
"The Age of Entrepreneurship" ends tonight Feng Shaofeng Yuan Shanshan reinvigorated the tide letter to attract expectations

Source: Beiqing Network

"The Age of Entrepreneurship" ends tonight Feng Shaofeng Yuan Shanshan reinvigorated the tide letter to attract expectations

Directed by Lin Ke, with Bi Jianwei as the screenwriter and starring Feng Shaofeng, Yuan Shanshan, Qiao Zhenyu, Pan Zhilin, Gong Lei, Dong Qing, Li Hongtao, etc., the era entrepreneurship drama "The Age of Entrepreneurship" will usher in the finale tonight in the CCTV-1 golden file. Since the broadcast of the play, the interlocking contradictions and conflicts have satisfied the appetite of the audience, and the protagonist in the play dares to break through, dare to be the first, and face difficulties, and has also won the unanimous praise of the audience. Tonight, "The Age of Entrepreneurship" ushered in the finale, and all kinds of questions touched the hearts of many viewers, and will be finally answered tonight.

Chao Xin is deeply in crisis Brothers work together against foreign enemies

In order to pursue dreams and happy life, the protagonists in the play have never stopped the pace of struggle, under the changes of the times, they rely on national policies, work hard, contribute their own strength for everyone and the small family, not only express the temperature of reality, but also reflect the height of thought, so that the audience benefits a lot. In recent days, the plot has been wonderful, the foreign company AME intends to acquire Chaoxin, Kwong Mingchu (Feng Shaofeng) against the pressure of the board of directors to clearly refuse, the commercial war is about to erupt. AME while pulling together the three companies of Chuang kai, Jingqi and Yancheng, while trying to crush Chaoxin's move, also made the audience feel heartbroken, and launched a heated discussion around the plot, "It's too angry, I hope Chaoxin can survive the crisis", "I can see that I clenched my fists", "The business war is too heart-wrenching, Kwong Ming chip cheers up" and so on.

When AME became the second largest shareholder of Chaoxin, it interfered in the internal affairs of Chaoxin and wanted to liquidate Gaoke, and for a while, Chaoxin fell into internal and external troubles. However, being in trouble makes friendship and love more precious. Zhou Dingbei (Li Hongtao) asks Kwong Mingchu to drink tea and gives him hints and encouragement through the story; Hong Yuqiao (Qiao Zhenyu), Jiang Cheng (Gong Lei), and Wang Yong (Song Yu) set up a fund to buy Chaoxin shares to secretly help Kwong Mingchu; Yao Kun (Yuan Shanshan) firmly stands with Kwong Mingchu and gives support and other plots are moving. Watching out for each other in times of suffering, the true feelings revealed also triggered empathy from the audience.

The finale is a brilliant finale

"The Age of Entrepreneurship" illuminates the changes of the times with the history of the struggle of technology entrepreneurs, and the unique perspective injects new vitality into the creation of TV series. The broadcast of the drama is nearing the end, and several protagonists in the play represent the epitome of China's science and technology entrepreneurs, from the passion and enthusiasm of the fledglings, to the persistence of the development dilemma in the medium term, to the dedication to the cause of unity and never give up, all of which have left a deep impression on the audience. While committed to the development of the enterprise, they also have the courage to assume social responsibility, Hong Yuqiao and Guan Tao (Dong Qing) donated love to Hope Primary School, which made netizens praise. The patriotic feelings of technology entrepreneurs and the values of repaying society are also the most important things that the young generation of entrepreneurs should learn from today.

In the plot broadcast tonight, in the face of internal and external troubles, Kwong Ming chip still adheres to the innovation and research and development of its own brand, and Chaoxin's server three generations of products usher in the final test, can this time be successful? Will there be any more stories about Mei Zhaohe (Qi Jiuzhou) and Yuwen Jing (Pan Zhilin) after they are released from prison? Yao Kun reported AME's dumping behavior in the Chinese market to the Ministry of Commerce, where will AME go? All the suspense will be answered in the finale, which is full of expectations. Tonight CCTV-1 is coming to an end, and video platform 22-point members continue to update!

"The Age of Entrepreneurship" ends tonight Feng Shaofeng Yuan Shanshan reinvigorated the tide letter to attract expectations
"The Age of Entrepreneurship" ends tonight Feng Shaofeng Yuan Shanshan reinvigorated the tide letter to attract expectations
"The Age of Entrepreneurship" ends tonight Feng Shaofeng Yuan Shanshan reinvigorated the tide letter to attract expectations
"The Age of Entrepreneurship" ends tonight Feng Shaofeng Yuan Shanshan reinvigorated the tide letter to attract expectations

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