
"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

author:Firebird fish

Durian is a tropical fruit with a rich and sweet taste, known as the "king of fruits", and is one of the most important fruits in the world. Durian is loved in many Asian countries and is also popular worldwide. Below, let's take a look at the global production of durian, covering 10 major production areas around the world.

1. Indonesia

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Indonesia is one of the largest durian producers in the world. Durian can be grown on many islands in Indonesia, including Medan, South Sumatra, Basbachu and Jambi. The variety of durian in these regions is rich and diverse, including different varieties such as Appian, Titot, Leydon, etc., and some varieties are particularly sweet and have become a favorite of durian lovers.

2. Malaysia

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Malaysia is also an important durian producer, most of which is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. The main production areas of durian are places such as Pahang, Johor and Negeri Sembilan. Malaysia has a wide variety of durian, the most famous of which include Bentong, Musang King, Black Leather, Gold and so on.

3. Thailand

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Thailand is another major durian producer, with durian production second only to Indonesia and Malaysia. Thai durian producing areas are widely distributed in the southern, northeastern and central regions. The varieties of durian in Thailand are also very complete, including golden pillow, morakot, black nine, sweet honey and so on.

4. Philippines

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

The Philippines is also an important durian producer, with the main production areas identified as the Ryukyu Islands, Savage Islands and Mindanao. There are a lot of durian varieties in the Philippines, and due to differences in climate and soil, the taste and aroma of durian in different regions are also slightly different.

5. Vietnam

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Vietnam's durian producing areas are mainly distributed in the south-central part, with durian in Öle province and the Beatice River Delta region being the most famous. Vietnam's durian varieties are mostly green peel, red paste, cherry and other varieties, with a delicate taste and moderate sweetness.

6. India

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

India is one of the main producers of durian production in South Asia, especially in northern states such as Uttar Pradesh and Assam. There are many durian varieties in India, among which the more famous ones are Big Mac, Kiqing, Banglore Rose and other varieties.

7. Sri Lanka

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Sri Lanka's durian production areas are mainly located in the northern and eastern regions, among which Pu'er, Amber and other places are one of the largest durian production areas in Sri Lanka. Different varieties of durian have different flavors and tastes, among which Thai durian and Indonesian durian varieties are also grown in Sri Lanka.

8. Singapore

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Singapore's durian is of excellent quality, and its main production areas include Changi, Magnolia and other places. The durian varieties grown in Singapore are also very rich, among which Musang King is the most famous, but there are also many other varieties such as pineapple, red pear, etc.

9. Australia

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Australia is the durian producer in the Southern Hemisphere, mainly in Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. There are not many varieties of durian in Australia, but the quality is very good, among which the Bowen variety is the most famous, with a delicate taste and moderate sweetness.

10. United States

"King of Fruits" durian: the world's top 10 producing areas

Although durian is not a traditional fruit in the United States, more and more people have begun to grow durian in the Americas since the 20th century. The United States has introduced durian varieties from countries such as Thailand and cultivated them in Florida, Hawaii and other places. There are fewer durian varieties in the United States than in other production areas, mainly varieties such as Blanza and Marley.

In general, durian is a tropical fruit with a wide distribution around the world, and the variety and taste of durian vary from region to region. Although almost all varieties have a hard shell and a strong smell, the texture details and taste do vary greatly between varieties.

P.S. If you want to introduce durian to China, here are some suggestions:

1. Find a reliable supplier: When introducing durian, the key is to choose a reliable supplier. This supplier needs to have extensive experience and sufficient knowledge to understand the varieties and growing conditions of durian, and be able to supply according to domestic demand.

2. Research the local growth environment: When introducing durian, be sure to first study whether the domestic growth environment is suitable for the growth of durian. If the planting environment is not suitable, it will not only affect the quality and taste of durian, but also affect the production volume and sales revenue.

3. Variety screening: There are many varieties of durian, and the taste and characteristics of each variety are different, so it is very important to choose a variety that suits the taste of the domestic market. For example, considering that Chinese consumers have a sweet taste, they should choose varieties with a sweeter taste.

4. Understand relevant regulations: Before introducing durian, be sure to understand the relevant import regulations and food quality and safety regulations to ensure that the imported durian meets the national quality and safety requirements.

5. Carry out market research: Before introducing durian, it is also necessary to conduct market research to understand the current situation and potential of the domestic durian market, and at the same time formulate a market expansion plan to improve the competitiveness of durian in the domestic market.

In short, the introduction of durian into China requires many aspects of work, including finding reliable suppliers, understanding the local growing environment, screening suitable flavor varieties, understanding relevant regulations and conducting market research. Through these steps, durian can be smoothly introduced to the domestic market, expand the durian industry, and succeed in the domestic market.

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