
Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

author:Marvel Cinematic Intelligence

This year is definitely not a good year for Marvel to sell at the box office, the only movie "Black Widow" can only be the cinema + streaming platform synchronous launch, the current North American box office is only 200-300 million US dollars, according to this momentum, it is estimated that it will become the countdown to the Marvel movie box office.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

But the same!

For Marvel derivative dramas, this year is definitely a big explosive year, from the "Wanda Illusion" that took the lead to the "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" that relayed after that to the "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" that had just been fired from episode 1 to the end of the first season of episode 6, which directly opened the Marvel multiverse of "Rocky", it can be said that compared with some of Marvel's earlier derivative dramas, this year's 3 derivative dramas that have been launched so far have a significant increase in quality.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Moreover, because spin-offs are interconnected with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, these episodes are rounded up and combined to be almost indistinguishable from filmmaking.

More importantly, --

Compared with the previous situation that many Marvel fans can only watch 2-3 Marvel movies a year, now in the form of movies + spin-offs, Marvel fans can see at least 6 Marvel-related works in a year, which is simply not too cool~

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

So far, there are still many Marvel projects on the road, among which the films and spin-offs have been clearly included in "Shangqi", "Eternal", "Female Hulk", "Hawkeye", "Moon knight", "Secret Invasion", "Captain Marvel 2", "Ant-Man 3", "Black Panther 2", "Armored War", "Iron Heart", "Spider-Man 3", "Thor 4", "Doctor Strange 2", "Blade Warrior" and "What if" series series.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Of course, many of these works are still in the process of shooting, and they will not be launched in the short term, but at least not for too long.

Of course, in addition to the above has been determined, recently a Marvel source said that -

Marvel Studios now has 9 unofficial spin-off development projects in its hands, among which IP projects such as "Ghost Rider", "Nova", and "Secret Warrior" may be included.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

However, we also need to know that as far as the progress of some movies and episodes that have been released so far, it has already been scheduled for 2022-2023 in the schedule, so for these unannounced projects, if the final hammer is really hammered, then the fastest time to go online will be 2024.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Marvel fans: Isn't it 3 years of time ~ can afford to wait ~ ~

It is worth mentioning:

The "Ghost Rider" mentioned in these messages actually had news that Marvel had an idea to develop this IP, and it was at the time of the fourth season of Marvel's episode "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." gabriel Runa played the fourth generation of Ghost Rider "Robbie Reyes".

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Therefore, the news at that time also said that Marvel intended to let Gabriel Runa continue to play the role of "Ghost Rider" in the single-soldier derivative drama, but the result was cancelled for some unknown reasons, which is also a great regret for countless fans to express a large-scale powder scene.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

However, the recent news also shows that Marvel does not seem to plan to give up the role of "Ghost Rider".

Similarly, for the IP setting of "Nova" mentioned in the news, it is actually related to the setting that Marvel excluded in the early days, because among the many setting versions of Marvel in the "Reunion 3" period, there was a version that was intended to let "Nova" go online!

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

It's also because -

Thanos destroyed the entire Planet Shandar in Avengers 3 to capture the Power Gem, and the Nova Legion where Nova is located is also the main combat force of Shandar, so there is no problem in letting Nova join the Avengers against Thanos during this period, but Marvel at the time abandoned this version of the setting.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans


If Marvel really plans to open the spin-off drama of "Nova" in the future, in the background of the story plot, it may choose to open from the time period when Thanos destroyed the planet Sandal in "Reunion 3" to seize the power gem, maybe then we can still see the "Purple Potato Essence" Thanos side that has been destroyed.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

In addition, for some of the remaining Marvel's unpublished list, we may actually guess to see which IP derivative dramas Marvel may also launch.

In my personal opinion:

In addition to the above we said, similar to "The Punisher" and "Thunder Agents" are also likely to be arranged on the Marvel IP.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Among them, although the "Punisher" has already had its own single-soldier episode before, in fact, the association with Marvel is almost 0, so if Marvel wants to enable this IP, on the one hand, there is a fan group accumulated in the previous episodes, on the other hand, the Punisher has a linkage in many of Marvel's plots, and there is a lot of room for plot linkage and even the movie universe linkage.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Secondly, why is it possible to say that "Thunder Agents" is also possible?

In fact, for the setting of the "Thunder Agent Team", there are already characters in the current Marvel Universe who can be teamed up to shoot, from General Ross to "Abomination" to "Deadpool", etc., and if the previous "Ghost Rider" and "Punisher" can be launched one after another, the members will be more complete.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

Even, for some Of the Avengers successors who may not have the resources of a single soldier movie again, they can actually be integrated into it occasionally, and the more typical is the second generation of Black Widow and even the "imitation master" and other such roles, because for these characters, to say that Marvel will start making movies again, I personally feel that the possibility is relatively small, but it is still very possible to get a series.

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

And at this pace, john Walker, the "American secret agent" who was finally whitewashed in "Falcon and the Winter Soldier", may also have a single-soldier series of his own, and it is not impossible.

You tell me?

Surprisingly, in addition to the Marvel rumors that are already known, there are 9 unpublished episode IP development plans

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