
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up


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This spring, please follow in our footsteps

Take a popular science trip!

Destination – Germany· Rheinberg

Rheinberg is located on the outskirts of the German state of North Rhineland, on the lower Rhine. The geographical location is relatively remote, so there are many fields and windmills along the road, like a large "village"

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

The town was first recorded in documents in 1006, and was fortified from the Archbishop of Cologne in 1223. This year, the city is 788 years old.

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Old building on the street

Although the geographical location is remote and has little sense of existence in the history of economic development, it is "blessed by misfortune" that it is "lucky" to avoid the devastation of World War I and World War II. So the city is full of centuries-old buildings

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St. Peter's Church, 915

Today, the city has two city cards

One is that there is one of the largest FBA centers in Germany

The second is today's destination · Terrazoo Rheinberg

As one of the few professional crawlers in Germany

What surprises await us?

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

A statue of an umbrella lizard stands in front of the gate

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The "window-style" landscaping in the venue objectively evaluates the advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages: low construction cost, multiple viewing angles, easy to arrange/clean

Disadvantages: need to clean frequently, if the hiding space is not enough, it is easy to cause pressure to the animal,

The knocking vibration of tourists cannot be isolated

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

First of all, let's take a look at the "treasure of the town hall" here.

Betty, 11 years old

It is currently probably the largest white crocodile in Europe

The water-to-land ratio is 2:1, and the pool water circulates throughout the day, with small fish inside

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

The albino eyes are photophobic, so use infrared heating lamps for heating

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This is how you take a bath on weekdays

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

What did we do if you had night vision? ——Two climbing vision rankings This article introduces the crocodile's vision

This time take a look at the close-up

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

A good tooth, the iconic credential of raising a good crocodile

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Opposite Betty is the National Treasure of Yaoshan Crocodile Lizard

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

In europe, yaoshan breeding is relatively successful, in addition to zoos, private individuals can also be raised through corresponding procedures, and the price of cb offspring tends to be close to the people

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Yaoshan crocodile lizards are distributed in China and Vietnam (divided into two subspecies), in fact, China's wild conservation has been very successful, from hundreds of wild to nearly 2,000 (not including the artificial individuals in the nursery station), but good things do not go out, few people know about this achievement

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Let's look at the rearing environment of blue tongue

The three-dimensional space is slightly rudimentary

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Native to the tropical dry regions of Indonesia, they love stumps and trunks and are passionate about digging. The arrangement in this regard is very restorive to the original ecological landscape

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Return to the rainforest landscape and start with the ground

It's not beautiful enough, but it's intricate

Large enough to hold a variety of poison dart frogs

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

There are more than frogs in this environment, and looking up...

Green tree pythons do not eat frogs, so they are often polycultured with frogs

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Moving on, let's look at the "monsoon-controlled" environment

The abundance of climbing space means that they are not weak in activity

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Rocky and creviced, meaning they are petite

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"They" are the leopard print palaces we are familiar with

But this is only not the primary color

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

This is the real original leopard print (Wild Type)

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

It has a fat tail like leopard print

And the host in this big environment

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Dry and harsh environments, or large seasonal variations

It is an important condition for the production of "fat tail"

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The "leopard print" of the Americas - the Mexican poison lizard

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Back to the humid subtropical rainforest again

But it's bad polyculture, and don't imitate it

Because the green hyena is likely to attack the water dragon when it is fully formed

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

The flower turtle that basks on the trunk of the tree gets equal comfort

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

West African side neck ready to pick up leftovers from the mouth of the edge of the table

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

In the early years, the East African thorn-tailed lizard environment was more common in the market

But now it's Appendix 2

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This environment is relatively simple, although the size is up to standard, but the three-dimensional abundance is insufficient. At the same time, East African thorntails are native to the savannahs and require diggable earthen holes, where the wrong bedding material is used

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

After watching the small thorn tail, let's look at the big "thorn tail"

Such three-dimensional abundance is suitable for them

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Inside lives one of the most popular monitor lizards

Australian spiny-tailed monitor lizard

But environmental spaces don't shrink because of their small size

An environment of 2 meters long x 1 meters high is more suitable

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Abandoned termite mounds will always be a warm haven for reptiles. In addition to the spiny tail monitor lizards that come to build their nests, in the wild, wild maned lion lizards also come to termite mounds to prey on termites

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If an environment wants to live in "sea, land and air", how should it be arranged? This cylinder block proposes a more economical solution.

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Arboreal water dragons have climbable trunks, turtles have large ponds, and sea toads have their own burrows. It not only satisfies the needs of animals in various habitats, but also avoids animal disputes

"Big enough + abundance" is the basis of polyculture

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

The front is not big enough, and the environment depends on the home of the monitor lizard

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In Germany, adult black-throated monitor lizards require at least 6 m2 of moving space and a climbing height of more than 2 m (low is illegal). Even if such a huge environment is needed, it cannot stop people from loving them. Because the intelligence of each species of monitor lizard is not low, after patient training, it can interact well with the owner.

It is because of this that many German climbers will raise them even if they vacate an entire basement or a room. So we are still some way from "liberalizing" the basic conditions of large species

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After reading the rough type of monitor lizard, let's look at the exquisite type

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I was lucky enough to take a leap

Big enough, good enough, they're going to be happier

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Tree giants are very energetic, so they also need huge space to meet their activity needs, and the narrow "climbing box" will cause them serious mental damage

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Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Super loved ones chameleons come up with it when they see people

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Coming outside is also a witness to the "spectacle"

"American Snapper" Lily

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Feed Lily

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Prey of this size needs to be eaten from the head, usually thrown up and then adjusted, but after the mouth is broken, it is difficult to control the angle, so it is very difficult to eat

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

Finally, please don't misunderstand the purpose of [popular science].

Popular science does not have to be liked + raised

Science is about dispelling fear; expanding cognitive boundaries; respecting/loving amphibians and reptiles; and thus triggering deep learning/thinking. It makes sense to take any step. However, the maintenance of non-maintenance is completely based on objective conditions and is not necessarily related to [science popularization].

Hopefully, in the new year we can get through science

Let you know more about them and see farther!

Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up
Visit a professional reptile in Germany! Walk up

If you want to know more about climbing pets, remember to keep an eye on us!

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