
Yibin Guomei Wine Industry's 2020 Altar Sealing Ceremony was held in Changning, Sichuan

Source: China Net

On October 25, 2020, Yibin Guomei Wine Industry's 2020 Sealing Ceremony and Tsinghua University's EMBA13B Class Entrepreneur Re-gathering Activity was held in Yibin Guomei Liquor Co., Ltd. Liang Bangchang, deputy director of the Professional and Technical Committee of China Liquor Association and consultant of Gome Liquor Group, Li Tingfang, former secretary of the party committee and director of Wuliangye Distillery and honorary chairman of Gome Liquor Group, Zhang Li, EMBA class teacher of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Song Kaiyun, director of the county people's congress, Zhou Xiaoping, chairman of the county CPPCC committee, Hu Li, deputy secretary of the management committee of the county economic development zone, Wu Yujie, chairman of Gome Liquor Group, entrepreneurs of EMBA13B class of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, distributors, suppliers, A total of more than 400 representatives from all walks of life from all over the country smelled the incense and came to witness the grand event. At the scene of the event, the high-level friends were full of people, the victorious friends were like clouds, and everyone gathered here to celebrate the grand event, and the event was hosted by Fu Xiaotian, the host of Phoenix Satellite TV.

Yibin Guomei Wine Industry's 2020 Altar Sealing Ceremony was held in Changning, Sichuan

Accompanied by warm applause, Chairman Wu Yujie said in his speech: The teachers and entrepreneurs of Tsinghua University's EMBA13B class have gathered in Yibin again after five years, not only a reunion of friendship, but also the practice of the rural revitalization strategy, contributing to the construction of beautiful villages, and hoping that entrepreneurs can invest in Changning and seek common development.

Then, Ms. Wen Hui, General Manager of Guangdong Baolihua Group Co., Ltd., as a representative of Tsinghua University's EMBA13B class, responded to Chairman Wu Yujie's friendship with them in her speech, remembering the time capsule that symbolized friendship and good wishes sealed here with Wu Zong five years ago, and the joy of revisiting the hometown now.

Hu Li, deputy secretary of the Economic Development Zone of Changning County, said in his speech, "Sichuan Fine Wine Jia Tianxia, Qianzhong Wine General Yibin", Gome Wine Industry based on Changning's profound winemaking culture heritage, always adhere to the reform of innovation, quality and development, the production of Gome series of wines widely praised by all sectors of society. It is believed that Gome Liquor will keep up with the pace of the times, pioneering and innovating, continuously improving product quality and brand influence, creating a strategic brand of Gome wine culture, seizing the commanding heights of the liquor industry, and contributing new forces to promoting the structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of the liquor industry and promoting local economic development.

Subsequently, Mr. Liang Bangchang, consultant of Gome Wine Group, took the stage as the promotion representative of Gome Wine to introduce the still frame picture, which aroused the attention of the audience.

Yibin Guomei Wine Industry's 2020 Altar Sealing Ceremony was held in Changning, Sichuan

An important part of the ceremony activities - Yibin Guomei Wine Industry 2020 altar sealing ceremony officially kicked off, after a series of prosperous drumming, incense and blessing and other links, the winemakers with liquor essence to prepare wine lids, seals, the wine sealed in the original and simple pottery altar.

Yibin Guomei Wine Industry's 2020 Altar Sealing Ceremony was held in Changning, Sichuan

Finally, with the accompaniment of the dance "Song of the National Wine Industry", the event was nearing the end, and the Lord sent a closing blessing to announce the successful conclusion of the altar sealing ceremony. Chairman Wu Yujie and a group of entrepreneurs, leaders and guests of Tsinghua University EMBA13B class visited the Yibin Gome Wine Packaging Workshop, Wine Storage Tank Farm, Phase III Logistics Park Base, Brewing Workshop, Gome Wine Cellar, and "Jinwen Shuying" Exhibition Hall after the ceremony, leaving a photo with Mobao and taking a group photo. The event was a success.

2020 is the final year of China's comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society and the 13th Five-Year Plan, and the decisive year for achieving the first centenary goal. In the past five years, the development of Gome Wine industry has benefited from the good political and business environment created by the Changning County Party Committee and the county government for enterprises, and the ingenuity has been inherited and the original intention has been adhered to. In the future, Gome Wine will embark on a new journey, have a new dawn, do not forget the original intention, and forge ahead.