
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - mushroom coral

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - mushroom coral

Mushroom corals, known in English as Muchroom Corals. Mushroom coral varieties belong to the relatively easy breed of corals, for newbies who have just entered the sea is a good choice, mushroom corals have long antennae, itself is aggressive, so it needs to have a certain amount of feeding space.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - mushroom coral

There are many varieties of mushroom corals, including green fungus corals, mahogany fungus corals, American bubble mushroom corals, Pacific bubble mushroom corals, elephant ear corals, elephant ear corals and so on.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - mushroom coral

Mushroom corals in the coral species is relatively easy to raise corals, as long as their water quality and light and water flow and other conditions can be mastered, such as the American bubble mushroom, it is more suitable for aquarists who have just gone to the sea, because the American bubble mushroom coral requirements for light and water flow are not so strict, but the color of their bodies depends on their own environment, such as water quality, temperature, light, water flow and other conditions will affect the color and shade of their bodies.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - mushroom coral

Mushroom coral is also a very good choice in professional seawater fish tank landscaping, because of its variety of types, so it can also add a lot of color to the coral tank, such as mahogany ear coral, its feeding difficulty is medium, it requires medium intensity of light, medium water flow and mahogany ear coral itself is aggressive, so it needs to have a certain feeding space. It is also more delicate in feeding, and needs to be fed some micronized food, such as small plankton or sea shrimp.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - mushroom coral

Many aquarists have not known how to raise mushroom corals, in fact, it is really simple, in addition to paying attention to water quality, light and water flow, the most important thing to raise mushroom corals is to have patience, to be diligent, and these conditions are every aquarist who goes to the sea must have, and to understand the characteristics of mushroom corals and feeding, so that in the feeding process can be handy!

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