
About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

author:Two or three miles of information Xi'an

Hunan Satellite TV has launched a very successful talent show "Super Girl", which has a far-reaching impact, and the contestants are called "Supergirl".

Shaanxi Radio and Television Station "Voice of Qin" column more than ten years ago also launched the opera talent show "drama fan shouting board", in 2003, Shang Fang will be a hit in the competition, because with the help of media talent shows are well known, therefore, Shang Fang will be called by many people "Qin Cavity Supergirl".

In 2015, in the selection of "Top Ten Folk Singers" held by Shaanxi Opera Radio, after 60 days of voting by 330,000 netizens, Shangfanghui won the title of Top Ten Folk Singers and won the Most Popular Award. This ordinary peasant woman soared from an "ugly duckling" to a "white swan" praised by Qin Opera fans, and also became a star in the eyes of drama fans.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Shang Fang will perform photos

Since the competition in 2003, the popularity of the Shangfang Club has not decreased, and various words have been heard and praised. What kind of life story does Shangfanghui have? What is the state of life today? That's the purpose of my interview.

Xi'an has a rare good weather in winter, the sun is shining, the air is fresh, and in a high-end residential area in the southern suburbs of Xi'an, I met Shangfanghui. She was natural, elegantly dressed, and well-dressed, making it difficult to associate her with a peasant woman. Shang Fang Hui's home is an elegant European-style decoration, and every detail reveals the meticulousness and taste of the owner.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

"Hello Teacher Shang! Your house is beautiful! Twenty years ago, could you have imagined that you would live in a house like this? "Shang Fang and I will sit down on the couch and start today's exchange.

"I can't believe it! My hometown is in Huaijia Village, Liangcun Town, Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province, I have not been to school for several years, I have no culture, I am an authentic farmer, I really did not expect that Qin Cavity would rewrite my destiny. In the past few years, I often subconsciously pinched myself with my hands to see if I was dreaming! Many temple fairs, markets, and loudspeakers in Shaanxi and Gansu are my voice, and I have suddenly become a celebrity. Yikes! I definitely couldn't have come before! ”

Shang Fanghui's eyes were full of brilliance, and his words were full of emotion!

"My father liked the plays of the folk artist Dong Housheng, bought a tape, I often listened to it, and then I involuntarily hummed it. When I was 13 years old, I went to the drama school for half a year, and when I was 15 years old, I went to northern Shaanxi with my third uncle to sing opera, at that time, it was very bitter, I wore horns all day, I ate and lived very poorly, and I was very afraid. ”

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Early art photographs of the Shang Fang Society

Long memories, bitter stories, accompanied by the warm winter sun, drinking a sip of tea, Shang Fanghui's thoughts return to the past.

"After I got married, I had two babies, and the pressure of the family began to go to singing and hiring. My old man's family is very poor, my mother's father will operate, under his advice, we bought a cotton machine, the business is good, in 1997 I saved tens of thousands of yuan, but I was unexpectedly lost by my old man's gambling one night. ”

"You're angry!" I asked.

"Yeah, it's not just that I lost so much money, but others ran away. A relative said that he was helping the wind, I took a long-distance bus to find him, I entered the front door, and people ran through the back door again. I really had no way, so I took a ride back to Qianxian. Just after arriving in Qianxian County, someone called and said that my old man was still helping the wind, so I turned around and went to help the wind again, and finally caught the person. ”

"Lost tens of thousands of pieces, he still ran away from you!" You're going to blow up, right? "I was anxious to know what was going on below.

"To be honest, very angry! But the days always have to pass, he loses so much money, he is also afraid! I didn't blame him, men need dignity, I said to my old man at the time, 'You dare to lose so much money in one night, I think you are still a man', and then my old man and I went home. ”

Shang Fang can talk, there is bitterness, but also calm.

"On your Qin Road, what is your husband's attitude toward this?"

Shang Fang will take a sip of tea and tell the story!

"I would like to especially thank my old man for his support of me. Ever since I became famous, my old man has become my chauffeur. One winter, my old man drove a car to drag me to Gansu to perform, the road snowed, the road was slippery, when our car was about to hit a big truck in front of him, he hit the steering wheel and let me sit in the co-pilot's position, his position hit the truck head-on, he fainted at that time, at the turn of life and death, my old man gave me the opportunity to live, fortunately, there was no big problem afterwards, just by virtue of this, my old man deserves my life to be good to him! ”

Talking about her husband, Shang Fang would be very grateful.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Shohokai Doryu Yasuhiko Yui teru

"In 2000, I was at home in Qianxian County to take care of two baby belts to take care of crops, my old man worked for people at the Xi'an construction site, and he couldn't earn money, I entrusted someone to talk to him to come back, he didn't return, I personally came to Xi'an to ask him to go home. After coming to Xi'an, I said good to him, and the next day I went back to Qianxian County, and the night before, the two of us were hanging out at the root of the city wall, and we saw a stall singing opera, and my old man said, Don't you also sing opera, you also sing a paragraph. I was very happy, so I told the boss of the family, and the person said, the woman waited for a while, and when the person finished singing, you sang. I waited by the side, and finally it was my turn to sing, and I sang a passage of "Crying Grave", and many people around me clapped their hands. The boss said that the woman sang well, you have time to come, someone wants to give you a 'red', and then we did not return to Qianxian and began to sing in Xi'an. ”

"'Hit the red', have you made any money?" I asked

"I was so happy to earn one or two hundred a night, I really didn't expect it." Since then, he has been singing in Xi'an, living in a house near Daming Palace, the house has no windows, the summer is hot like a steamer, and mosquitoes can bite people to death. ”

There is joy in the memory, but also bitterness and hardship.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

"Talk about participating in the 'Fan Shouting Board,'" I said.

"At that time, I stayed in Xi'an to sing opera, earned a lot, and was also very satisfied, my old man said let me report 'drama fans shouting', I said I didn't want to go, my old man said, participate in the competition can be on TV, the family can see you." I signed up. ”

"After the game, you got on fire, can you think of it?" I took over the words of the Shang Fang Association.

"I really can't imagine that I participated in the competition just to go on TV so that my family in Qianxian could see it, and I really didn't expect to gain the hearts of so many fans." Since then, more and more performances have been performed, and more and more money has been earned! But then came the distress. ”

When it comes to "distress", Shang Fanghui's eyes are a little more helpless.

"After I became famous, rumors spread around, some people said that I had a terminal illness and died, some people said that I divorced my old man, and other aspects."

"What else?" I asked curiously.

"I am well known to everyone through the amateur Qin Cavity competition, I am an amateur actor, after the fire, it is inevitable to perform with many professional actors, I remember once, I and some professional actors participated in the activities of Weinan TELEVISION Station, before everything was normal, close to the start of the performance, there was a person who claimed to be a representative of the TV station, they did not meet with Shang Fang on the same stage, otherwise they would strike. It's time to video, what can the TV station do? I'm leaving. On the way back to Xi'an, I had mixed feelings in my heart, a rural woman, in such a large city, it was too difficult to find a foothold, I made up my mind not to sing from now on, but thinking of my two sons, the baby had to go to school, I decided to sing well, must sing famous. ”

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Shang Fanghui early album video screenshots

It is difficult to get along with the "countryside" and "peasants" from the dress and environment of the Shangfanghui at this time, Shangfanghui continued.

"Another time, I went to Qishan to perform, a professional actor made a request to the main family, not on the same stage as me, the main family said to the professional actor, my old man loved the play of Shang Fanghui before he was born, you want to be on the same stage, you go, Shang Fang will stay, and finally the professional actor is gone." Of course, many of our professional actors are very good, and they also help me a lot, and a very few people have a bad psychological state and prejudice against me, which is difficult for me to understand for a long time. ”

Shang Fanghui's tone was full of confusion, and I continued to ask.

"What is it like to always emphasize that you are an amateur actor, but from time to time you will perform on the same stage with professional actors?"

Shang Fang would raise his head and straighten the hair that was scattered in front of his forehead.

"The same stage, the same audience, each singing their own, good or bad audience to decide for themselves!" Some people say that my performance is expensive, but it is not that I want to give people more money, it is the audience that gives! The so-called high price is nothing more than to limit the number of performances, and all this is not decided by me, it is up to the masses to decide. Talking about this topic, Shang Fang will be a little excited.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Shang Fang will be at home

"Regarding your singing style, some people say yes, others say there is a problem, what do you think?" I asked.

"People who say good, maybe my singing style is just right for people's appetites, and some people say that I sing hi hi, not standardized!" 」 Shang Fang would answer calmly.

"Have you ever thought about finding yourself a teacher, studying hard, and avoiding hi-he I continued to ask.

"No, since I debuted so far, I have not thought of finding a teacher for myself, it is not that I am arrogant, I am afraid that the teacher will teach me, I will not sing, or the fans do not approve of it." In the past twenty years, at least my singing style is still recognized by many fans, which is my confidence! I sang a lot, I was feeling myself, and some places were adjusted, but I didn't worship the teacher! ”

On the coffee table, Shangfanghui's mobile phone rings the information ringtone from time to time.

"Seeing that you are also playing Kuaishou Live, how many fans do you have?" I asked.

"There are currently 650,000 fans, and there are probably tens of thousands of people coming in and out of a live broadcast!" The platform is very good, and it is easy to communicate with fans around the world. ”

Shang Fang will play the mobile phone very well, and the live broadcast of the mobile phone has become an important part of her life.

"Do you have any fan tips?" I asked.

"Yes, at the best time, a live broadcast can also charge more than three thousand yuan."

Faced with such a high income, a problem came to my mind.

"Have you ever thought, don't go out to sing, live every day, the money will come."

This question made Shang Fanghui laugh.

"About the live broadcast I feel is a gust of wind, do not dare to take too seriously, you were a few months ago, after a few months may not work, or in the masses to sing opera, so down-to-earth!" 」

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Shang Fanghui and apprentices live on mobile phones

Seeing several apprentices of the Shang Fang Society sitting in the restaurant, I asked a question.

"You also have apprentices now, how about them?"

"Through kuaishou live broadcast, I met some people who said they wanted to worship me as a teacher, and I said I didn't accept it, and I didn't have anything to teach people. After a detailed chat, I learned that many people have a very bad life, some divorces with babies alone, some have no jobs, family difficulties, I also came from difficulties, understand their situation, in order to help them, I agreed to come down, I have a performance, call them on. When Kuaishou broadcast live, let them interact with netizens and recommend their Kuaishou numbers, so that the difficult sisters and sisters have a better life. We also organized to help the people in difficulty, this year we also went to Gansu to do good deeds, all spontaneously, I donated 10,000 yuan, and also raised some funds through live Kuaishou live broadcast. ”

"Do you like to do good deeds?" I took over the words of the Shang Fang Association.

"I have a bad temper, but I have a good heart, and when I see someone begging, my heart can't get over, and my heart is soft." Heaven has eyes and does good deeds, I am also self-cultivation, and my kind heart allows me to encounter even great tribulations, and I can digest it. ”

I was a little surprised that Shang Fang would say such a thing.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here
About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

Shang Fanghui and his apprentices make video screenshots of public welfare activities in Gansu

"It feels like there's an element of a man's personality in your personality." I say.

"Haha... Qin Yue, I was also a gentle little woman, and I also wanted to be a gentle little woman, but for so many years, life forced me to become a man, which is a sad thing. ”

At this point, we all laughed.

"Tell me about your life now." I continued to ask.

"I'm a little older now, I'm in my fifties, I'm compressing performances, it used to be about 500 a year, now it's about two hundred times a year, I want to raise my body well, my voice is good, and I'm singing a good show for everyone."

Near the end of the interview, I asked one last question.

"Over the years, there have been many sayings about the Qin Cavity Market, how do you feel about the Qin Cavity Market?"

"I really feel that the Qin Cavity market is very good, there is no decline in the Qin Cavity as some people say, my performances in recent years are more scheduled than ever, but I am controlling." On the question of the Qin Cavity market, the key is to see what kind of actor you are, the masses recognize you, the Qin Cavity market is very good, the masses do not recognize you, just say that the Qin Cavity is not good..."

In the interview, the words that Shang Fanghui heard most about himself were, "I am a farmer" and "I am an amateur.". During the interview, shangfanghui's phone often rang, and from time to time someone booked a performance.

Shang Fang will say that one of her favorite titles is "folk singer", and she often has no fixed unit like her, and many folk Qin singers who sing opera for a living singing opera sing Qin opera on occasions such as red and white celebrations. She said that these "folk singers" get along well with each other, exchange resources, make a living, and also love. The 2019 New Top Ten Folk Singers Award Ceremony is coming, and I sincerely thank Shaanxi Opera Broadcasting for applauding the strength of Qin Cavity folk and helping Qin Cavity.

About the Qin Cavity "SuperGirl" Shangfanghui, everything you want to know is here

The author of this article, Qin Yue, interviewed Shang Fanghui

The warm winter sun sprinkles into the room, the warm room temperature, the verdant green plants, let people have a feeling like a spring in the sun.

Author: Qin Yue