
What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

author:Lan's mother talks about parenting
What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Text/Lan's mother talks about parenting

Qiao's mother, a friend who gave birth to two sons, jokingly asked me the day before yesterday "Do you want to change children with her to raise them"

She said that raising two sons is too tiring, not as obedient and gentle as the adopted girl

Raising a daughter will necessarily be easier than raising a son? I don't think so

Look at the boys

Although I am energetic every day, I am really active and mischievous

But if you pay attention, you will find that the boys' requirements are not so high, as long as they have enough energy to accompany them to play and accompany them to explore

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

And the girls? It's not that simple, and it's not enough to have the physical strength to play with you

You need to have enough eyesight, ear power, heart power to listen, and also have gentle mouth power, fighting power, and affinity to understand her

In addition, if you meet a girl who has been beautiful since childhood, it will require more financial resources, energy and imagination to satisfy their love for beauty

There are even many mornings, you may have a temper tantrum because of a dress, a hairstyle, a pair of shoes and socks, and the whole appearance of Her Royal Highness the Princess can simply make you angry all the time

Therefore, girls are not easy to raise, and "raising" good girls requires certain skills and methods

Next, on the past parenting experience and let's talk about those who can raise girls well:

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

First sentence:

The girl can't raise her too stubbornly

I have a stubborn daughter and a stubborn mother-in-law

And from the current situation of her mother-in-law's life, she also seems to slowly feel the emotional crisis of her daughter's future

It is said that the father-in-law was a son-in-law who suffered from some "daughters-in-law" when he was young

Judging from the relationship with her mother-in-law in recent years, she belongs to a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart

That kind of has no bad intentions for anyone, and does his best for anyone, but has a strong and stubborn character that is difficult to say, as if making all simple and beautiful things not simple and beautiful

Take family level relationships, for example

When you say what you hear and what you see, it's basically cutting off first, or simply ignoring your business

That year, at the beginning of the epidemic, my mother-in-law called xx at my house to learn about the recruitment

From getting to know, to packing up, to opening the door to get ready for a trial job, she never told me about it

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Seeing that I was about to leave with my luggage, I stopped me and said, "You can rest at home, don't worry about those things, besides, it is not safe everywhere outside now, and it is more important that the family stays safely together than anything else."

My mother-in-law, who could not listen to the advice, said to me, "Don't worry about me now, I don't need you to care."

One sentence instantly left me speechless, and I had no choice but to send a message to her son to inform me of the situation

In the end, it was still the father-in-law who called and said, "If you are disobedient, I will buy a ticket in the afternoon and go back to watch you specifically."

In this way, the mother-in-law stayed, but her strong character still existed

It's good that the in-laws and the old man don't meet, and as soon as they meet and say less than two sentences, they will immediately become a war scene, then the scene of you arguing and I scolding is simply depressing

Although it is true feelings that husband and wife have quarrels and troubles, good feelings are never quarrelsome, and the more stubborn and strong you are, in the end, you will only slowly break the hearts of the people around you

Think about those broken or even broken families, do they have a protagonist who does not know how to be soft and only knows how to be stubborn

After all, in addition to your parents who will unconditionally tolerate everything about you and support your decisions, everyone else will argue and even abandon you because of disagreements, disagreements, and even abandon you

So, I want my daughter to have a temper, but I don't want her to be emotionally stubborn in the future

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Second sentence:

It is better to enrich your daughter than to enrich yourself first

I've heard a phrase:

"Girls should be rich from an early age, when they have everything, they will not be easily tempted by others when they grow up"

If you listen carefully, such a theory is quite reasonable

But children who "have everything" are easy to stay in the giant infant stage and do not want to grow up

Cousin's daughter Shin Shin is like that

Since childhood, he has lived a well-equipped and well-fed life, attended the best kindergarten near the community, wore a thousand yuan dance clothes, and even signed up for a group to participate in a 36,000-day seven-day trip to a certain country...

Under the careful arrangement of her cousin, Shin Shin has also been living a comfortable life without worry

I thought that under such careful planning, Shin Shin could be regarded as the future

But when we had dinner together at the beginning of last year, my cousin changed her previous thinking of prosperity

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

She said:

"Raising a girl or not being rich"

"Why have I no money over the years, all of it has been spent on that girl, it's been seven or eight years, I've never bought a decent new dress in the closet, and I wear cheap street stalls, because I bring better things to my children"

"But her whole thing now is a big lady's temper, if you don't satisfy her once, all the good you did to her before, then you can't remember it all"

"I said she was in the blessing and did not know the blessing, what do you guess the girl said? She said who told you not to buy it yourself"

"Also, you look at the sixteen or seven-year-old girls, they are almost adults, they don't have a mature temperament at all, their socks can't be washed, they can't cook, and even the quilt and clothes can't be folded well, the whole giant baby state, how can I live in the future."


Yes, true love is to let children grow up better and have stronger life abilities

If the child does not even have basic self-care ability when he grows up, and does not know how to love his child, he naturally does not know to be grateful and considerate of the people around him

Therefore, it is better to enrich your children than to enrich yourself first

For example, the material needs of rich children are not as good as regularly stipulating the amount of pocket money, and allowing children to be free and independent, which can exercise the child's financial ability, and secondly, it is not easy to raise giant babies

It is said that parents are children's growth examples, and the essence of wealth is also temperament, spirit and mentality, and a well-cultivated child will reveal extraordinary words and deeds

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Third sentence:

Raising a daughter well is not as good as "raising" the family first

Someone said

Raising a girl is like buying a piece of chocolate, and although it tastes a little bitter, it still has a sweet aftertaste

In fact, we want our daughters to be approachable, or we want to enrich them

There is only one ultimate goal: love

But any love needs enough atmosphere to transmit and feel

Yes, a love requires enough heart and action, and a child's love requires a whole family to instill a steady stream of strength

Children cannot be educated by either mom or dad alone

Let children be in an environment full of love and common love, so that they can better experience love and have a sense of security

If you look at children who grow up in single-parent families or left-behind families, you will find that they all share a common characteristic

That is: a serious lack of love

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

I know a friend who grew up as a single parent + stay-at-home

Because her classmates have never met her friend's parents, everyone laughs at her for "being a child without a father and a mother."

Therefore, my friend's childhood was particularly lonely and inferior

There are few friends around, and they don't like to stick in the pile of people, except for a few friends who usually get along, they can also chat a few words, then the whole thing is a social fear performance, as soon as they talk to people, they blush and dare not look others in the eye

Later, I heard that this friend had just been out of society for a few months and got married in confusion, because the boy was self-touched by picking her up from work for several days

But this emotion is only temporary, but also a sensory illusion, one foot just stepped into marriage, the other foot to live a neglected life

Friends said that she was too stupid at that time, because she was touched by a little thing, and she had no heart at all

In fact, in my opinion, this is a typical lack of love

Because of the serious lack of love in your heart, it is easy for others to fall into self-touching if they are a little good to you

This incident also made me understand one thing thoroughly

That is, a child's love is from the power of family transmission, and whether the family environment you bring to your child is full of love or full of loneliness will eventually turn into an obsession in the child's heart, and will also affect their future cognitive judgment

Therefore, raising a daughter well is not as good as "raising" a good family first

Parents do not quarrel or quarrel, dad loves mom, mom and dad go together to hobby the child

The family is harmonious and respectful, and when there are problems, we discuss and make decisions together, so that every member of the family can participate

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Fourth sentence:

Don't think about "going head-to-head" with your daughter

It is said that the girl is made of water, breaks when touched, and cries when she says it

In the past time, I have found that girls are indeed more likely to cry and get emotional than boys

However, if you master the methods of raising babies and communication skills, girls are not so weak, and they may not even be worse than men

Tell me about my crying daughter

How much can you cry? You just ask, "Did you finish your homework?" and she looked at you with a grievanced expression, and then tears fell drop after drop

I often say, "Your tears are like you don't want money, just say it, you don't know how to be strong."

In order to change this glass heart that cries when I say it, I have tried many methods

Including face-to-face communication calmly, I found that you patiently told her so much reason, the result was self-touching, the child did not listen to a word, but still felt like playing with her

After this communication, next time I will be aggrieved when I remind me and cry when I say it

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

So how do you finally get out of this circle? I found that behind every glass-hearted child is actually a lack of self-identity

When they think "I can't do it" in their bones, they are naturally afraid of doing anything, and even feel "I will definitely not be able to do it"

Therefore, raise girls don't think about "hard fighting" with them, the more weak the appearance, the more stubborn stubbornness in the bones

They may resist because of a lack of self-identity, or they may want to get more identification

After grasping this key piece of information, the first thing I need to do is to change the way I communicate with my crying daughter

Especially when I changed "did you finish your homework" to "I heard that you still want to do xxx later, so how long do you think you have to do this"

After this sentence, my daughter happily introduced her thoughts, and if I missed the homework, I would not have the previous love and crying heart

It can be seen that crying children let them make their own decisions for their own lives, and when the children's experience is enough, their ability and self-confidence will also increase

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Fifth sentence:

Teaching daughters from elementary school will be financially independent

If you ask mothers who raise girls, what are they most afraid of?

In my opinion, adopted daughters have three fears:

I am afraid that my daughter will be unscrupulous and deceived

The second is afraid that her daughter will be bullied and become a sheep that can be slaughtered

Three afraid that after her daughter experienced the pain of giving birth to a child, she would also encounter unhappiness in marriage

Whenever I think of these worries, I always feel that raising my daughter is a worry of "losing hair", worrying about this and that

Later, when I slowly understood the true meaning of raising a girl, I found that true love is not to protect it in my hands, but to make the child strong on its own

In the past, my daughter was a timid master who dared not say hello when she met, and in order to exercise her courage, I began to focus on the ability to be financially independent

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

Many friends may feel a little off topic, what does raising a good girl have to do with economic independence, but it is of great significance from the perspective of long-term growth

First of all, economically independent girls are more confident, and in economic domination, and trading exercises, they can enhance their courage and improve their language development

Secondly, girls who can be financially independent since childhood have good financial skills, especially when their "small treasury" slowly decreases, they will find ways to fill their pocket money, such as shopping around to be thrifty, or selling old things to save money, etc., behind each brain is a harvest of financial ability

Finally, economic independence is the umbrella in women's marriage, with this umbrella can fight for a lot of power, including family status, weight of speech, and marriage security, etc., with their own money to live the life they want, which is a real sense of security

In this way, is it not so redundant to raise girls to cultivate economic independence from an early age?

Of course, in order for her daughter to get a better growth education, no matter what kind of advice, we must do enough respect and trust

You respect the child, the child respects you, you trust the child, the child will trust you, this is the influence of family education, and it is also the growth nutrient needed to raise girls

What exactly is "raising" to raise a girl? Remember these 5 sentences, so that the daughter can get a better education

So, what are the different suggestions and opinions on how to "raise" a good daughter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share!

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