
Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

author:Adu Classroom

There are countless magical and beautiful creatures in the world, and some of them are "different", unlike the creatures of the earth. They are not very good-looking or can be said to be strange-looking, you may smile at the sight of these animals, today bring you 10 strange-looking creatures in the world

1. Grey forest bird

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

Like the camouflage of a branch

Inhabiting Jamaica, Hispaniola and southern Mexico, it wears a gray-brown and mottled plumage that is no different from the average bird in appearance, sometimes disguised as a branch to avoid danger. Grey forest flies look ordinary, but if they need to scare away other animals, they will open their usually closed eyes and open their mouths to make strange and loud cries (which feel like Donald ducks rubbing against zippers). The Grey Forest Owl is a nocturnal bird of prey, and although its vision at night is strong, it is a "small color deficiency". Because of its particularly large mouth, it is able to catch insects in flight.

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

The mouth of the Great North

2. Polygonal dolls

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

Werewolf-like fleshy claws

Also known as: The strong-haired frog, which mainly inhabits low-altitude rainforests and rivers in subtropical or tropical regions. Imagine how a "furry" frog feels? Male strong-haired frogs can clearly see the hairy mastoids on the body, and these hairs are actually the skin full of the existing arteries, which is equivalent to the outer cheeks of aquatic habitats. The hairy frog is a masochistic animal that, when it senses danger, breaks its bones as temporary claws, and then pushes the broken bones out of the skin so that sharp broken bone fragments can be seen.

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

Hair-like baby

3. Long-necked weevil

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

Proboscis weevil

It is a peculiar insect that lives on the island of Madagascar, with a small body and a giraffe-like neck, which in addition to helping to build nests, can also be used as a weapon to compete for mating rights with females. After mating, they will build a love nest together, and they will work together to curl up the leaves, and then wrap the eggs intact in the leaves, thus getting the name "leaf weevil". The red carapace makes them look as if they are always in a state of combat, looking a little fierce, but they are actually vegetarians, because the insect only eats leaves.

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

Proboscis weevil interaction

4. Cockroaches

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!


The tail of the male cockroach looks like a scorpion, so it is also called a "flying scorpion". But the tail of the cockroach has no stingers and venom, and it has no defensive effect, it is just an oversized male endemic organ. Cockroaches have a very interesting habit, that is, male cockroaches need to give them a "bride price" when courting female cockroaches, that is, certain gifts, such as prey. Female cockroaches then choose their mates based on the number of "bride price", which stems from the fact that females need to eat a lot of food after mating to replenish their physical strength. They mainly take the carcasses of animals and insects, as well as other decomposing organic matter. For food.

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

The tail of a cockroach

5. Snowman crab

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

Snowman crab

A new species on the Antarctic seabed, living in a dark world under a depth of 2400 meters. Scientists have named the animal "Kiwardo Furry", which has no visual function at all. The claws are covered with fine fluff, the whole body is snow white, and the body is covered with yellow bacteria communities, which are likely to feed on these bacteria. The snowman crab lives near the hot spring vent, the temperature in that place is extremely high, and the poisonous gas generated by the volcanic eruption cannot kill them, which is really the most tenacious crab.

Claws stick out from the back of the hand and heal quickly, realistic wolverine!

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