
Really! 6G The United States is still a "companion", and official media praised Tsinghua for making new breakthroughs


In recent years, the development of 5G mobile communication technology has attracted global attention. However, with the increasing demand for high-speed, low-latency data transmission, 6G communication technology is gradually emerging. In this context, countries such as the United States and China are intensively carrying out 6G research and competing for the leading position of 6G technology.

With the increasing popularity and application of 5G technology, people's demand for faster and lower latency data transmission is also increasing. The research and development of 6G communication technology has also attracted much attention, and various countries are competing for the leading position in this field. However, recently there was news that the United States did not meet expectations in the research and development of 6G technology, and Tsinghua University announced a new 6G technology breakthrough, which was praised by China's domestic media. All this seems to show that on the track of 6G, the United States is still "accompanying the run".

Really! 6G The United States is still a "companion", and official media praised Tsinghua for making new breakthroughs

However, recently it was reported that the United States does not have a leading position in 6G communication technology. Instead, China's Tsinghua University announced a new breakthrough in 6G technology and was praised by China's domestic media.

Really! 6G The United States is still "running with you"

Although the United States has shown that we are very leading in 5G technology, it does not have a leading advantage in the research of 6G technology. In fact, according to relevant data, the United States currently only has a certain advantage in 6G standard formulation, but it is far behind China in core technology research.

According to reports, the US government and enterprises have not invested in 6G research as expected, and its scientists have not made major breakthroughs in the core research of 6G technology. At the same time, China's Tsinghua University has achieved pioneering results in the research of 6G core technology, which has attracted great attention from domestic media and government.

Really! 6G The United States is still a "companion", and official media praised Tsinghua for making new breakthroughs

Tsinghua University has made new breakthroughs

Recently, Tsinghua University announced a major breakthrough in 6G communication technology. It is reported that Tsinghua University used a new microwave frequency band to conduct experiments on 6G receiving signals and made a successful breakthrough. This achievement marks another solid step in China's 6G communication technology, and also lays a more solid foundation for China's leading position in the field of 6G technology.

It is worth noting that the research of 6G communication technology not only involves hardware, software and other technical aspects, but also antennas, signal processing and other aspects. Therefore, through this microwave band attempt, scientists at Tsinghua University have begun to move towards the comprehensive research and development of 6G communication technology.

Domestic media praised

After Tsinghua University made this new breakthrough in 6G, many domestic media have highly praised and praised it. For example, Science and Technology Daily reported in detail on this achievement of Tsinghua University under the title of "Tsinghua University 6G Receiving Signal New Breakthrough". The newspaper pointed out that this breakthrough has injected new impetus into the development of 6G communication technology and is likely to become an important advantage for China in the field of 6G technology.

Really! 6G The United States is still a "companion", and official media praised Tsinghua for making new breakthroughs

In addition, People's Daily also published a commentary article entitled "China's 6G has entered a new stage, Tsinghua University and other institutions have made major breakthroughs in research", congratulating Tsinghua University on its new breakthrough in 6G technology, and believes that this achievement fully reflects China's leading position in scientific and technological innovation.


Although 6G communication technology is still in the research stage, countries have begun to compete fiercely. The United States once had a leading position in the field of 5G, but it was clearly at a disadvantage in the field of 6G technology. On the contrary, China has achieved good results in 6G technology research, especially this new breakthrough of Tsinghua University highlights China's strength and potential in this field. With the passage of time, the development of 6G communication technology in the future will be more interesting and worth looking forward to.

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