
In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

author:Deputy Director of Kecun

Bao Jie found that there are often treasure fans in the background who ask about the knowledge of coral jade, and it seems that everyone is still quite interested in coral jade.

In fact, coral jade has been very popular since ancient times, its appearance is bright, it looks like a chrysanthemum, so jade experts call it chrysanthemum jade. And because "flower" and "fat" are homophonous in Cantonese, coral jade has the reputation of "fortune jade", which means that it can bring auspiciousness and wealth.

However, the charm of coral jade does not stop there, see Bao Jie slowly come ~ ~

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Coral jade: "Living" gemstones

To be precise, coral jade is a coral fossil. The formation of fossils needs to go through tens of millions of years, while coral jade needs to spend hundreds of millions of years of time, experiencing harsh special environments such as crustal movement, geothermal torment, high temperature and high pressure, etc., in order to form.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Therefore, coral jade is derived from coral and is alive. This process of jadeization is very similar to that of jade, which eventually forms a translucent jade, and also belongs to the category of "organic gemstones".

Coral jade fossils were mined from the treasure island of Taiwan, mainly divided into black coral jade and red coral jade, there are also white coral, yellow coral and so on. Among them, red coral jade is the most precious, which was originally found in Taiwan and has been excavated and is extremely precious.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

The biggest feature of coral jade is its pattern, after being cross-cut, you can see the regular chrysanthemum-like pattern. Due to the difference in coral size and variety, the pattern will also be different, and the dense distribution is staggered, and the colors are various.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Since the Ming Dynasty in China, coral stones have been collected by the Royal Jewelry Library Cultural Hall. And coral jade is not only popular with the Chinese, it was also used by the Indians of mainland America for totem worship, and the ancient Romans called it "red gold".

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Second, coral jade 4 charm test

Appearance: The elegant king of flowers

Charm: ★★★★★

Because coral jade originally came from various corals, so the structure is very special, the pattern seen under the cross-cutting, is the cross-section of the coral itself, such as various types of flowers, beautiful and charming, or radial, or curly, rich in change, so it is called the king of flowers.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

The color of coral jade is more gorgeous, red is like blood, pink is like peach blossoms, yellow is rich and noble, and white is pure and soft.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

The texture of coral jade is like gelatin, with a strong sense of transparency, comparable to mutton fat white jade. Unlike jade fossils on land, coral jade formed in the sea has a fuller head and is more lustrous.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money
In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Coral jade from the deep sea is moist and transparent

Among the many jewels, coral is the only one with life, and the finished color, pattern are "unique" gemstones, the pattern is not repeated, whether it is rough or finished products, you can appreciate the quality color, you can appreciate the texture, carefully play, lament the miracle of life, the greatness of nature.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money
In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Coral jade has a unique pattern

Collection: 100 million years of time that cannot be copied

Charm: ★★★★

As mentioned above, the formation of coral jade dates back to the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods between 250 million and 300 million years ago. In addition, the formation of coral jade has gone through hardships, so in the eyes of people, it has given it the meaning of a witness to the vicissitudes of the sea, and you are collecting not only a piece of jade, but also the time that cannot be regained for hundreds of millions of years.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Today' most common coral jade is mainly black coral jade and red coral jade, in addition to many white corals, yellow corals and so on. However, the most precious of these is red coral jade.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Of course, non-renewable coral jade is becoming more and more precious, nothing more than due to the scarcity of the origin, it is extremely difficult to find, the price in recent years is also rising year by year, the market potential is huge, and now is still a good time to collect investment.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Health: Organic gemstones are highly nutritious

Charm: ★★★★ ☆

As an organic gemstone, coral jade lives up to its name and has good health value, which contains a large number of trace elements that are beneficial to human health, and there are examples of wearing coral jade to dilute the problem of spots.

And some people have done research and found that coral jade contains anti-cancer components, which can significantly reduce the incidence of cancer.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

In addition, the pure natural magnetic field released by coral jade can also balance human body functions, the main component of which is calcium carbonate, which can be converted into calcium phosphate similar to human bones after treatment, to repair human bones. Coral jade also has the effect of activating blood and purpose.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Coral jade also has a major feature, that is, like jadeite, through wearing, playing, combined with the secretion of trace substances of the human body, it will show a different degree of change.

Spirituality: The fortune jade that everyone loves

Charm: ★★★ ☆

In ancient times, corals were regarded as auspicious and happy things, representing nobility and power; also known as "Ruibao", symbolizing happiness and eternity; also known as Fortune Jade, which can attract wealth into treasure. And the coral jade of different colors is also different.

Green: Extremely scarce, symbolizing vitality, hope and health. 

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Yellow: Symbolizes wealth and imperial power and can be used to attract wealth and fortune.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Red: Give people a warm, lively sense of joy, will make people full of self-motivation, high-spirited. 

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Purple: Very rare, "purple qi coming from the east", is a very auspicious color, mysterious and elegant. 

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Ink color: strong and introverted, subtle and stable, is the most affectionate color, giving people a sense of wisdom, nobility and atmosphere. 

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

White: Represents purity and beauty and brings peace to people.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

【Baojie intimate tip: how to maintain coral jade? 】

Coral jade is a type of organic gemstone, which is known to be "fragile". Most of the organic ingredients are unstable and susceptible to various factors, resulting in deterioration, and gemstones are not beautiful. Therefore, coral jade must be carefully maintained.

1. Long-term placement of easy to dry water

Most of the coral jade will be more or less dehydrated and dry after long-term placement. In particular, coral jade, which is dry in itself, will lose its color and luster once it loses water. If the degree of jadeization is higher, the tighter the internal structure, the less likely it is to lose water.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

2, too much water will change the texture

Coral jade lost water, and the first reaction was, of course, to soak in water. It is not wrong to know the idea, but it cannot be reckless, because the coral jade cannot be too soaked in water. Especially if the degree of jadeization is high, if it is soaked in water for a long time, it will lead to poor permeability.

Therefore, it is recommended that every once in a while (about a month), you can soak once, and the soaking time is controlled at 1-2 hours to moderately alleviate the "hunger and thirst" state of coral jade.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

3. Coral jade wearing is contraindicated

The main component of coral jade is still calcium carbonate, which is unstable in nature. Therefore, usually try to avoid contact with acidic chemicals, cosmetics, sweat, etc., and rinse or wipe clean with water in time after contact.   

Most coral jade will undergo subtle changes after being worn closely for a period of time, and will become more and more moist, more and more colorful, and more transparent. However, some people think that coral jade, which has become bright in color, may not be better than the original, which varies from person to person.

Coral jade has better hardness, but it is very similar to jadeite, and it is necessary to avoid heavy blows and collisions to avoid damage.

In addition to the reputation of "Fortune Jade", these 4 charms of coral jade are really worth the money

Sister Bao whispered

Has such a colorful and graceful coral jade touched your heart?

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