
If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

author:Harvesting sweet rain

1. Constipation

Only go to the toilet once in two or three days, or go to the toilet each time, more than 5 minutes, to start to be vigilant, it is likely to be a sign of fat. Because people with long-term constipation, due to the secondary absorption of nutrients, the daily calorie intake will be higher than that of the state of non-constipation, and they are prone to obesity.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

2. Feeling thirsty

Often feel thirsty and do not drink water in time. The catabolism of fat is inseparable from water, and lack of water will also lead to a decrease in metabolism and become fattenable.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

3. I like to eat heavy tastes

I am becoming more and more fond of eating heavy foods. I always like to eat foods high in oil, sugar, salt, calories and spicy. This type of food not only causes excessive calorie intake, but also causes edema.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

4. Love snacking

Often eat snacks, in addition to three meals, whether you are full or not, always want to eat some snacks, not eating snacks seems to be a disadvantage. Since snacks are not easy to digest. It is easily converted into fat in the body, resulting in fat deposition.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

5. Excessive stress

Feeling overstressed. When your body is in a negative mood, it is likely to cause overeating, resulting in excessive energy intake and obesity. You can participate in activities such as mountain climbing to release your body and mind.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

6. Sleep late

If you often stay up late at night, it will cause insufficient sleep time, which will inhibit the secretion of leptin, thus making you fattenable.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

7. Feeling physically and mentally exhausted often

In the state of physical and mental exhaustion, the metabolism will become relatively low, if the intake of calories during the day is more, the metabolism can not be effectively volatilized, these calories are easy to store in the body, forming fat and becoming fat.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

8. Panting with a little exercise

Many office workers are in a more serious sub-health state, often sitting for a long time, resulting in the body's resistance and immunity began to decline. Now many young people go up stairs or go for a run, they will be out of breath, and the various functions of the body obviously cannot keep up.

If there are a few signs to pay attention to, it means that you are quietly gaining weight

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