
Through the 3600 year of text code 9 "Oracle emoticons" take you to see the report

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Newspaper Dahe client reporter Hou Mengfei

Narrator: Li Shutong, School of History, Zheng University

Oracle Design: Li Shutong Plum Ziyi

Post-synthesis: The working group of the American editor of this newspaper

The oracle bone, the oldest surviving chinese dynasty script, was first excavated from the Yin Ruins of Anyang. At this year's two sessions, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council delivered a government work report to the 13th National People's Congress to outline the blueprint for the happiness of the people.

When the ancient oracle meets the government work report, what kind of vitality will it glow? Yesterday, the government work report clarified the key work in 2018, and the Dahe Newspaper extracted 9 keywords from it, and made an emoji with Oracle to give you a different interpretation of the work report.

[Expression One] Sense of gain

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"Get" means to hunt birds and finches flying in the clouds, and "get" means to pick up shell coins on the road. In the government work report, a large wave of people's livelihood red envelopes was sent to enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of our people.

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Continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security

Raise the personal income tax threshold

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- In his government work report on 5 March, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said that it is necessary to raise guarantees and improve the people's livelihood. On the basis of development, it is necessary to do more practical things that benefit the people, solve more difficult things for the people's livelihood, firmly adhere to the bottom line of people's livelihood, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Focus on promoting employment and entrepreneurship. This year, more than 8.2 million college graduates, a record high, to promote multi-channel employment, support entrepreneurship to drive employment. Increase assistance to persons with disabilities and other persons with employment difficulties. Expand the employment of migrant workers and comprehensively deal with the problem of wage arrears. It is necessary to improve the consultation mechanism of labor relations and eliminate gender and identity discrimination.

Steadily increase the income level of residents. Continue to increase the basic pension for retirees and the basic pension for urban and rural residents. Rationally adjust the social minimum wage standard. Improve the salary and subsidy system of organs and public institutions, and tilt toward hardship areas and special posts. Raise the threshold for individual income tax, and increase the deduction of special expenses such as children's education and medical treatment for serious illnesses.

Accelerate the elimination of "large class sizes" in cities and towns

Develop equitable and quality education. Promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, and education investment continues to tilt to difficult areas and weak links. We should earnestly reduce the drop-out rate of rural students, pay close attention to eliminating the "large class size" in cities and towns, and strive to solve the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens on primary and secondary school students. Children are the future of the nation and the hope of the family. It is necessary to increase the supply of preschool education resources through multiple channels, use the Internet and other information means, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of childcare, and make parents feel at ease. Support social forces in organizing vocational education. Promote universal high school education. Guided by the needs of economic and social development, optimize the structure of higher education, accelerate the construction of "double first-class", and support the construction of distinctive and high-level universities in the central and western regions. Continue to implement special enrollment plans in rural and poor areas.

The per capita financial subsidy standard for basic medical insurance for residents will be increased by 40 yuan

Implement the Healthy China Strategy. Improve the level of basic medical insurance and major illness insurance protection, and increase the per capita financial subsidy standard of basic medical insurance for residents by 40 yuan, half of which is used for major illness insurance. Expand the scope of direct settlement of medical treatment in different places across provinces, and include grass-roots hospitals, migrant workers, and foreign employment entrepreneurs. Strengthen the construction of the team of general practitioners and promote hierarchical diagnosis and treatment. Support the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine. Innovate food and drug supervision methods, pay attention to the use of the Internet, big data, etc. to improve regulatory efficiency, and accelerate the realization of traceability and information traceability throughout the process.

Cultivate the housing rental market and develop condominium housing

Better solve the problem of mass housing. Launched a new three-year shed reform plan, and started construction of 5.8 million units this year. Strengthen the guarantee of public rental housing, and ensure that low-income families with housing difficulties are guaranteed to the fullest, and include eligible newly employed workers without housing and migrant workers in the scope of protection. Adhere to the positioning that the house is used to live, not to speculate, implement the responsibility of local entities, continue to implement differentiated regulation, establish and improve long-term mechanisms, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Support residents' demand for self-occupied housing, cultivate the housing rental market, and develop co-ownership housing. Accelerate the establishment of a housing system with multi-subject supply, multi-channel guarantee, and rent-purchase at the same time.

Develop home, community and mutual assistance for the elderly

Strengthen the protection of people's livelihood. Steadily raise the standards of urban and rural minimum guarantee, social assistance, pension preferential treatment and so on. Actively respond to the aging of the population, develop home, community and mutual assistance for the elderly, promote the combination of medical and nursing care, and improve the quality of nursing home services. Do a good job of giving preferential treatment to military martyrs. Strengthen rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities. Improve the social assistance system and support the development of public welfare and charity.

Carry out special struggles to eliminate organized crime and evil forces in

Create a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Promote the healthy development of social organizations, professional social work, and volunteer service. Strengthen the establishment of a social credit system. Innovate work methods for petitioning, promptly resolving the reasonable demands of the masses in accordance with law. Strictly implement the responsibility for safe production, and resolutely curb major accidents. Promote the construction of a safe China, strictly prevent and resolutely crack down on violent terrorist activities, carry out a special struggle to eliminate criminal syndicates and evil forces in accordance with the law, punish illegal and criminal activities such as theft, robbery, gambling, and drugs, rectify prominent problems such as telecommunications network fraud, infringement of citizens' personal information, and network pyramid schemes, and safeguard national security and public safety.

【Emoji 2】Environmental protection

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The original meaning of "bao" is to carry the child on the back to prevent various accidents. To consolidate the achievements of the blue sky defense war, it is necessary to take care of the environment like a "young child".

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Greater results have been achieved in promoting pollution prevention and control

Raise pollution emission standards and implement deadlines for meeting standards

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said in his government work report on 5 March that greater results have been achieved in promoting pollution prevention and control. To consolidate the achievements of the blue sky defense war, the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will be reduced by 3% this year, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas will continue to decline. Promote ultra-low emission transformation in steel and other industries. Raise pollution emission standards and implement deadlines for meeting standards. Carry out special treatment of diesel trucks exceeding the standard emissions。 Deeply promote the prevention and control of water and soil pollution, and this year's chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions should be reduced by 2%. Implement comprehensive management of key river basins and sea areas, and comprehensively rectify black and odorous water bodies. Increase the construction of sewage treatment facilities and improve the charging policy. "Foreign garbage" is strictly prohibited from entering the country. Strengthen ecosystem protection and restoration, comprehensively delineate the red line of ecological protection, complete afforestation of more than 100 million mu, increase the pilot area of arable land rotation fallow to 30 million mu, expand the scope of wetland protection and restoration, and deepen the pilot reform of the national park system. Strictly control land reclamation. Strict environmental enforcement. We must work together to build a beautiful China with blue sky, green earth and clear water.

[Emoji III] reform

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"Reform" in the original meaning of holding a stick to discipline a child who has made a mistake to make him repent. Reform is an adjustment, but also a breakthrough. This year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and only by making new breakthroughs in promoting reform can we continuously liberate and develop social productive forces.

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Deepen reforms in key areas of fundamentals

Give so-called state-owned enterprises more autonomy

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- In his government work report on 5 March, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said that reforms in key areas of a basic nature should be deepened. Taking the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up as an important opportunity, we will promote new breakthroughs in reform and continuously liberate and develop social productive forces.

Deepen the reform pilots of state-owned capital investment and operating companies, and give more autonomy

Promote the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises. Formulate a list of regulatory rights and responsibilities of investors. Deepen the reform pilots of state-owned capital investment and operating companies, and give more autonomy. Continue to promote the optimization and reorganization of state-owned enterprises and the reform of the shareholding system of central enterprises, accelerate the formation of a corporate governance structure with effective checks and balances and a flexible and efficient market-oriented operation mechanism, continue to slim down and keep fit, and promote state-owned capital to become stronger, better and bigger. Steadily promote the reform of mixed ownership. Implement a system for reporting to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the management of state-owned assets. State-owned enterprises should walk in the forefront of high-quality development through reform and innovation.

Improve mechanisms for entrepreneurs to participate in the formulation of enterprise-related policies

Support the development of private enterprises. Adhere to the "two unwavering", adhere to equal rights, equal opportunities, equal rules, fully implement policies and measures to support the development of the non-public ownership economy, conscientiously solve the prominent problems reflected by private enterprises, and resolutely break down all kinds of hidden barriers. Construct a new type of pro-Qing government-business relationship, and improve the mechanism for entrepreneurs to participate in the formulation of enterprise-related policies. Stimulate and protect the entrepreneurial spirit, enhance the confidence of entrepreneurs, and let private enterprises show their skills in the wave of market economy.

Deepen the price reform of resource products and public services

Improve the property rights system and the market-oriented allocation mechanism of factors. The property rights system is the cornerstone of the socialist market economy. It is necessary to improve relevant laws and regulations with the basic orientation of protecting property rights, maintaining contracts, unifying the market, equal exchange, and fair competition. All kinds of infringements should be seriously handled in accordance with law, and cases of property rights disputes should be screened and corrected in accordance with law. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and implement a system of punitive damages for infringement. Accelerate the market-oriented reform of technology, land and other factor prices, deepen the price reform of resource products and public services, break administrative monopolies, and prevent market monopolies. It is necessary to use strong property rights protection and smooth flow of factors to make market vitality and social creativity burst forth.

Reform of personal income tax

Deepen the reform of the fiscal and taxation system. Promote the reform of the division of fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments, pay close attention to formulating a reform plan for the division of income, and improve the transfer payment system. Improve the local tax system and steadily promote real estate tax legislation. Reform of personal income tax. Fully implement performance management so that financial funds can be spent.

Efforts should be made to solve the problem of financing difficulties and expensive financing for small and micro enterprises

Accelerate the reform of the financial system. Reform and improve the financial service system, support financial institutions to expand inclusive financial business, standardize the development of local small and medium-sized financial institutions, and strive to solve the problems of financing difficulties and expensive financing for small and micro enterprises. Deepen the reform of multi-level capital markets and promote the development of bond and futures markets. Expand the risk protection function of the insurance market. Deepen the market-oriented reform of interest rate exchange rates and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

Deepen the comprehensive reform of public hospitals

Promote the reform of the social system. Deepen the reform of the pension insurance system, and establish a central adjustment system for the basic pension insurance fund for enterprise employees. Deepen the comprehensive reform of public hospitals, coordinate and promote the reform of medical prices, personnel salaries, drug circulation, and medical insurance payments, improve the quality of medical and health services, and make great efforts to solve the problems of the masses in seeking medical treatment. Deeply promote the reform of education, culture, sports and so on, and fully release the huge development potential in the social field.

Implement a compensation system for ecological and environmental damage

Improve the ecological civilization system. Reform and improve the ecological environment management system, strengthen the control of the use of natural ecological space, implement the ecological environment damage compensation system, improve the ecological compensation mechanism, and protect the ecological environment with a more effective system.

[Expressions] Belt and Road

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The word "one" is the origin and connection. This year marks the fifth anniversary of President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative. In the past five years, the construction of the "Belt and Road" has transformed from concept to action, vision to reality, and we have achieved fruitful results, and the scope and level of opening up of the country have been further expanded.

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Promote international cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative

Intensify the opening up of the western region, inland areas, and along the border

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said in his government work report on 5 March that a new pattern of comprehensive opening up should be promoted. Further expand the scope and level of opening up, improve the layout and institutional mechanism of the open structure, and promote high-quality development with a high level of opening up.

Promote international cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative. Adhere to joint consultation, co-construction and sharing, and implement the outcomes of the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum. Promote the construction of international corridors and deepen cooperation in customs clearance along the route. Expand international production capacity cooperation and drive Chinese manufacturing and Chinese services to go global. Optimize the structure of foreign investment. We should intensify the opening up of the western region, inland areas, and along the border areas, and expand new space for economic cooperation.

Promote the steady growth of foreign investment. Strengthen the docking with international economic and trade rules, and build a world-class business environment. Comprehensively liberalize the general manufacturing industry, and expand the opening up of telecommunications, medical care, education, pensions, new energy vehicles and other fields. Orderly open up markets such as bank card clearing, relax restrictions on the business scope of foreign-funded insurance brokerage companies, relax or abolish restrictions on foreign equity ratios in banks, securities, fund management, futures, financial asset management companies, etc., and unify market access standards for Chinese and foreign banks. Implement deferred tax payment for reinvestment of domestic profits of foreign investors. Simplify the procedures for the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises, and "handle business filing and industrial and commercial registration in one place". Comprehensively copy and promote the experience of free trade zones, explore the construction of free trade ports, and create a new highland for reform and opening up.

Consolidate the stable and good momentum of foreign trade. Expand the coverage of export credit insurance, and the overall customs clearance time will be reduced by another third. Reform the development mechanism of trade in services. Cultivate new trade formats and models. Promote the gradient transfer of processing trade to the central and western regions. Actively expand imports, run the first China International Import Expo well, and reduce import tariffs on automobiles and some daily consumer goods. We must strengthen market opening to promote industrial upgrading and balanced trade development, and provide consumers with more choices.

Promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. China unswervingly promotes economic globalization and safeguards free trade, and is willing to work with relevant parties to promote the process of multilateral trade negotiations, conclude negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement at an early date, and accelerate the construction of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and the East Asian Economic Community. China advocates resolving trade disputes through consultation on an equal footing, opposes trade protectionism, and resolutely defends its legitimate rights and interests.

[Emoticon] innovation

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"New" through "salary", for wooden stakes, for chisel tools, for axe creation, the new road is more bumpy, struggle to do shovels, knowledge as axes, all the way through the thorns and thorns, can accelerate the construction of an innovative country.

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Accelerate the construction of an innovative country and expand the pilot scope of preferential tax policies for venture capital and angel investment to the whole country

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- In his government work report on 5 March, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said that it is necessary to speed up the construction of an innovative country. Grasp the trend of the world's new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and continuously enhance economic innovation and competitiveness.

Strengthen the construction of the national innovation system. Strengthen basic research and applied basic research, launch a number of major projects of scientific and technological innovation, and build national laboratories with high standards. Encourage enterprises to take the lead in implementing major scientific and technological projects, support scientific research institutes, universities and enterprises to integrate innovation, and accelerate the transformation and application of innovative achievements. The national investment in science and technology should be inclined to the field of people's livelihood, strengthen the prevention and treatment of major diseases such as smog control and cancer, and make science and technology better benefit the people.

Implement and improve innovation incentive policies. To reform the scientific and technological management system, performance evaluation should accelerate the transformation from emphasizing process to emphasizing results. Give innovation teams and leaders greater control over people, property and technical route decision-making. For scientific researchers who undertake major scientific and technological research tasks, a flexible salary system and incentive measures will be adopted. Explore the right to give scientific researchers the ownership and long-term use of scientific and technological achievements. Old rules and regulations that are contrary to encouraging innovation should be revised and abolished; Red tape that hinders the release of innovation vitality must be cut down with determination.

Promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation to the next level. China has the world's largest human resources, which is the biggest "rich mine" for innovative development. It is necessary to provide all-round innovation and entrepreneurship services, promote the construction of "double creation" demonstration bases, encourage large enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes to open up innovation resources, develop platform economy and sharing economy, form an innovation and entrepreneurship pattern that combines online and offline, industry-university-research collaboration, and integration of large and small and medium-sized enterprises, and creates an upgraded version of "double creation". Establish a national financing guarantee fund to support the listing and financing of high-quality innovative enterprises, and expand the pilot scope of preferential tax policies for venture capital and angel investment to the whole country. Deepen the reform of the talent development system, promote the free flow of human resources, support enterprises to improve the treatment of skilled workers, increase the incentive of high-skilled talents, encourage overseas students to return to China to innovate and start a business, and broaden the green channels for foreign talents to come to China. Gathering wisdom and strength, we will definitely be able to run out of China's innovation "acceleration".

[Expression Land] supply side

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"Offering" is the "common" essence, and the righteousness is offered with both hands. "Supply" is not blindly output, but is an effective supply. To further promote supply-side structural reform is to give good and useful products to the people with both hands.

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Deeply promote supply-side structural reforms

We should persistently focus our efforts on economic development on the real economy

Beijing, March 5 (Xinhua) -- When talking about suggestions for the government's work in 2018, Li Keqiang said that the task of economic and social development this year is very arduous. It is necessary to firmly grasp the promising period of historical opportunity, make overall plans, give prominence to key points, and do a solid job in all aspects of work.

Vigorously simplify administration, reduce taxes and fees, and continuously optimize the business environment

Deeply promote supply-side structural reforms. Adhere to the focus of economic development on the real economy, continue to do a good job of "three to one reduction and one supplement", vigorously simplify administration, reduce taxes and fees, continuously optimize the business environment, further stimulate the vitality of market players, and improve the quality of economic development.

Achieve high-speed broadband full coverage of urban and rural areas

Develop and expand new kinetic energy. Expand and strengthen emerging industrial clusters, implement big data development actions, strengthen the research and development and application of a new generation of artificial intelligence, and promote "Internet +" in many fields such as medical care, pensions, education, culture, and sports. Develop intelligent industries and expand intelligent life. Use new technologies, new formats and new models to vigorously transform and upgrade traditional industries. Strengthen statistics on emerging industries. Increase the intensity of network speed-up and fee reduction, achieve full coverage of high-speed broadband in urban and rural areas, expand the scope of free Internet access in public places, significantly reduce household broadband, enterprise broadband and private line usage fees, cancel traffic "roaming" fees, and reduce mobile network traffic tariffs by at least 30% within the year, so that the masses and enterprises can effectively benefit and fuel the construction of digital China.

Significantly reduce industrial production licenses and strengthen product quality supervision

Accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power. Promote the development of integrated circuits, fifth-generation mobile communications, aircraft engines, new energy vehicles, new materials and other industries, implement major short-board equipment special projects, develop industrial Internet platforms, and create a "Made in China 2025" demonstration zone. Significantly reduce industrial production licenses and strengthen product quality supervision. Comprehensively carry out quality improvement actions, promote the standard with the international advanced level, carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, and come to a quality revolution made in China.

All kinds of certificates for cleaning up the work of the masses and enterprises, and those that have no basis in laws and regulations, are canceled

Deepen the reform of "release and management service". Fully implement the negative list system for market access. The reform of "separation of licenses and licenses" has been carried out throughout the country, focusing on reducing certificates after licenses, reducing all kinds of certificates, combining and combining, and further compressing the time for enterprises to start up. Significantly shorten the trademark registration cycle. The approval time for engineering construction projects has been reduced by half. Fully implement "double random, one open" supervision, never allow counterfeiting and shoddy to breed and spread, and never allow law enforcers to eat and take cards. Deeply promote the "Internet + government services", so that more matters are handled online, and those who must go to the scene must also strive to achieve "only one door" and "run at most once". Vigorously promote the reform of the comprehensive law enforcement agency mechanism, and strive to solve the problem of multi-headed and multi-layered duplicate law enforcement. Accelerate the interconnection of government information systems and open up information islands. All kinds of certificates for cleaning up the work of the masses and enterprises, and those that have no basis in laws and regulations, are canceled. Optimizing the business environment is to liberate productivity and improve competitiveness, and it is necessary to break down obstacles, eliminate annoyance, and build a smooth road, so as to add vitality to market players and facilitate the people.

Further reduce the tax burden on enterprises

Further reduce the tax burden on enterprises. Reform and improve value-added tax, adjust the tax rate level in accordance with the direction of three and two files, focus on reducing the tax rate in manufacturing, transportation and other industries, and increase the annual sales standard for small-scale taxpayers. Significantly expand the scope of small and micro enterprises that enjoy the preferential policy of halving the income tax. Significantly increase the upper limit of pre-tax deduction for newly purchased instruments and equipment by enterprises. Implement the comprehensive credit policy for enterprises' overseas income. Expand the scope of preferential tax treatment for warehousing land for logistics enterprises. Continue to implement preferential policies such as land value-added tax and deed tax for enterprise restructuring. In the whole year, more than 800 billion yuan of tax cuts for enterprises and individuals will promote the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and strive to stimulate market vitality and social creativity.

In the whole year, it is necessary to reduce the non-tax burden for market entities by more than 300 billion yuan

Significantly reduce the non-tax burden on enterprises. Further clean up and standardize administrative fees and charges, and lower the collection standards for some government funds. Continue to reduce the proportion of enterprises' "five insurances and one gold" payment in stages. Reduce the charging and transmission and distribution prices of the power grid link, and reduce the general industrial and commercial electricity prices by an average of 10%. Deepen the reform of the toll road system and reduce the cost of crossing the bridge. Increase the intensity of cleaning up and rectifying intermediary service fees. Throughout the year, it is necessary to reduce the non-tax burden for market entities by more than 300 billion yuan, unreasonably cancel it, and resolutely reduce it too high, so that enterprises can lighten up and concentrate on development.

【Emoji】Expand consumption

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In ancient times, the superiority of human form was equivalent to the superiority of ability, and the original meaning of "big" was to stand tall in adulthood. To expand consumption, it is necessary to adapt to the new changes in people's needs, the eye tone structure increases investment and expands, and the large consumption allows the people to buy comfortably and rest assured.

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Actively expand consumption and promote effective investment

Form a virtuous circle of supply structure optimization and moderate expansion of total demand

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- In his government work report on 5 March, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said that it is necessary to actively expand consumption and promote effective investment. Adapt to the new changes in residents' demand to expand consumption, focus on adjusting the structure to increase investment, and form a virtuous circle of supply structure optimization and moderate expansion of total demand.

Enhance the basic role of consumption in economic development

Promote consumption upgrading and develop new consumption formats and models. Extend the preferential tax policy for the purchase tax of new energy vehicles for another three years, and completely cancel the relocation policy for second-hand cars. Support social forces to increase the supply of medical, pension, educational, cultural, sports and other services. Create a global tourism demonstration area and reduce the ticket price of key state-owned scenic spots. Promote the healthy development of online shopping and express delivery. All kinds of acts that infringe on the rights and interests of consumers should be punished according to law and never tolerated.

Give play to the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure

This year, it is necessary to complete the investment of 732 billion yuan in railways, about 1.8 trillion yuan in road and water transport, and the scale of investment in water conservancy construction will reach 1 trillion yuan. Major infrastructure construction continues to tilt toward the central and western regions. Implement a new round of major technological transformation and upgrading projects. The investment arrangement in the central budget was 537.6 billion yuan, an increase of 30 billion yuan over last year. Implement policies and measures to encourage private investment, and launch a number of attractive projects in the fields of railways, civil aviation, oil and gas, and telecommunications, so that private capital can enter and develop.

【Emoticon】 Regional coordination

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The original meaning of "district" is that the congregation is hidden in the curved vessel. Nowadays, "regional development" is no longer a single land rule, holding the treasure and not passing it on, but breaking regional restrictions, overall coordination, organic linkage, and gradually narrowing the gap between urban and rural regional development.

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Accelerate the urbanization of the agricultural transfer population

Improve the quality of new urbanization

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- In his government work report yesterday, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said that the coordinated regional development strategy should be solidly promoted. Improve regional development policies, promote the equalization of basic public services, gradually narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas, and give full play to the comparative advantages and potential of various localities.

Shape a new pattern of regional development. Strengthen support for the reform and development of old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poverty-stricken areas. Focus on the relief of Beijing's non-capital functions to promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and build the Xiong'an New Area with high starting point planning and high standards. Promote the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt with ecological priority and green development as the guide. The Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been promulgated and implemented, and mutually beneficial cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao has been comprehensively promoted. Formulate new guiding opinions on the large-scale development of the western region, implement measures to revitalize old industrial bases such as the northeast, continue to promote the rise of the central region, and support the eastern region to take the lead in development. Promote the transformation of resource-based regional economies. Strengthen the marine economy and resolutely safeguard the country's maritime rights and interests.

Improve the quality of new urbanization. This year, 13 million people will settle in the city and accelerate the urbanization of the agricultural transfer population. Give priority to the development of public transportation, improve the convenience service facilities such as vegetable markets and parking lots. Orderly promote the transformation of "urban villages" and old residential areas, improve supporting facilities, and encourage the installation of qualified elevators. Strengthen the construction of drainage pipe networks and underground comprehensive pipe corridors. The core of the new urbanization lies in people, and it is necessary to strengthen refined services and humanized management, so that everyone has a fair opportunity for development, so that residents can live conveniently and comfortably.

【Expression Jiu】Rural revitalization

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"Zhen" is literally "辰", and the oracle bone means to work hard with a stone hoe in hand. Rural revitalization not only requires hard work, but also needs the support of national strategy, relying on reform and innovation to strengthen the new momentum of rural development.

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Accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas

Increase peasant incomes through multiple channels

Beijing, 5 Mar (Xinhua) -- In his government work report yesterday, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council said that vigorous efforts should be made to implement the strategy of rural revitalization. Scientifically formulate plans, improve the institutional mechanism for the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and rely on reform and innovation to strengthen the new momentum of rural development.

Promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. Promote the innovative development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and seed industry, accelerate the construction of modern agricultural industrial parks and advantageous areas for characteristic agricultural products, and stabilize and optimize grain production. More than 80 million mu of high-standard farmland and 20 million mu of high-efficiency water-saving irrigation area have been added. Cultivate new types of business entities and strengthen socialized services for small farmers. Develop "Internet + agriculture", increase farmers' income through multiple channels, and promote the integrated development of rural first, second, and third industries.

Comprehensively deepen rural reform. Implement the policy of extending the second round of land contracts for another 30 years after the expiration of the contract. Explore the reform of the separation of ownership, qualification rights and use rights of homestead land. Improve the management method of the balance of cultivated land occupancy and compensation, establish a cross-provincial adjustment mechanism for new cultivated land indicators and urban and rural construction land increase and decrease surplus indicators, and all the proceeds will be used for poverty alleviation and support rural revitalization. Deepen the reform of grain collection and storage, collective property rights, collective forest rights, forest farms in state-owned forest areas, agricultural reclamation, and supply and marketing cooperatives, so that agriculture and rural areas will be full of vitality and vitality.

Promote the comprehensive development of all undertakings in rural areas. Improve water supply, power supply, information and other infrastructure, and build and rebuild 200,000 kilometers of rural roads. Steadily carry out the three-year action of improving the rural human settlement environment and promote the "toilet revolution". Promote the change of rural customs and customs. Complete a rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule by virtue. We must persist in taking the road of socialist rural revitalization with Chinese characteristics and accelerate the realization of agricultural and rural modernization.

Oracle Trivia

Oracle has been discovered and studied for more than 110 years. At present, all publicly published Oracle bibliographies contain more than 76,000 Oracle bones excluding heavy films, which is the basis for the research of scholars today. At present, more than 1,000 characters have been "interpreted", which corresponds to today's Chinese characters, that is, "living" to today; The remaining about 3,000 oracle bone scripts have "died" and are no longer easy to correspond to today's words.


Thanks to the guidance of Qi Hangfu, a researcher and philologist of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences, and li Shutong and Li Ziyi, graduates of the Archaeology Major of the School of History of Zhengzhou University, for their hard work.

(Due to textual changes, some oracle bones are also different from today's meanings, so this meme and commentary are for reference only.) )

Source: Big River Client