
There are heads, heads, heads, heads, and heads, and there are no things waiting for you to swim

author:Lushang Media
There are heads, heads, heads, heads, and heads, and there are no things waiting for you to swim
There are heads, heads, heads, heads, and heads, and there are no things waiting for you to swim

On the morning of April 19, the Information Office of Binzhou Municipal Government organized a series of press conferences on the theme of "Tourism Quality Improvement" in Wudi, with the theme of "Spring Breeze Ten Miles, Happy Four Seasons, I Wait for You in Wudi". At the press conference, Xu Pengxiao, member of the Standing Committee of the Wudi County Party Committee, director of the Publicity Department and deputy county magistrate, introduced the development of the cultural tourism industry in Wudi County.

Wudi County is located in the northernmost part of Shandong Province, adjacent to Hebei, bordering the Bohai Sea, in the "yellow" and "blue" two regions and the Bohai Rim Economic Circle three national strategic overlay areas, is an important node connecting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta, is the forefront and bridgehead of Shandong connecting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, known as "Jilu Hub" and "Qiyan Fortress", unique geographical location and strong history and culture have created unique tourism advantages.

In Wudi, there is something to see. With a long history, rich culture and rich resources, Wudi is a large county with complex tourism resources in various forms such as the Lubei Plain, the Yellow River Basin, the Bohai Sea, and volcanic landforms. In the county, there is the ancient city of Fan Wudi in the south of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Shell Causeway Island and Bohai Yantian in the north, Denglinhai Jieshi Volcano in the west, and Yellow River Immortal Island in the east. In this place, you can watch the sea, climb the mountain, watch birds in the wetland, enjoy the flowers in the peach orchard, and the beautiful scenery is waiting for you to visit.

In Wudi, there is a head to eat. Tangfang pastries are dazzling and varied, which are handmade by intangible cultural heritage for a century. The soft and springy teeth, salty and fresh taste of Dashan roast chicken and potou elbow are full of praise and aftertaste. Shejia pot cake cabbage, rolled meat, rolled green onions, a delicious and fragrant ten miles. The white fat and fat joy group is decorated with colorful silk polyester, playful and cute, full of sweet fragrance. A variety of seafood such as prawns, angler shrimp, pike crab, and sea bass fish will bring you the "taste of the sea". There are also many Wudi delicacies waiting for you, such as the legendary mulberry of the thousand-year-old mulberry garden, the ancient family Kubo peach, the Daqi golden apricot, the Yueli watermelon, the Hengdao melon, and the geographical indication product Miaodi shrimp paste.

In Wudi, there is a talking head. Wudi Ancient City began in the Shang Zhou, grew up in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and is a typical representative of the ancient city of Lubei, with the reputation of "viewing a city and peeping into the whole picture of Lubei". There are many relics in the city, bringing together the diverse architectural styles of Lubei area, integrating Qi, Yan, river, sea and other folk cultures, and the humanities are prosperous and known as Qilu. There are many historical celebrities, including the Wu family of the Qing Dynasty, known as "the family of Jinshi", "Shangshumendi" and "the ninth courtier", as well as the Song dynasty lyricist Li Zhiyi who "I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and the monarch lives at the end of the Yangtze River", and Yang Wei, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, who "is like a pine and cypress head tree, still reflecting green moss", a group of cultural giants who have been written for thousands of years. Tour the ancient city, see the ruins, taste the famous people, and the thousand-year-old Wudi culture is waiting for you to relive.

In Wudi, there is a listen. Rooted in traditional culture, after a hundred years of inheritance, Wudi Qu Art has formed a number of folk music genres such as Xihe Da Drum, Sanxian Book, Xilu Da Drum, Shandong Kuaishu, Allegro Book, Jingdong Da Drum, etc., which have gathered into the "Wudi Qu Art Hundred Garden" with developed roots and lush leaves, and is known as the "hometown of drum books" in Lubei. In 2022, Wudi County Drum Academy will be inaugurated, and various programs such as sketches, martial arts, acrobatics, songs and dances will make wonderful appearances, and provincial intangible cultural heritage projects Xihe Drums and ancient Wudi operas such as Peking Opera, Lu Opera, and Hebei Bangzi are waiting for you to enjoy.

In Wudi, there is a head. Intangible handmade, no courtesy. The unique velvet embroidery skillfully integrates shape, color, god and light, giving the work a strong visual feeling and artistic appeal. The shellfish porcelain of the sea is thin, transparent and light, and the colored porcelain is bright, bright and fine, which is a perfect combination of traditional Chinese ceramics and ink painting. The salt carvings are crystal clear, almost white jade, and their shapes are varied, dynamic and unique. There are also high-end beautiful things such as Yellow River clay pottery, plant tie-dyeing, and gourd hot painting waiting for you to buy.

In recent years, Wudi County has actively given full play to the advantages of tourism and cultural resources, focused on promoting the improvement and upgrading of the cultural and tourism industry chain, and strived to build a high-quality cultural tourism industry supply system, and the county's tourism industry has shown a good development trend.

The global tourism pattern has been comprehensively constructed. Formulate the overall plan for the development of tourism in the whole region with high standards, formulate the "Implementation Plan for the Work of Creating a Global Tourism Demonstration Zone in Wudi County", deeply tap the cultural tourism resources along the Huang Linhai, and a number of cultural tourism projects such as the Linhai Tourist Highway and the Huaxia Haiyan Cultural Industrial Park have been completed and put into use, forming a global tourism development framework of "one heart and one axis, four districts and one ring, two lines and eleven districts" led by Wudi Ancient City. In March this year, it was successfully selected as a provincial all-region tourism demonstration zone.

Shanhai Guyi brand continues to polish. Highlight the two characteristics of "Ancient City Range Rover" and "Coastal Tourism", and make every effort to build a famous cultural city in the Yellow River Basin and a coastal eco-tourism destination in China. The county has 2 national 4A-level tourist scenic spots, 10 3A-level tourist scenic spots, 1 provincial-level nighttime cultural tourism consumption gathering area, 1 tourism and leisure block, 7 provincial-level tourism strong townships, 17 tourism characteristic villages, 5 scenic villages, 16 star-rated farmhouses and boutique picking gardens. It has been awarded the first batch of provincial comprehensive tourism reform pilot counties, provincial rural tourism demonstration counties, provincial tourism innovation demonstration counties, advanced counties in the province with strong culture, and the hometown of Quyi in Shandong.

The connotation of integrated development is continuously injected. Cultural empowerment. Build a "big stage for the people of the ancient city", build an intangible cultural heritage street, hold "intangible cultural heritage" experience, sales, short video exhibition activities, create a "handmade in Shandong" Internet celebrity check-in place, successfully apply for 8 municipal intangible cultural heritage workshops, and Shandong sea porcelain was selected as "Shandong Handmade - Preferred 100". Ecological growth. We have made every effort to build the first ecological museum city in the province, built 4 ecological museums such as Huaxia Haiyan, and the experience of "theme pavilion + original ecological exhibition area" has been rated as a typical case of ecological protection and high-quality development competition in the Yellow River Basin in the province. Industry adds wings. It has built 14 provincial-level industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites, and Fengxiangyuan Industrial Tourism Base has been rated as a provincial industrial tourism demonstration base, creating a national 3A-level scenic spot.

Tourism festivals are full of performances. We have made every effort to build the festival brand of "one big festival in one season, one small festival in January", successfully held the China Wudi 2023 Sea Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival and the 16th Marine Culture Festival, and hosted the "First Shandong Province National Reading Conference and Qilu Book Festival - Book Run Binzhou Reading Season" and the 8th Shandong Province Sketch New Works Competition. Make full use of Spring Festival, May Day and other holidays, carry out more than 200 special activities, and hold the Millennium Gusang Cultural Tourism Festival, Sea Festival Festival, Shrimp Festival, Sea Shell Festival, Salt Grilling Festival, and Open Sea Festival every year, which are widely loved and praised by tourists.

Zhiyou Wudi mode exploration and introduction. Take the lead in building a county-level all-region tourism big data platform with the most complete functions and the highest degree of intelligence in the city, covering scenic spots above 3A level and tourist distribution centers in the county, and realizing comprehensive docking with provincial and municipal cultural tourism platforms, county smart cities, and emergency rescue platforms. Complete the county's panoramic VR production, scan the code to obtain self-service commentary in Chinese and English, and realize a 360-degree online tour; Relying on the WeChat public account, tourists can navigate directly and purchase goods online with one click, realizing "one mobile phone to travel without Di", and "online cloud cultural tourism - follow the platform to see Wu Di" was awarded as an excellent case of provincial cultural tourism network marketing.

There are mountains, towers, ancient cities, seas, islands, wetlands, cultural inheritance, and deep heritage. In the next step, Wudi County will firmly establish the concept of "big cultural tourism" and create a new model of cultural tourism development with global co-construction, global integration and global sharing. Enrich tourism supply, create a night economy in the ancient city, start the construction of the Yellow River Ancient Road, and improve the quality of industrial tourism. Optimize service improvement, carry out tourism service training, and accelerate the digital upgrading of cultural centers and the construction of tourism roads. Strengthen publicity and promotion, compile high-quality routes, hold a series of festivals, shout the brand of "Shanhai Guyi Heshan Wudi", strive to promote "tourism quality improvement", build China's coastal eco-tourism destination, and contribute more to the construction of cultural tourism corridors along the Yellow Linhai.