
Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors

author:Dr. Peng Yu popular science

Under normal circumstances, after the food in the stomach is completely digested, it will be in a state of emptying, and if it is emptyed for too long, it will make people feel hungry.

The contractile function of the gastrointestinal tract will be accelerated, the stomach will make a grumbling sound, and as long as food is eaten, this phenomenon will relieve itself in a short time.

There are some people in life who do not have hunger, but their stomach growls frequently, and they are accompanied by an increase in farts, what is the matter?

Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors


Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome may be caused by excessive pressure, resulting in excessive mental tension and anxiety, causing people to have intestinal motility disorders, or it may be caused by factors such as food and drugs, and the intestines are stimulated.

When suffering from bowel stress syndrome, patients will have repeated farting, grumbling stomach, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abnormal bowel habits and stool characteristics.


Like to eat some food that is easy to get hot and too dry and hard, or meat will cause constipation problems, do not defecate for a long time, more and more stool accumulated in the intestine, more and more hard, more and more difficult to exclude.

Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors

At the same time, the intestine will repeatedly digest and decompose the contents inside, stimulated by harmful substances, the intestinal function will become weaker and weaker, and the stool will affect the microbiota environment in the intestine, breeding more air-producing bacteria, resulting in increased fart.

Intestinal dysfunction

Not paying attention to dietary hygiene, or often eating spicy and stimulating raw and cold food will cause gastrointestinal irritation, affect intestinal function, cause microbiota disorders, and will affect digestion and absorption, and also produce a large amount of gas.

With the peristalsis of the intestines, the gas will make a cooing sound, and the number of farts will increase, and the smell will be more unpleasant, especially after eating, you will feel abdominal discomfort, such as abdominal pain and bloating, nausea and vomiting.

Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors

Spleen deficiency

The spleen is a small organ in the human body, but it undertakes the operation of nutrients in the body, as well as the role of distributing blood, if the diet is irregular, like to eat heavy and greasy food, bad mood will lead to spleen deficiency. After suffering from spleen deficiency, patients will have symptoms of invisible stools, cold hands and feet, frequent grumbling of the stomach, and increased farting.


Stomach grumbling, always farting, how to solve it?

Maintain a positive attitude towards life

Long-term excessive pressure causes the body to be in a tight state, which can easily lead to abnormalities in the intestines, stomach grumbling, and always farting.

In order to avoid the accumulation of too much gas in the body, it is important to know how to release stress and maintain a positive attitude towards life, and in today's fast-paced era, it is very important to know how to regulate your stress and emotions.

Exercise appropriately

Proper exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also help to expel gas in the stomach, avoid excessive volume of qi in the body, resulting in the embarrassing situation of always farting and often screaming in the stomach.

But do not do strenuous exercise, it is recommended to do proper aerobic exercise, because strenuous exercise will damage the stomach and intestines, and will also bring more gas into the body, resulting in stomach grumbling and total farting aggravated.

Eat healthily

First of all, the diet should eat less foods that are easy to produce gas, maintain good eating habits, avoid dieting, and foods that are easy to produce gas, including high-starch, high-protein, carbonated drinks.

Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors

Secondly, maintain good eating habits, including chewing slowly during meals, not speaking, can ensure the full absorption of food, and avoid inhaling too much gas during meals.

Finally, do not diet, dieting will make the stomach in a state of loss for a long time, there is not much food in the intestine and the intestine combined will produce a certain gas and sound, so in order to avoid this embarrassing situation, it is best not to diet.


Extension: Is farting a lot and belly grumbling bowel cancer?

Many people think that stomach grumbling is an early warning of bowel cancer, in fact, it is not necessarily, it may be that the stomach is hungry, about 4~6 hours, the food we eat into the stomach will be gradually emptied.

Frequent grumbling in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in farts, doctor: It may be related to these factors

Even if the stomach is about to emptigate, gastric juice will still be secreted, and Wei Hui thinks that his peristalsis ability is not enough, so he continues to work, resulting in the so-called hunger contraction.

If there is little food in the stomach, but a lot of qi, the violent contraction will squeeze the air into the intestine, causing the stomach to purr, so it is not rigorous to judge that you have Chang'an based on a single symptom.