
After 8 years... Photography enthusiasts have captured images of shoudai at Shangri-La

author:Diqing information circle
After 8 years... Photography enthusiasts have captured images of shoudai at Shangri-La

It is the summer and autumn migratory bird migration season, the fruits of wild plants such as Zhongdian hawthorn on Wufeng Mountain on the outskirts of Shangri-La have matured, and the small red fruits have attracted a large number of birds to feed here, and also attracted a large number of bird photography enthusiasts to rush to it.

After 8 years... Photography enthusiasts have captured images of shoudai at Shangri-La

Recently, Shangri-La photography enthusiasts encountered a beautiful bird with orange-red feathers in Wufengshan, recorded its images, and consulted a number of wildlife and bird experts in time. After expert identification, the bird was identified as a shou belt (English name: Amur Paradise Flycatcher, scientific name: Terpsiphone incei), and the distribution was recorded during the second animal survey in Diqing Prefecture in 2013, and there were no image records of the species for 8 years.

After 8 years... Photography enthusiasts have captured images of shoudai at Shangri-La

The Shou Belt is a bird of the genus Shou Belt in the family Passivoderidae. Chinese name Shou belt bird, common names are ribbon, white belt, long tail training, long tail wing, practice magpie, three light bird, one branch flower, ochre training magpie, purple long tail, purple belt. Shou Belt can be found in much of eastern and southern China, where wild birds feed almost entirely on insects. They prefer to prey on insects in the lower layers of the forest and are good birds of agriculture and forestry. The male shou belt bird has a large tail that is almost 3 times long of its own body, like a long ribbon. Shou has white and purple types, which are not different subspecies.

After 8 years... Photography enthusiasts have captured images of shoudai at Shangri-La

Source: Luo Jun (photo), Jin Yuhua (text)

Editor-in-charge: Li Jingruo

Editor: Yang Xiaohua

© Diqing State Radio and Television Station