
How long can a scorpion live without eating or drinking? Scorpions have incredible abilities

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How long can a scorpion live without eating or drinking? Scorpions have incredible abilities

The scorpion can be traced back to some of the oldest known myths, as the species has survived for about 450 million years. For thousands of years, their unique size and sharp stingers have earned scorpions a negative reputation, often associated with evil and chaos. Ironically, of the 1,300 known scorpion species scattered around the world, fewer than 40 possess enough venom to kill humans. These dangerous species are found in the Middle East, Africa, Mexico, South America and India. But that doesn't mean scorpions don't cause the pain they deserve. An estimated 5,000 people die each year in connection with scorpions

  Scorpions are members of the family Arachnidae and are closely related to spiders, mites and ticks. Arachnids have four pairs of legs and two solitary segments: cephalothorax and abdomen. Their bodies are wrapped in exoskeletons made of a substance called chitin. The special nature of this shell makes scorpions easy to spot in the dark. Since chitin contains an unknown chemical, if you irradiate a scorpion at night with ultraviolet light, its body will fluoresce or glow. Its tail is divided into five segments (ending with a stinger), and at the other end of the body, the scorpion has a set of crab-like pliers called tentacles which it uses to catch and crush prey.

How long can a scorpion live without eating or drinking? Scorpions have incredible abilities

But scorpions don't have to often use sturdy armor to catch food. Like a patient fisherman sitting calmly on his line for hours on end, the scorpion is the master of the waiting food.

  You can find scorpions in almost every habitat in the world: rainforests, savannas, deserts, mountains, and grasslands. They mostly hide under rocks and logs to conserve energy and stay cool. Scorpions have multiple eyes like other arachnids, but they have poor vision. To compensate, the scorpion has special sensory antennae called pectin underneath its abdomen. Pectin can detect odor marks left by other scorpions as well as the flow of air around them.

How long can a scorpion live without eating or drinking? Scorpions have incredible abilities

  Although they are nocturnal, scorpions usually do not deliberately look for food. Instead, they are opportunistic feeders, waiting for their food to come to them, rather than wasting energy actively hunting. What type of food are they waiting for? Scorpions are carnivorous arachnids, such as spiders, that feed mainly on other insects and even other scorpions.

  Even during mating rituals, scorpions may show a tendency to kill each other. After placing the seminal vesicles outside their bodies for the female to absorb through the genitals, the male scorpion must quickly crawl away. If not, he could end up being his partner's dinner. If this behavior sounds familiar, you're right. Female black widow spiders are also known to prey on male suitors.

  But what happens when food doesn't come? Adapted to their isolated living conditions, scorpions possess an incredible ability to slow down their metabolism to a third of the size of insects. During the barren period, the metabolic rate of scorpions was the lowest of all invertebrates. At this rate, eating an insect can raise a scorpion for a year. To reduce metabolism, the amount of activity of scorpions is small. In fact, to maintain a slow metabolic rate, many scorpions are completely inactive 92 to 97 percent of their lifetime, a bit like a widespread hibernation state.

Even if the scorpion's body has been slowed to barely function, it can still act quickly to eat. But when a scorpion attacks its prey, it doesn't eat it immediately. Instead, it first secretes enzymes through its fangs or claws. Before insect matter enters the scorpion's body, these enzymes break down insect material, such as external digestion. This way, the scorpion can maximize the nutrients it draws from food without wasting the energy involved in internal digestion.

How long can a scorpion live without eating or drinking? Scorpions have incredible abilities

This drowsy life works well for scorpions, which are able to survive in a variety of climates for up to 25 years. This makes it the longest-lived arachnid. However, given its diet, a scorpion that reaches its peak age may eat only a few dozen meals in its lifetime. ­