
Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

author:Dr. Yu Fang talks about health

The wine culture of the mainland has a long history, and in modern society, alcohol has become a must-have drink on people's tables, especially when family and friends gather or business entertainment, drinking is inevitable.

Alcohol has become a major form of socializing, and even when it comes to cooperation, they use it to narrow their feelings for each other, thus facilitating cooperation negotiations.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

Of course, no matter what kind of wine you drink, you can't do without the appetizer, especially when drinking baijiu, if there is no appetizer, few people are willing to drink.

Peanut rice is a common appetizer, some people say that it is not suitable to eat peanut rice when drinking, is this statement correct?

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

Can't you eat peanuts while drinking?

As a common nut food, peanut rice has the title of "longevity fruit". From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy: peanut rice is flat, sweet, into the spleen meridian, stomach meridian, for people with nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and indigestion caused by weak spleen and stomach, if you eat peanut rice appropriately has a good benefit of replenishing the spleen and invigorating qi.

However, if you drink alcohol for a long time with peanut rice, it may cause partial damage to the human body. For normal people, alcohol itself is a stimulating food that can cause damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

The protein and fat content in peanuts is high, and drinking alcohol affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to the body's digestion and absorption of peanuts slowing down.

The metabolism of the fat we eat into the body requires the participation of the liver. Alcohol is mainly metabolized and excreted in the liver, and if you eat fried peanut rice when drinking, it will definitely increase the burden on the liver and more likely to lead to decreased liver function.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

Although eating fried peanut rice when drinking will increase the burden on the liver, it does not mean that you can't eat at all, eat a little occasionally, or be able to control your intake, and treat peanut rice as a wine dish is completely fine.

When you drink, if you want to eat peanut rice, it is recommended that you can chew a few peanuts raw or choose boiled peanuts, which will help protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the irritation and damage of alcohol to the gastric mucosa.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

Eating peanuts has these 5 benefits, you know!

1. Provide energy

Usually proper eating of peanuts can provide energy for the human body, normal people want to maintain life activities should ensure that nutrients are provided sufficiently.

Peanuts contain more nutrients, and the human body can maintain normal life activities and provide energy after ingestion. Therefore, if you want to stay energetic and energetic, you can eat peanuts appropriately.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

2. Improve the intestines

Eating peanuts can absorb dietary fiber, constantly clean the intestines, and avoid intestinal blockages. In addition, the fatty oil in peanuts can also absorb and clean up impurities in the intestines and accelerate the discharge of these harmful body substances.

It is very good for detoxification, improving intestinal health, and effectively preventing the occurrence of intestinal diseases.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

3. Reduce the risk of cancer

The folic acid and other anti-cancer substances contained in peanuts can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and data show that women who eat peanuts at least 2 times a week have a 58% lower risk of cancer.

Men who ate peanuts at least twice a week had a 27% lower risk of cancer. It can be seen that eating peanuts often can prevent cancer.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

4. Replenish energy

Proper eating of peanuts can supplement energy, because peanuts contain rich nutrients, almost all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body can be obtained from peanuts to meet the body's energy needs.

When the energy supply is sufficient, the body will maintain a state of energy, which can avoid fatigue and lack of energy after lack of energy. Therefore, people who want to replenish energy can usually eat peanuts appropriately.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

5. Replenish blood and stop bleeding

A layer of red clothes outside peanuts can increase the effect of platelet content, so it can achieve the effect of replenishing blood, and this layer of red clothes also replenishes the spleen and stomach.

Moreover, the vitamin K contained in peanuts has the effect of stopping bleeding, and has a good effect on hemophilia and even some diseases of internal bleeding. So everyone, when eating peanuts, don't spit out this layer of red clothes again!

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

1. Cured meat

Pickled foods are made with a lot of salt and grease added to them, although the food is delicious and cooked.

It contains more nitrite, which will affect the flow of blood after entering the body, and will also cause the blood vessel wall to become thick, thick and unable to be metabolized, and excreted from the body to affect the health of the body.

Eating cured meat while drinking alcohol will reduce the body's metabolic capacity, damage the intestinal mucosa, induce inflammation of the digestive system, and it is best not to eat this meat when drinking.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

2. Raw and cold seafood such as raw fish sashimi and drunken shrimp

There are many people who like to eat seafood and drink beer in the summer, because the purine content in seafood is relatively high, and beer will promote the production of purine, so beer with seafood is easy to cause gout

If the uric acid content in the body is too high, it may also induce kidney stones or uremia, so you should use as little seafood as possible to make wine dishes.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

3. Cool powder

A large amount of alum is added to the processing of cool powder, and a large amount of cool powder will cause gastrointestinal peristalsis to slow down, and when consuming cool powder and liquor, it will cause alcohol to stay in the intestines for a long time.

Thus affecting the absorption and detoxification of alcohol, when a large amount of alcohol stays in the stomach, it will cause burden and irritation to the stomach and intestines.

And slowing down blood flow, many people get drunk after eating a bowl of cool powder, and in severe cases, it will endanger their lives and health.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

4. Skewers

Summer is a good season for barbecue and beer, and gatherings of friends, small wine and lamb kebabs are one of life's great pleasures. There are many kinds of barbecue, take a bite, drink a bottle of beer, be satisfied, sprinkle cumin and chili noodles on skewers.

However, the combination of beer and barbecue will bring bad effects to the body, pork, lamb, beef after high-temperature grilling, not only will reduce the nutritional content of meat, but also lose most of the protein. Carcinogens such as benzopyrene are produced, and often, the combination of grill and beer only increases the risk of cancer.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

Note: Eating 3 things often when drinking alcohol helps reduce damage

1. Pork liver

As we all know, this is a kind of appetizer, but in fact, this can be used as a hangover food, in pork liver, a lot of nutrients, can help reduce the amount of alcohol in the body.

And it can supplement vitamins, so everyone can eat some pork liver before drinking, which is a more suitable way, even if you drink alcohol, it will not be so uncomfortable.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

2. Aloe vera juice

For people who like to drink, if you want to slow down the damage of alcohol to the liver, it is also a good choice to drink some aloe vera juice after drinking.

According to research studies, the polysaccharides and glycoproteins contained in aloe vera also have a good help in accelerating the decomposition of alcohol.

If people who like to drink alcohol properly drink a little aloe vera juice before drinking, it can also effectively prevent headaches and prevent drinking on the face.

Can't eat peanuts while drinking? Reminder: When drinking, try to stay away from these 4 "appetizers"

3. Sugar cane

Sugarcane is a tropical fruit, and more than 80% of the main components of sugarcane are water, after drinking sugarcane people eat sugarcane can effectively supplement the water in the body taken away by alcohol volatilization.

And the fructose component in sugarcane can also play a hangover effect, improve the symptoms of oily, shriveled skin caused by excessive drinking. If sugar cane is juiced and drunk, it can also reduce the damage of alcohol to the liver.

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