
Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

author:Bright Net

"Camping in Shanghai, anyone who misses me will be sad, okay?"

"800 yuan to take away the whole set of camping equipment", "Shanghai campsite inventory"


Open the social software

The "camping wind" is blowing vigorously

Sun 光️, tent 篷️, large lawn

Who can say no

What about camping close to nature and enjoying the outdoors?

Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

Various delicacies such as barbecue, cakes, drinks, etc

Maybe the list was made early

But the potential risks of camping cannot be ignored either

How to meet the camping needs of tourists

Balance with park health and safety management?

Deng Jianping, Director of Shanghai Green and Urban Amenities Bureau

Responded in the April 20 "People's Livelihood Interview" program

Deng Jianping introduced that the city currently has 53 urban parks in 12 districts to provide tourists with tent areas, and parks represented by Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Gongqing Forest Park, Binjiang Forest Park, Century Park, Gaodong Ecological Park, etc. have formed large-scale lawn camping areas.

Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

△ Caption: Deng Jianping, director of the Shanghai Municipal Greening and Amenities Bureau, on the "People's Livelihood Interview" program on April 20.

"However, with the surge in demand from tourists, it also brings many problems." Deng Jianping said that one of them is that the ropes, ground nails and other components that build the canopy are easy to harm tourists.

That's true

Good weather on weekends

Some green spaces are very popular

But due to limited space

Canopy and tent "living next to each other"

Under the bright sun

Can you still see all kinds of wind ropes suspended in the air?

Internet celebrity camping equipment, alcohol stoves, etc

Do you know the safe use specifications?

When all things are revived,

Prevention of mosquitoes in the wild

Are you prepared in advance?

Last weekend, a reporter from Oriental Net Longitudinal News took these questions to interview campers, most of whom were traveling with their children, in a popular public green space on Shenbrick Road in Shanghai's Songjiang District.

Most parents told reporters that because it is a simple green area camping in the city, they did not specially prepare medical supplies; Some parents also brought simple items such as mosquito repellent, iodophor, and band-aids.

The reporter found that the nails of many canopies exposed a large section of the ground, and there was no plastic protective cover on it, some parents said that "I forgot to bring a small hammer today", and some said that they used it for the first time, and the protective cover had not been purchased. One of the parents blocked the ground nails with a small cart after being reminded by the reporter, "There seems to be something underneath, and the ground nails can't go down." ”

Is the canopy a piece of cloth?

Please read the instruction manual carefully!

On April 9, a 6-year-old boy in Hangzhou was playing and running on the grass while camping with his parents in the park, and accidentally tripped over the rope that fixed the tent, and the ground peg connected by the rope suddenly popped out of the ground, and 6 cm of the 12 cm long ground peg immediately plunged into his waist. Fortunately, the abdominal cavity was not injured and the boy has now been discharged from hospital.

Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration
Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

△ The picture says: 6 cm of the ground nail about 12 cm long plunged into the boy's waist, but fortunately it did not hurt the abdominal cavity. Source: Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission

The campsite where the Oriental Network Longitudinal News reporter went to interview last weekend is a public green space, with no gate and no opening and closing time. There is a public toilet at the entrance and exit of the green space, which is very convenient for citizens who come to camp.

The east and west sides of the green space have less traffic, the north side is backed by woods, and the south side is facing the two-way four-lane Shen brick road, which has a small river running through it, and the environment is beautiful.

The reporter saw at the scene that there were many people in the green space, tents, sky curtains were lined one after another, and wind ropes crossed each other, just like in an action movie, the protagonist needs to "toss and turn" skills through infrared laser devices. The difference is that some wind ropes are lighter in color and more difficult to see clearly in bright sunlight.

In addition, the reporter found that there were many tents or wind curtain nails exposed to the ground, which was very dangerous and easy to trip pedestrians.

Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

△ Caption: During the interview, the reporter found that many ground nails exposed a large section of the ground, which was very dangerous. Photo by Chen Lina

Zhang Wen (pseudonym), a team leader who has been engaged in outdoor sports such as camping and mountaineering for a long time, told the Oriental Network Longitudinal News reporter that with the popularity of green space and park camping in the city, some enthusiasts are becoming more and more complete in addition to outdoor camping equipment, but you must read the manual carefully before use.

According to data from the special sale e-commerce Vipshop, during the "4.19 Brand Sale Festival", the sales of spring and summer clothing, outdoor travel and other categories surged, and the sales of outdoor tables and chairs increased by more than 6 times year-on-year.

"Many people may scoff at the fact that the canopy for camping is not just a piece of cloth, what's so difficult." Zhang Wen said that if the canopy is not built correctly, it may be blown away by wind and rain, crushed by rain, and may even cause disasters such as fires.

"Building a canopy requires judging the direction of the wind." Zhang Wen suggested that everyone go to check the weather forecast the day before, if the weather forecast shows that your camp will be super windy that day, I advise you not to go camping. ”

"The ground nails should be at right angles to the tent poles or wind ropes, and at the same time form 45 to 60 degrees of nails with the ground, so that there is maximum fixed resistance. The nails must be nailed as deep as possible into the ground, or the nails should be reinforced. "After tripping over the rope, if the nails are not firmly nailed, the nails may pop out and injure people, and the wind rope used for setting up tents should also be darker and more eye-catching in order to avoid safety accidents as much as possible."

What to do if you are bitten by a tick?

Don't pull it abruptly!

On April 16, the Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission released a report that a 12-year-old girl "found a bug burrowing into her toe" while taking off her socks.

And this bug is none other than a tick, and its scary thing is that it contains a variety of pathogens in the body. Liu Hongxia, chief technician of the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with the Oriental Network Longitudinal News reporter that most ticks begin to be active in spring, they like to breed in forests, woods, bushes, grasslands, etc., "ticks generally parasitize in parts with thin skin and not easy to be scratched, such as the neck, behind the ears, armpits, inner thighs, genitals and groin of animals or people, and the shape can expand nearly a hundred times after sucking blood, such as the size of soybeans." ”

Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

△ The picture says: The tick stays between the girl's thumb and second toe. Source: Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission

"Tick bites do not necessarily lead to disease, and in areas where non-tick-borne diseases occur, if not treated in time, they can cause symptoms such as allergies, ulcers or inflammation." Liu Hongxia said, "If you are bitten in an area with a high incidence of tick infectious diseases, it may cause serious diseases such as fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome. ”

Therefore, early detection and early treatment can significantly reduce the rate of severe disease and case fatality.

"If you are unfortunately bitten by a tick, you must not pull it out with your hands." Liu Hongxia said, "Because the tick mouthparts are barbed, it will tightly hook your skin, and it is difficult to pull the tick's entire body out by hard pulling." ”

If you are bitten by a tick, you should seek immediate medical attention and observe your physical condition. If you cannot seek medical attention in time, if there are pointed tweezers on site, you can use pointed tweezers to clamp the tick as close to the skin as possible, pull it up steadily, remove the tick and thoroughly clean the bite site with alcohol cotton balls, iodophor, soapy water, etc. If the head of the tick is accidentally broken in the skin, you should seek medical attention in time to remove the residue.

"If you have symptoms such as fever, inflammation and rupture of the bite site and erythema, you should see a doctor immediately, not inappropriately."

Bugs drilling toes, 12cm nails stuck in the waist? The camping wind is strong, and these hidden dangers are deadly! On-site exploration

△ The picture says: After being bitten by a tick, you should use pointed tweezers to clamp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull it up steadily.

Source: Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission

Liu Hongxia suggested that when camping, citizens should try to choose a site with no vegetation or less vegetation for camping, and carry tick repellent, insecticide, alcohol cotton balls, iodophor and other items.

If possible, spray the camp and its surrounding areas, or spray the tent with repellent. "It should be noted that an effective repellent against mosquitoes does not mean that it has the same effect on ticks, and repellents that are repellent for ticks should be selected."

"When playing in the camp, everyone also try not to sit or lie in grass, grass, woods and other environments for a long time, do not wear shoes with open toes such as sandals, slippers, etc., and do not put their clothes and hats directly on the grass."

Repellent should not be sprayed on the eyes, mouth or broken skin. "Knitted clothes can choose a fabric with a smooth surface so that ticks do not adhere easily. Pet owners should also pay attention to ticks that are easy to bite their pets, and remember to do a good job of deworming when they go home. ”

In addition to ticks, Liu Hongxia also advised the public to prevent mosquito bites. "The main dominant mosquito species in Shanghai are Culex pale, Aedes albopictus, and Culex tribanded. During the day, the focus should be on preventing Aedes albopictus, especially from 8 to 10 o'clock and from 15 o'clock to 18 o'clock in the day. ”

Camping sites should be kept as far away from water as possible, or tents should be sprayed with repellent. "If you spend a lot of time outdoors during peak mosquito density, it is recommended to spray or apply repellent or mosquito repellent and wear light-colored, loose-fitting long-sleeved clothing."

If you are unfortunate enough to be injured while camping,

To whom can the parties be held liable?

Li Weijie, a partner at Shanghai Zhengce Law Firm and a member of the Civil Business Research Committee of the Shanghai Lawyers Association, said in an interview with Oriental Net Longitudinal News that the first thing to do is to determine whether the campsite where accidental injuries occurred is of a business nature.

Li Weijie introduced that if the campsite where the injury accident occurs has a clear operator or manager to plan the roadside green space so that it has camping purposes and is known to the public, the operator and manager of the place should fulfill the obligation of safety and security.

Where proprietors or managers fail to fulfill their duty to safeguard and cause damage to others, they shall bear tort liability. Where damage is caused to others due to the acts of a third party, the proprietor or manager may recover compensation from the third party after assuming supplementary liability.

"Visitors entering the park for acts such as camping in green areas, and parks as public places or business places should fulfill active safety and security obligations." Li Weijie said that if the park itself does not post or set up safety reminders and warning signs, it should be determined that the park is at fault, and the park management has not fulfilled its safety and security obligations, and "is at fault for the damage suffered by the infringed party, and bears corresponding responsibility." ”

"If a tourist enters a professional fee-paying campsite, then as a clear business site, the campsite operator shall perform a positive safety and security obligation, and if it fails to fulfill the safety and security obligation, it shall be deemed to be at fault for the damage result and bear corresponding responsibility."

"If the camping green space is not of a commercial nature, and the camping is due to the behavior of the citizens themselves, they should first determine whether it is a lot where it is expressly prohibited from carrying out certain acts." For example, Li Weijie said, the Regulations on the Protection of Electric Power Facilities stipulate that no unit or individual is allowed to fly kites in an area of 300 meters on both sides of the overhead power line conductor (that is, the area within two parallel lines formed by the extension of the conductor edge to the outside), and the Railway Safety Management Regulations stipulate that kites, balloons and low-altitude floating objects are prohibited within 500 meters on each side of the electrified railway.

If the act that caused the accident itself violates laws and regulations, the specific bearer of liability shall be judged according to the causal relationship between the infringing act and the result of the infringement, and the infringer or the party causing accidental injury due to its own infringing act shall bear the damage result.

"In the event of an accident, if there is a lawful act, the organizer of the event shall bear the obligation to ensure safety, and bear corresponding responsibility for the failure to fulfill the obligation of security, or the party who committed the infringing act shall bear corresponding responsibility for the consequences of the damage."

Director of Shanghai Green Amenities Bureau:

In view of the problems existing in the camping phenomenon, we are studying the management rules

In addition to ground nails hurting people, Deng Jianping, director of the Shanghai Municipal Greening and Amenities Bureau, also mentioned in the "People's Livelihood Interview" that camping lawns are overused, and lawns are facing serious degradation and may even die.

"There are also some tourists who do not abide by the rules of civilized amusement parks, bring charcoal ovens without permission, and use open flames in violation of regulations, which will also cause contradictions when they are dissuaded by security guards; The cleaning pressure is huge, and there is a lot of garbage thrown on the ground, so some parks have taken corresponding measures and added garbage cans. ”

In view of some problems in the current camping phenomenon, Deng Jianping said that he is studying specific management rules:

"First, according to the characteristics of the plant growth cycle, the park adopts a lawn rotation system, and reasonably plans the opening time of the tent area.

The second is to control the capacity of the tent area, measure the maximum carrying capacity of each lawn, and after reaching the upper limit, the site is controlled by security guards, and can no longer enter.

The third is to set aside a children's activity area in the middle of the lawn, and it is forbidden to set up tents or canopies in this area and on safe passages.

Fourth, the park management should issue a safety notice for the construction of the canopy to remind everyone not to chase and fight under the canopy. ”

At the same time, Deng Jianping also called on citizens, tourists and park management to work together to maintain a safe and happy environment for the park.

Source: Oriental Network Longitudinal News

Reporter: Chen Lina, Bai Kelin

Video: Liu Hao
