the human body, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys, coordinate and balance with each other and maintain the normal metabolism of the body. The Suwen Six Verses of Tibetan Elephant Theory describes it as follows: "The kidney is the main sting, the root of sealing, and the essence." The kidney is the innate foundation, storing the innate essence, and is the basis for human growth, development and reproduction.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Kidney essence fills the bones, which can make children's real teeth grow and muscles and bones strong; turning red into blood can make a woman's menstruation and begin to be able to conceive heirs; The production and excretion of urine in the body is also inseparable from the transpiration and gasification of the kidneys; Absorbs the clean air inhaled by the lungs to ensure the normal exchange of gas.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

The kidney is known as the foundation of the yin and yang of the internal organs, and the growth of human beings is closely related to the vitality of the kidney. After the age of 50, the essence in the kidney gradually weakens, and there will be corresponding manifestations of kidney deficiency, at this time, more attention should be paid to replenishing kidney and solid qi. If the kidneys cannot be protected and damaged, a series of kidney diseases will occur, and even endangering life and health in severe cases.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Second, in Chinese medicine, what are the dialectical types of kidney disease, and what prescription drugs can be used to treat it?

Nephropathy mostly corresponds to the category of "edema" in Chinese medicine, and its commonly used dialectical classification is as follows:

1. Yangshui

Feng shui fight: mainly manifested as puffiness of the eyelids, rapid onset, throughout the whole body, accompanied by unfavorable urination. Mostly caused by wind and evil attack, lung occlusion, negligence in ventilation, wind and water obstruction, and overflowing skin, clinical treatment can be carried out according to the specific situation of the patient.

Wet poison immersion certificate: the main clinical manifestations are body sores, even ulceration, etc. Skin ulceration indicates dampness on the surface; Wet poison hurts the kidneys, dereliction of duty, and symptoms such as less color and foam in the urine.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Clinically, according to the specific situation of the patient, ephedra forsythia red adzuki bean soup combined with five-flavor disinfectant drink plus and minus for treatment.

Wet impregnation certificate: there are swelling all over the body, no fingers, body sleepiness and other manifestations. Mostly due to water moisture trapped spleen, inhibition of kidney yang, spleen loss of healthy luck, renal gasification, clinical treatment can be carried out according to the specific situation of the patient.

Dampness and heat evidence: mainly manifested as the skin is tense and bright, pressed to depression, let go, etc. It is mostly caused by the blockage of the waterway and overflowing the skin, and the clinical treatment can be carried out according to the specific situation of the patient with the addition and subtraction of chiseled drink.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

2. Yin water

Spleen and yang deficiency evidence: mainly manifested as edema from the lower limbs swollen, according to the depression can not be seen, reduce the loose stool, etc. Mostly due to the spleen and yang deficiency can not transport water moisture, yang deficiency can not be warm, clinical according to the specific situation of the patient with real spleen drink addition and subtraction for treatment.

Micro-evidence of renal yang failure: mainly manifested as edema repeated growth, swelling below the waist, dented according to it, cold and painful back, pale complexion, etc. Mostly due to kidney yang deficiency, kidney non-gas, water cold cohesion, clinical treatment can be carried out with Jisheng kidney qi pill Hezhen Wu soup plus and minus according to the specific situation of the patient.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Third, five kinds of vegetables are recommended to eat often, replenish kidney and solid qi, strengthen the spleen and protect the stomach

Kidney disease is not as scary as you think, as long as you take your medication correctly, eat healthily, and maintain good lifestyle habits, you can overcome it. These five vegetables are the guardians of the kidneys, and people over 50 can eat them regularly to delay the decline of essence in the kidneys, while enhancing kidney function and keeping us away from the risk of kidney disease.

1. Yam

Yam taste sweet and flat, has the effect of tonifying the kidney and essence, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, and replenishing but not greasy. There is a substance called polyphenol oxidase in yam, which has the effect of moisturizing the kidneys and has a certain effect on relieving kidney stress.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Yam has many simple and delicious cooking methods, stewed soup, boiled porridge or steamed direct consumption, not only easy to operate, but also has high nutritional value, autumn and winter eating effect is better.

2. Onions

Onions are rich in dietary fiber, which can improve appetite and promote intestinal peristalsis, and the prostaglandin A contained in onions can relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, blood lipids, prevent arteriosclerosis, and are particularly friendly to patients with "three highs".

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

As the only plant found to contain prostaglandin A so far, onions have a certain protective effect on the prostate when eaten regularly, and can also replenish the kidney and aphrodisiac.

3. Winter melon

Winter melon has the effect of water and swelling, edema patients can be diuretic and swelling by eating more winter melon auxiliary drugs, in addition, winter melon can also clear heat, detoxify, eliminate phlegm.

In traditional folklore, the Mid-Autumn Festival is known as the activity of "stealing winter melon", and "stealing winter melon" is not really stealing winter melon, but saying that eating winter melon at this time will help pregnancy and give birth to a beautiful blessing.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, eating more winter melon can remove the remaining humid heat in the body, and if the humid heat is not removed, it will bet on the lower scorch, that is, the kidneys and bladder, causing some manifestations of scorching humid heat, such as vaginitis and so on.

In this case, winter melon can help remove the scorched humid heat, and help the kidneys to expel turbid water, the humid heat is removed, and the reproductive function naturally returns to normal, thus deducing the legend of eating winter melon and sending seeds.

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is sweet and flat, can strengthen the kidneys and bones, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, clear heat and detoxify, and eat more cauliflower is beneficial to kidney health. High temperature will destroy the vitamin C contained in cauliflower, so high-temperature cooking is not advocated to avoid vitamin C decomposition and deterioration. If stir-fried with cucumbers, it will also destroy vitamin C.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

5. Chives

Chives are a very common vegetable in the daily diet, not only for stir-frying, but also for stuffing, barbecue, eating in a variety of ways, suitable for all ages. Leeks are also very friendly to the kidneys, can warm the breath, replenish the kidney and aphrodisiac, and play an unexpected effect in the treatment of some male diseases.

In addition to vegetables, some vitamin-rich fruits such as grapes, mulberries, black dates, etc., also have a certain kidney tonic effect, but diabetics should eat with caution.

The five favorite vegetables of the kidneys are recommended to be eaten often by people over 50 years old, replenishing kidney and solid qi, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach

Food does have a certain beneficial effect on the kidneys, but the most important thing is to pay attention to protect the kidneys from harm, avoid eating heavy salt, not following the doctor's advice to take medicine, staying up late to work and rest disorders, holding urine and other behaviors that damage the kidneys.

If there are symptoms such as edema of the lower limbs and eyelids, hematuria, and increased foam in the urine, seek medical attention in time, pay attention to our own health, and protect the innate nature of our body.


[1] The ninth edition of the textbook of Internal Medicine, People's Education Press.

[2] Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

[3] "Chinese Medical Medicine" teaching materials, Science Publishers.

[4] "Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Preservation".