
After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

author:DM tidying up home
After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time
After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

Recently, I brushed up on a Korean variety show called "NOVEL FINISHING".

In this show, celebrity artists commission professional finishers to "help tidy up their homes." Many of the glamorous big stars show their "dark side" – their rooms flooded with messy clutter.

Several well-known artists, including Yoon Eun-hye, have made their domicile public for the first time. What is shocking is that they may be able to afford to buy a big house, but they are worthy of the name of "living on the big flat floor into an old and broken little".

Yoon Eun Hye has more than 100 pairs of shoes at home, spread out to occupy an entire living room.

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

After all, it is the home of the actress, and this amount is not much. But the same amount of other items piled up has squeezed the living space hard.

A room has lost its function and is full of items that are hard to use:

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

The balcony was barely accessible and very inconvenient for watering

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

Bored, Yoon Eun-hye wants to pick up the hobby of art again. But she felt: "There is no room in this house to paint for her."

Another client who was even more impressed was the girl boxer Kim Dong-hyun. He is a former UFC Asian star who was named a "promising MMA rising star" in the fighting arena.

But this is the picture at home:

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

"No answer", "Can't sort out"

Obviously there are two bathrooms, but one has been scrapped, because along with the bathtub toilet has become a warehouse, full of children's toys and other things:

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

He felt that there was no way out, but he felt guilty: I should move as soon as possible, but I can't afford to buy a big house.

Also causing a heated discussion on the Internet is this one:

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

One of the three beauties of Seoul National University and a well-known anchor of "Living with Memories", Wu Jingyan.

Living alone, there are two rooms in the house that are piled up with "pasts" that cannot be discarded.

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

These items include:

Junior high school life tables, high school transcripts, college ballet shoes, ski suits, billboards that I have taken, commemorative photos of large companies, gifts that have not yet been opened...

However, together they blocked the passage, and the wardrobe could not be opened.

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

As a result, I have bought taekwondo clothes, but I can't remember where I am, so I have been delaying my registration...

The camera of the program group records the scenes of these stars collapsing several times due to the chaotic home.

For example, the funny artist Jin Meili, because she always can't distinguish between clean and dirty clothes, is very tired after work, and cried in the laundry room several times.

After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time
After the collection and sorting learning, you can benefit from simple, efficient and scientific sorting methods for a long time

These families are like being set up on a high-speed rotating machine, and they can't stop at all, to think about "how to sort out the problem".

Their most common statements are: "I'm stuck" and "I feel like I can't get started."

It's just a messy room, why does it bring so much problem and pain? Today we talk about the reasons behind the clutter and how to solve these problems.

The reason O1 is messy is worse than you think


The first reason for the room chaos is usually because there are too many things, and the second is that there is no scientific storage method. If asked why keep:

Classic Answer:

It may be used one day

They are expensive / sent by friends / are memories of my past

If I can slim down (or get fatter), this dress will still be worn.

In fact, these "irrational" that cannot discard items are actually quite normal. The problem is that you may be ignoring the "messy cost."


Messiness can cause a physiological reaction

Research has found that the more you associate neatness with happiness and success, the more clutter can trigger anxiety.

"Anxiety" doesn't necessarily come from the person who messes up the room, but from cohabitants or loved ones, and clutter can bring emotional damage to family and friends, causing shame, embarrassment, and frustration.


Stifle self-creativity

A "home in the psychological sense" is a reflection of an individual's need to self-identify in a family environment.

In fact, when we continue to add items at home, we achieve "self-expansion and extension".

But when these objects are littered, one of the main consequences is to "stifle the creativity of the self" and ultimately weaken the sense of well-being in the heart.


In extreme cases, this could mean "compulsive hoarding"

According to authoritative statistics, hoarding disorder affects 8%-15% of adults, and it is characterized by difficulties in obtaining any of their items, regardless of value.

Read the report, there is a famous hoarding king in the United States, when he died at home, he was "buried alive" by a mountain of items, and when he received the registration call, the rescue team had to pry open the roof to enter and use infrared rays to search for the location of the body.

In fact, hoarding disorder has 4 main features:

1 High attachment to "objects as a source of self-identification;

2 Rely on objects to reflect and remember past events, thinking that "if I lose this object, I will lose this relationship";

3 Strong need and desire to achieve "full control" over items;

4 Have a strong sense of responsibility for the item and feel that "it is mine so I am responsible for it".


There is no systematics science approach to storage

In the Internet era, we will search for many practical home storage tips and methods from Douyin, Little Red Book, and multiple websites to obtain information conveniently, so we will "take it" to copy, which may alleviate the problem of home storage at first, but:

You will find


1 I am not a professional organizer, and the results of home storage are not as satisfactory as expected

2 The Internet is a cookie-cutter approach, but each family has the problems of each family, and direct copying often treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the effect.

3 Good looking and easy to use are two concepts, some of the storage and finishing methods that attract traffic do attract attention, but when it comes to good use, they are often discounted.


To renounce myself from me, is it to abandon myself or to accept myself?

Tidying up the room is a process of asking "who am I?" much more philosophical than imagined.

Whether it is "The Great Wardrobe" or "The Magic of Life Tidying Up", these systematic methods of tidying up, without exception, begin with "emptying unnecessary objects".

In the process of deciding where to stay, talk to the object, talk to yourself. It is a process of turning "sorting out the mess" into sorting out what you really need and who you are.

Some people wonder, where does this initiative come from, and what exactly stimulates a person's abandonment?

My personal experience is that the boundaries accumulated invisibly are broken, as if "suddenly" reaching a critical point.

Throwing away the clutter will actually be a kind of "catharsis, empowerment and liberation." In a way, it's a complete acceptance of the past self.

The most important thing is to be non-judgmental. Then tell yourself

"The dress I will wear one day" will definitely not be worn again

The items that have been bought have already fulfilled their mission

Those "precious memories" will surely have countless in the future

Partners, the new launch of a very grounded, cost-effective, dry goods full of storage and finishing entry

The deep meaning of the ending / finishing

The famous psychologist Freud said, "Don't clean up the mess, I know where everything is." ”

Some people live in chaos, while others live in organized chaos. "Frustration with clutter" must be proactive. But if we're like those in "The Tidying Up of Novelty," we feel like the cluttered space has broken through to make us exhausted.

The TidyIng Up Home Refreshment Bootcamp course is a great way for you to look into yourself and find solutions through messy appearances.

The most important point is: dialogue with objects, dialogue with yourself, and turn the matter of sorting out the mess into a process of sorting out what you really want and who you are.