
"Hellboy" exposed the positive film clip The giant monster rushed out of the surface to occupy London

Source: Movie Network

"Hellboy" exposed the positive film clip The giant monster rushed out of the surface to occupy London

Hollywood's superhero special effects blockbuster "Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen" has been officially announced to be scheduled for November 9.

Directed by neil Marshall, director of the hit American drama "Game of Thrones", the film brings together David Haber, "Cyborg" Mira Jovovich, Daniel King, Sasha Lane and other Hollywood power stars. In the newly released feature film, the hell trolls created by Hollywood's top special effects team pour out from the ground and persecute humans in a variety of violent aesthetics to sweep London.

In the film, the blood queen (Mila Jovovich), an evil witch who has been suppressed for a thousand years, breaks through the seal and resurrects, using the Hellboy (David Hubble) to summon the Hell Trolls to destroy the human world.

In the main scene, the cracks in the abyss of hell spread from the church to the streets of London, and all kinds of terrifying-looking, vicious-headed hell trolls rush out of the surface to destroy London: the right hand is like a sharp bladed troll strolling through the street, and the wave of the hand is full of power; some trolls have feet like a spear euphorbia, and between the walks, they string together the passers-by who are running, leaving only a series of screams from the survivors.

Other hell trolls have more forming abilities than you can imagine, a thousand-eyed monster with countless tentacles, opening its vertical pupils that flash with flames and spewing out the fire of hell, turning the scattered passers-by into ashes, and a troll with a troll wading on the River Thames in London, and destroying the world-famous Tower Bridge with his hands and feet. Some netizens left a message, the hell troll appeared in the clip is realistic, the imagination is amazing, the picture is extremely exciting and eye-catching, worthy of the annual Hollywood super British special effects blockbuster created by Hollywood's top directors and visual effects team.

Neil Marshall, the director who directed "Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen", and he who has directed the American dramas "Game of Thrones", "Westworld" and "Lost in Space", has poured years of experience in the design and scheduling of large-scale battle scenes into this superhero blockbuster. With the help of Hollywood's top visual effects team, it is even more imaginative to release the imagination, bring these visually impactful hell monsters and various wonderful battle special effects scenes to the big screen, and provide the audience with an amazing visual effects and refreshing action audio-visual feast in November.