
Langfang: Stable employment, stable happiness

author:Hebei News Network

Stabilizing employment is not only a stable economy and society, but also a stable people's livelihood and people's hearts. In the past five years, the city has accumulated 307,000 new urban jobs, 39,000 laid-off unemployed people have achieved reemployment, 14,900 people with employment difficulties have achieved reemployment, the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns has remained the lowest in the province for many years, and the employment situation has been stable and good; in 2019, the average annual wage of employed personnel in urban non-private units in the city was 90,852 yuan, and the average annual wage of employed personnel in urban private units was 52,917 yuan, ranking first in the province's districted cities...

Behind the string of numbers is the unremitting efforts of the whole city to really grasp the work of promoting employment. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Langfang has taken the expansion of employment and the promotion of entrepreneurship as an important starting point for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, the macro policies of steady growth and benefiting people's livelihood have been introduced one after another, the fine measures to ensure employment and promote entrepreneurship have gradually landed, and the pace of exploration of thinking about the present and seeking the future is sonorous and powerful.

In the past five years, the city's employment scale has been continuously expanded, the structure has been gradually optimized, the channels have been further broadened, the methods have been more flexible and diverse, the employment situation has been generally stable, and it has made important contributions to stabilizing growth, adjusting the structure, promoting development, benefiting the people's livelihood, and preventing risks.

To stabilize employment, we must first stabilize enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises and private enterprises that can absorb huge employment demand.

"Thanks to the heavy positives introduced by the government, it has played an important role in alleviating the pressure on working capital, stabilizing jobs and ensuring the treatment of employees." Liu Zhe, deputy general manager of Langfang Huari Furniture Co., Ltd., could not hide his excitement, "Affected by the epidemic, the company's turnover in the first quarter of this year decreased by more than 50 percentage points compared with the same period last year. In order to be able to pay store rent and employee wages in a timely manner, the company must advance capital investment, the financial pressure is very large, and the return of stable posts is like a 'timely rain', which brings hope to the enterprise. ”

The unemployment insurance stable post return policy is a major measure to support enterprises to actively respond to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, reduce labor costs, and stabilize jobs, and it is also the one with the widest coverage and the largest return in the stable post subsidy policy. Since the beginning of this year, Langfang Has actively played a combination of policies of "reduction and reduction and slow replenishment", improved the policy standards for aiding enterprises and stabilizing posts, expanded the scope of benefits of the policy for small and medium-sized and micro enterprises, and raised the subsidy standard for small and medium-sized enterprises to 100% of the previous year's payment. Up to now, 135 million yuan of unemployment insurance has been reviewed and issued in 8 batches, benefiting 3,385 enterprises and 235,000 employees, and the amount and coverage of expenditure have exceeded the level of last year. Completed the identification of 6 difficult enterprises, and allocated 113 million yuan of funds for the return of stable posts. For 23,000 enterprises, the three social insurance premiums of pension, work injury and unemployment were reduced by 1.871 billion yuan.

The unemployment insurance stable post return policy is a microcosm of Langfang's stable employment and benefiting the people's policy. Since the beginning of this year alone, Langfang City has successively issued more than 30 employment documents for key groups such as stable employment, such as the "Implementation Opinions of the Langfang Municipal People's Government on Further Doing a Good Job in Stabilizing Employment", "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Employment During the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period", and "Notice on Printing and Distributing", expanding the targets of employment and entrepreneurship support to various employment groups in urban and rural areas, improving employment subsidy standards, increasing support for key groups, and forming a stable employment and employment support policy system.

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the city has raised a total of 740 million yuan of special funds for employment, spent 744 million yuan of special funds for employment, and various employment support policies such as social security subsidies, public welfare post subsidies, and social insurance subsidies for enterprises recruiting college graduates and people with employment difficulties have all been implemented.

Focus on financing difficulties, increase the fundraising of entrepreneurial guarantee funds and discounted interest funds, and guide and encourage small and micro enterprises and start-ups to absorb more workers for employment. In the past five years, Langfang has issued a total of 315 million yuan of guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship, directly supported 2,718 entrepreneurs, and led to the absorption of 8,609 people.

The policy of benefiting the people is "added by one", capital investment is "added", and development vitality is "added by one point". The policy dividend is transforming into the vitality of the enterprise and the confidence of employees.

To stabilize employment, we must also work the precise implementation of policies for key groups.

The warmth of care has melted into the heart of Gao Xiaohui, a 2020 accounting graduate of Langfang Normal University. "The job search subsidy has eased our financial pressure during the pandemic and inspired me to be more active in finding a job." Gao Xiaohui received a one-time job search subsidy of 2,000 yuan, and not long ago successfully passed the examination for transfer students, and was assigned to work in the township of Feixiang District, Handan City.

College graduates are one of the key groups in employment. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Langfang Has fully implemented employment assistance actions such as the Promotion Plan for Unemployed Graduates Who Left School and the Employment and Entrepreneurship Promotion Plan for College Graduates, and has received more than 60,000 graduates of various colleges and secondary schools and above, and the employment rate of fresh college graduates has increased from 92.3% in 2015 to 96.12% at present. Since the beginning of this year, the city has developed 100 "three branches and one support" posts, 490 temporary public welfare posts, and 1,000 employment internship positions for the employment of college graduates.

Confidence and hope have filled the life of Liu Ying, a resident of the Happiness Road community in Dachang Hui Autonomous County. "I am 58 years old this year, I did not expect to find such a good job, now I can receive 1790 yuan of post subsidies every month, pension, medical, work injury and unemployment insurance are all paid by the government according to regulations, the family's life has been guaranteed, and the future pension and medical care have to rely on." After Liu Ying was laid off, due to his age and difficulty in re-employment, he could only rely on odd jobs to make a living, and in March this year, a public welfare job recruitment announcement from the Dachang Social Affairs Bureau gave him back confidence. After the interview, Liu Ying successfully became a librarian in the Dachang Library.

In Langfang, there are many people like Liu Ying who have regained employment through public welfare jobs.

To stabilize employment, we must firmly grasp the bottom line of people's livelihood. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Langfang City has included 8 types of personnel such as "4050" personnel, members of "zero employment families" and disabled persons into the policy support scope of people with employment difficulties, and maintained the dynamic of zero employment families through immediate employment support and public welfare post assistance.

Langfang City carries out accurate and effective skills training and entrepreneurship training for poor laborers who are willing to train; and carries out one-on-one assistance to improve the employment quality and stable employment rate of poor laborers. This year, all migrant workers have established a record of 1717 poor laborers, and the stable employment rate is higher than 95%. The poor labor force has increased its income steadily through employment, achieving "employment of one person and poverty alleviation of one household".

A solid economic foundation is the "chassis" for a stable and good employment situation. Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the city has firmly grasped the "bull nose" of project construction, continued to optimize the business environment, stimulated market vitality, all kinds of new economies have flourished, new forms of employment and new employment opportunities have emerged, creating more jobs; the ability of the secondary and tertiary industries to absorb employment has been significantly improved; entrepreneurship and innovation have continued to advance, vigorously promoting the cultural and security experience of "entrepreneurship training + project recommendation + small guarantee loan + expert guidance + follow-up service", organizing activities such as employment and entrepreneurship achievement promotion meetings, innovation and entrepreneurship experience sharing meetings, etc. In-depth implementation of the special action of cultivating and upgrading entrepreneurship and employment incubation bases, China Airlines E Innovation Space was awarded the first batch of Hebei Entrepreneurship University, and many incubation bases won provincial honorary titles, and the multiplier effect of entrepreneurship-driven employment was significantly enhanced. (Reporter Zhang Chun'e)

Source: Langfang Daily

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