
Write the paper on the land of southern Shaanxi

author:Overseas network

Source: China Youth Daily client

Intern Chen Yuwei China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Li Runwen

His skin was tanned, and he chatted happily with a group of old people in a mountain village—when you first met Zhang Jie, you probably didn't think he was a young scholar.

Zhang Jie, 36, is an associate professor at the School of Chinese Medicine at China Pharmaceutical University (hereinafter referred to as "Pharmaceutical University"). Usually, he either buried his head in the laboratory equipment in a white coat or stood on the podium to teach. Today, he walks on undulating mountain roads, looking no different from his local fellow countrymen.

Write the paper on the land of southern Shaanxi

Pictured: Zhang Jie inspecting the growth of the Golden Silk Emperor Chrysanthemum

Referring to the tanned skin, Zhang Jie smiled brightly: "Here the ultraviolet rays are strong!" The "here" in his mouth is Zhenping County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province. This year is the tenth year that Yaoda has helped Zhenping County, and in the past ten years, Yaoda has sent 3 suspended first secretaries and 5 suspended deputy county governors to Zhenping County, and in March 2020, Zhang Jie took over as the deputy county governor.

When he first arrived in Zhenping, it was during the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and Zhang Jie flipped through the Zhenping County Chronicle during the half-month isolation period. Located at the junction of Shaanxi, Chongqing and Hubei, the mountains are sparsely populated, and there is a saying of "nine mountains, half water and half a field". "There are few plains and no contiguous land, but the forest coverage rate is high, and traditional Chinese medicine resources are the biggest advantage here." Zhang Jie said.

After the end of the quarantine, he visited the county's agricultural product development enterprises, and quickly found the problem, "The traditional Chinese medicine grown by the villagers is directly sold to the drug dealers, and most of the enterprises are only rough processing agricultural products, and the profit is very low, so I thought that the medicinal materials with the same origin as medicine and food should be developed and processed in depth." ”

Local villagers used to be conservative in their thinking and did not dare to try new things, Zhang Jie insisted on the principle that "it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish", believing that only when the industry is revitalized, can there be long-term development here.

Nowadays, the famous Golden Silk Imperial Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea is the "representative work" of Zhenping traditional Chinese medicine product processing. Zhang Jie told reporters that in the past, most of the enterprises here only made and sold dried chrysanthemums, and after in-depth research, he pulled Tan Ninghua, dean of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the University of Medicine, to carry out the research and development of golden silk imperial chrysanthemum herbal tea. Hundreds of flavors of herbal tea alone have been tried, and during the trial production stage, he and Tan Ninghua stared at the production line in the oem factory, often staying up until one or two o'clock in the morning.

The development of Golden Silk Imperial Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea has helped the local area extend the industrial chain, developed 3 Golden Silk Imperial Chrysanthemum planting bases totaling more than 1,000 acres, cultivated a number of enterprises such as Golden Rui Agricultural Development Technology Co., Ltd., and also promoted farmers' income.

Lang Shixiang, a villager in Jianshanping Village, Huaping Town, is an employee of Jinrui Agricultural Development Technology Co., Ltd., she told reporters that her husband is not in good health, almost can not do any work, she is the company's golden silk imperial chrysanthemum planting and picking staff in the "vanguard", agricultural leisure season to undertake the company's cleaning tasks, they also raised a few pigs, last year, Lang Sister's income reached seven or eighty thousand yuan.

In May this year, after the listing of Golden Silk Imperial Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea, the first batch of 50 tons of herbal tea that was trial-produced has basically sold out. Hu Juan, chairman of the company, revealed that this product is undergoing extended development, and the annual production capacity is expected to reach 500 tons, and the output value can reach 30 million yuan.

In addition to the golden silk imperial chrysanthemum herbal tea, there are many "treasures" in Zhenping: fungus, bacon, selenium-rich potatoes... These "treasures" are only cold because of the lack of two roads: one is the road, and the other is the market.

Zhang Jie still remembers the first time he came to Zhenping: "It took a day to get from Xi'an to Zhenping, and the mountain road took seven hours!" It was really motion sickness and fear. At that time, he was thinking, "Without transportation, there is no investor, without investor, there is no industry, without industry, there is no economy..."

In August 2020, the newly opened Pingzhen Expressway greatly shortened the time for Zhenping to go to the outside world, and li Qin'e, a local girl, had to take a four- or five-hour car ride to Ankang city when she was a child, but now it only takes an hour and a half.

At the opening ceremony of the Pingzhen Expressway, the first batch of enterprises incubated the Golden Silk Imperial Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea. Since then, other Zhenping specialties have begun to be sold along this road to all parts of the country.

The road is clear, but suitable sales routes are still being explored. Zhang Jie, who has no marketing experience, asks around for advice, "How to grasp the focus of publicity?" How to develop the Zhenping market in a targeted manner? In order to solve the problem of unsalable agricultural products, he tried to live stream with goods, stood in front of the camera in a serious manner, and became the spokesperson for shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots; he also contacted the University of Medicine, and held activities such as "one yuan to eat Zhenping vegetables" and "Zhenping agricultural products into the Pharmaceutical University" in the school, and the sales scene was very hot. Yang Yang, a Zhenping student studying at the University of Medicine, told reporters that she ate Zhenping bacon in Nanjing and felt that "it was very homely."

Write the paper on the land of southern Shaanxi

Photo: Agricultural products from Zhenping County are on display on the campus of China Pharmaceutical University

Zhang Jie was once Li Qin'e's traditional Chinese medicine chemistry teacher, and in the minds of his students, he was a "knowledgeable 'scientific research master' with funny and humorous lectures." After graduating from the University of Medicine, Li Qin'e chose to return to his hometown Market Supervision Bureau Drug and Food Inspection and Testing Center to work, with professional knowledge to repay this land, in Zhenping, the former teachers and students reunited again, "I can now meet Teacher Zhang every day at work, he is very kind, there is no sense of distance at all," Li Qin'e was most impressed by Zhang Jie's iconic laughter, "often chatting and giggling to make himself giggle." ”

Teachers and students of the University of Medicine always call Zhenping "the second hometown", between Zhenping and The University of Medicine, there seems to be such a solid bridge, Zhang Jie and the teachers of the University of Medicine who have stayed here are like piers, with their support, the distance of a thousand kilometers can not hinder the two hearts of Zhenping and the University of Medicine.

In September this year, Zhang Jie came to Zhenping for a year and a half, "everyone does scientific research in a different way, some people write papers, some people do experiments in the laboratory, I do experiments on the ground, write papers on the ground," Zhang Jie said with a smile, "In my opinion, scientific research should ultimately serve the society, bring value, and benefit one party." ”