
A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

author:Priceless history

#历史开讲 #

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty
A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

Ding worry refers to the system in which officials need to observe mourning due to the death of parents or grandparents or parents. After the establishment of the Song Dynasty, because "the affairs of the world could not be handled without ministers" at that time, the imperial court established a complete system of Ding worry. The establishment of the Ding worry system was the inevitable result of the social development of the Song Dynasty, and it was also an important symbol of the development of political civilization in the Song Dynasty.

Since the Han and Wei dynasties, the system of official Ding Wu has been respected by Confucianism. Confucianism pays attention to "propriety" to rule the world, advocates governing the country with virtue, and emphasizes the culture of filial piety. It is recorded in the Analects: "In life, everything is courteous; Death, burial, sacrifice. That is, a gentleman should act with propriety, his children should honor his parents, and his subjects should respect the sovereign. The influence of Confucianism on the official system was profound.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

The Ding Shu system during the Song Dynasty was a special system in the ancient dynasty. The Ding Worries system was a special welfare treatment in ancient Chinese dynasties. In the Song Dynasty, the Ding Worry system was an obligation that officials had to fulfill. During this period, the imperial court would provide officials with food, clothing, housing, etiquette, etc. The purpose of the Ding Wu system is to allow officials to serve in the DPRK with peace of mind to ensure the normal operation of the country. The Ding worry system was not only conducive to the stability of state power, but also enabled officials to share the emperor's worries and difficulties. Although there were relevant laws and regulations on the Ding Worries system during the Song Dynasty, the actual implementation was not good.

After Emperor Taizu of Song Zhao Kuangyin established the Song Dynasty, the "right to release troops from a cup of wine" transferred the military and political power to the central government. Under these circumstances, the Song court established a system of official worries in order to strengthen the centralization of power and prevent military generals from usurping power. The Song Dynasty official system experienced three stages of change and development: the early, middle and late Song Dynasty. This paper analyzes and studies the development and changes of the Song Dynasty official Ding Wu system.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

The number of officials and the time of Ding worry

During the Song Dynasty, the Ding worry system was clearly written into the "Song Penal System", that is: "Those who have no heirs, if they have no heirs and their parents are not dead and Ding is worried, listen to the pursuit of officials from now on, Xu Ding worries for one year." It can be seen that during the Song Dynasty, the Ding worry system was not mandatory for all officials. Only if an official is over the age of sixty and his parents have died, the system of fear is possible.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

It can be seen from the policy of Ding worry during the Song Dynasty that the targets of Ding worry are mainly officials. During the Song Dynasty, the official Ding Xuan system could be implemented for up to five years. The age of officials during the Song Dynasty was not clearly stipulated, but was determined according to the actual situation at that time. The regulations on the time for officials to worry are generally set in years, according to the specific situation of officials Ding worry.

According to the "Song Penal System", "Those who have no heirs and whose parents have passed away will be chased after the official and Xu Ding for one year from now on." "It can be seen from the above regulations that there were no specific regulations on the time of Ding Xuan during the Song Dynasty. In practice, it is generally up to the emperor to decide whether officials need a specific time to worry. For example, during the Song Shenzong period, Wang Anshi once proposed to Shenzong to "ask Xu Ding to worry for one year".

A similar proposal was made to Emperor Renzong during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song. In practice, the imperial court generally decided whether to implement the Ding Wu system according to the specific circumstances of officials. If the official does not have special circumstances, it is not allowed to carry out the Ding worry. In addition, during the Song Dynasty, officials would also decide whether they needed to worry according to the level of their official position, the size of the official position, and the length of their service.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

Ding worries about the institution

During the Song Dynasty, there were many Ding Wu institutions for officials, and these institutions were mainly concentrated in three places: first, they were responsible for the specific affairs of officials during the Ding Worries period; the second is responsible for providing accommodation for officials; The third is the etiquette of the responsible officials. During the Song Dynasty, there were mainly the following types of official Ding Worries institutions: 1. Ding Worries Yuan. A Ding Wuyuan is an institution that provides temporary accommodation for officials.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

At the same time, in daily life, if there are officials who need to worry about it, they can live here. Among these Ding Shu Yuan, two institutions are more important: one is the housing for officials; The second is a place for officials to perform rituals and other activities. 2. For official residences. An official residence refers to an institution that provides accommodation for officials, including houses and courtyards dedicated to official residence, sacrifices, ceremonies, and other activities.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

Ding worried's treatment

During the Song Dynasty, the imperial court provided relevant assistance to officials in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation. First of all, during the Song Dynasty, there were clear regulations on the Ding worry of officials. For example, officials can enjoy a two-year tax exemption during the Ding Worries period. In other words, officials can enjoy two years of exemption from benefits. Of course, the prerequisite for enjoying tax exemption is that officials need to declare to the imperial court. If officials use public funds privately during the Ding Worries period, they are severely punished.

It also provided three meals for officials during the Ding Dynasty, as well as other items for daily necessities. During the Song Dynasty, the imperial court would also hold some Ding Worries activities for officials, such as: during the Ding Worries, officials could hold sacrifices, pilgrimages and other activities. These events were held for the imperial court to share their worries and solve problems. Finally, during the Song Dynasty, relevant ceremonial activities were held for Ding Wu officials.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty
A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

Relevant policies during the Ding Worries period

During the Song Dynasty, the Ding Wu system, as a special official welfare system, was formulated by the imperial court to formulate a series of related policies. Its main contents are: help in terms of food, transportation, medicine and other aspects during the period of official worry, and also includes special treatment in funeral etiquette. In the Song Dynasty, the content of the official Ding worry system was more cumbersome, and some of the policies had a greater impact on the life and psychology of officials during the Ding Worry period.

For example, officials gave some care in terms of transportation during the period of worry; The medical expenses required by officials during the period of Ding Wu shall be reimbursed by the imperial court according to the length of time that officials Ding Wu has been worried; For officials who could not take the imperial examination because of Ding worry, the imperial court would also give some help. The system will encounter various problems in the process of implementation, resulting in it not playing its due role.

The period of mourning of an official, the period of mourning, refers to the length of mourning. The length of mourning directly affects the quality of life of officials and their loyalty to the imperial court and parents. The "History of Song" contains: "Those who are worried about Ding are those who serve for three years, those who serve for one year, and those who serve one and a half years." "The mourning period refers to the length of time that officials begin to serve after the funeral. The mourning period is generally divided into two parts: the service period and the rest period. The period of service is also known as "mourning" and "observance of etiquette", that is, the official completes the etiquette of mourning within a specified time. The rest period refers to the three situations in which an official can leave the official office, return home, and return to his hometown to observe filial piety.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty
A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

Ding worries about the legal provisions under the system

During the Song Dynasty, according to the provisions of the Song Penal System, if an official committed a crime during the Ding Dynasty, he was punished according to the severity of the crime. If a person commits a more serious crime such as homicide or injury to the life of another person, he shall be directly sentenced to death without being commuted from his punishment. If other crimes are committed during the period of Ding Wu, the corresponding punishment shall be imposed according to the seriousness of the crime.

The provisions on Ding Wu in the "Song Penal System" during the Song Dynasty were different from the Ding Wu system stipulated during the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, it was stipulated that during the period of Ding worry, the imperial court would provide certain help to officials, such as the imperial court would distribute a certain amount of money to officials, provide houses, and provide daily necessities. During the Tang Dynasty, officials who committed crimes during the Ding Dynasty were not directly executed, but were punished with varying degrees depending on the severity of the crime. During the Song Dynasty, these punishments were abolished.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty

Although the Song Dynasty did not explicitly stipulate that officials could not commit crimes during the Ding Dynasty, according to the provisions on "crimes against orders" in the Song Penal System, officials who committed other crimes during the Ding Dynasty were generally sentenced to death. Of course, this does not mean that officials who committed crimes during the Ding Dynasty cannot be pardoned. However, the imperial court would give Ding Wu officials a certain amount of necessities such as lilu and houses, and would also exempt them from military service during Ding Wu.

A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty
A study of the system of Ding Xuan, an official of the Song Dynasty


The Ding worry system during the Song Dynasty was a very distinctive system, which had a profound impact on the Ming and Qing dynasties in the development of later generations. During the Song Dynasty, the imperial court gave many special preferential policies to officials during the Ding Xuan period, because the economy was relatively developed during the Song Dynasty and the state power was relatively stable. In addition, the Song Dynasty was the most Chinese prosperous dynasty in ancient China, so the Song Dynasty government gave officials certain special treatment in order to encourage them to be at ease with the dynasty. Therefore, the Ding worry system during the Song Dynasty was loved and imitated by many people in later generations.


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