
"Hundred Refining into Steel" Tian Shuigen is on the line, Ren Zhengbin can be called a drama bone, and a mountain and a sea is the Chinese spirit

author:Ma Qingyun

On the evening of July 9, Hunan Satellite TV broadcast the 40th episode of "Hundred Refining into Steel". In the content of this episode, the governor of Lei County comes to the water-scarce village of Yuquan Camp to lead everyone to solve the problem of water difficulty by digging a well. The dedication of Lei County, zhao Baoquan's full of energy, and The careful consideration of Hetian Yu can make the audience feel the warmth and strength brought by the work to everyone. At the same time, the image of the old branch Book Tian Shuigen created by actor Ren Zhengbin has the power to make people cry. This strength comes from the character shaping and dramatic tension of "Hundred Refining into Steel", and also from the precise and profound acting skills of actor Ren Zhengbin.

"Hundred Refining into Steel" Tian Shuigen is on the line, Ren Zhengbin can be called a drama bone, and a mountain and a sea is the Chinese spirit

Let's start with the character side. In this small village that has been relocated, Tian Shuigen is an old branch secretary, and at the same time, he is also an old father who sees his daughter about to get married. In the character of Tian Shuigen, he carries a combination of big love and small love. The great love for the village is reflected in the fact that this old branch secretary once led everyone to dig a well together, but in the end he did not find a water source. Sometimes it takes more courage to face failure than to succeed. Later, in order to support the new well drilling task, the old branch secretary gave up his house and so on. This kind of love for the village and the villagers is actually the most simple national love.

Tian Shuigen, who exists as an old father, has a more "selfish" love for his daughter. He hoped that before his daughter got married, she would be able to take a "sweet bath" (clean water), and then asked her son-in-law to borrow water. This old father, who did not accept a bride price and only asked for a "sweet bath", did not seem excessive. In the small villages of Ningxia, which are seriously short of water, this requirement has become a difficult task to achieve. In Tian Shuigen's character, the more "selfish" the love for his daughter, the more he can show the urgent need for water in the village.

"Hundred Refining into Steel" Tian Shuigen is on the line, Ren Zhengbin can be called a drama bone, and a mountain and a sea is the Chinese spirit

Let's talk about the dramatic tension side. This kind of big love and small love in Tian Shuigen's character forms a real dramatic tension on the issue of "water". On the side of great love, the old branch Book Tian Shuigen is too clear, "sweet water" for the preciousness of this village, he once led the villagers to drill a well, but ultimately failed. On the side of little love, how eager this old father is, the son-in-law can get "sweet water" and let his daughter take a clean water bath before she gets married. Two kinds of love are intertwined, and all the dramatic tension is aimed at the big thing of "digging a well".

It can be said that in this theatrical task, the more Tian Shuigen's "reverse" sound, the more dramatic tension is sufficient, and the audience's expectation of "must hit the well water" is higher. The character of Tian Shuigen is tasked with pulling apart the bowstring of the dramatic tension. Because of this, the more the character pulls the bowstring full, the more convincing the plot will be to the audience, and the character itself, the easier it is to make the audience cry with his big love and small love.

"Hundred Refining into Steel" Tian Shuigen is on the line, Ren Zhengbin can be called a drama bone, and a mountain and a sea is the Chinese spirit

Then, you can talk about the performance of actor Ren Zhengbin, which can be called the bone-level performance method, not only completes the script task well, but also many performance sections, which makes the audience bright and very impressed. We may wish to analyze it from shallow to deep according to the level of performance.

The first point is to seek imagery. The image of the old branch book Tian Shuigen portrayed by actor Ren Zhengbin, as soon as he appeared, he won the respect of the audience with his "like". Looking at the image of actor Ren Zhengbin's previous plays, he has worked seeking image. This time, for the presentation of Tian Shuigen's role, as soon as he appeared, he gave the audience a very clear impression: the old branch book and the old father. The actor's appearance is a typical rural person, and the actor's face in the work also makes the audience feel that this is the grandfather of our village. This kind of image is definitely not something that can be achieved by wearing a few torn clothes and a torn hat, but the actor's in-depth understanding of the role, and even the character style rooted in the countryside, can only be realized.

"Hundred Refining into Steel" Tian Shuigen is on the line, Ren Zhengbin can be called a drama bone, and a mountain and a sea is the Chinese spirit

The second point is to ask God. This kind of god is not only the spirit of the character, but also the high degree of integration of the actor's own temperament and the temperament of the role. In terms of character temperament, I have already talked about the content of the character's personality. Actor Ren Zhengbin's grasp of the character is very accurate, and the big love and small love of the old branch book and the old father can be cut to the real drama point through the way of acting. At the same time, the actor Ren Zhengbin's own temperament is an important reason for Tian Shuigen's role to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Ren Zhengbin has a simple sense of righteousness, this simplicity and righteousness, let him add too many points to the role in the presentation of Tian Shuigen.

It is worth noting that actor Ren Zhengbin has played many villain roles that the audience will never forget in his previous film and television drama works. The telecommunications director in "Before Dawn", the big brother in "Orange and Red Years", Ou Daming in "Comrade Lover", and even the investment boss in "Theater" and so on. In recent times, with the popularity of TV drama works such as "Good Rain Knows the Season" and "Hundred Refining into Steel", the audience has suddenly found that the positive roles created by actor Ren Zhengbin have a stronger sense of simplicity and righteousness, and the characters are more successful. The actor's transformation from villain to decency undoubtedly left more expectations for the audience.

"Hundred Refining into Steel" Tian Shuigen is on the line, Ren Zhengbin can be called a drama bone, and a mountain and a sea is the Chinese spirit

The third point is the finishing touch and sublimation on the eye. Actors at the level of drama bones are always able to humble other actors and hide themselves in the role through their own form and spirit, in the ordinary scene, and in the real drama eye part, through the "invisible avenue" performance, the emotional content of the work is instantly sublimated. In the plot content of this episode, the real emotional point is actually lao zhi's writing about the former dry well, throwing stones and talking to himself. This scene is full of mixed emotions, including the desire for well water, the fear that re-drilling the well may continue to fail, the understanding of the village's urgent need for water, the concern about the future of the daughter and the son-in-law, hope, and the illusion that hope is shattered. In this scene, no one played against the actor Ren Zhengbin, and he needed to complete it in a one-man show. This is exactly when the real level of the actor who embodies the bone level of the drama is reflected, and when he stands up with his cat waist, I am in tears.

Judging from the plot of the trailer later, the old branch secretary wants to "let the sage" to the son-in-law, retire from the position of the branch secretary himself, and let the more energetic young people continue to serve the village and the people. In the entire plot content, the role of Tian Shuigen seems to be in a supporting role position, but in fact, his concession and silent dedication are the real protagonists in China's construction. Actor Ren Zhengbin realized the role of Tian Shuigen to "draw dragons, draw tigers and draw bones". As stated in "Hundred Refining into Steel", Ningxia and Fujian, one mountain and one sea, have a deep sense of help. Excellent plays, encountering excellent actors, have achieved a profound expression of this Chinese spirit of poverty alleviation. (Text/Ma Qingyun)