
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong

author:Xiao Wang writes about food

Spring yang qi generation, is the period of strong yang in the body, both men and women, if the yang in the body is insufficient, the body will appear a variety of different small problems, female friends may also appear some kidney deficiency, male friends often feel fatigue and fatigue, spring is the best period to replenish yang, to eat more nutritious food.

It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong

When it comes to aphrodisiac, the safest way is to improve through dietary therapy, often eat some aphrodisiac food on weekdays, many friends will first think of leeks, oysters, deer antler velvet, ginseng, goji berries, etc., in fact, in addition to these, spring has a lot of yang food, every three to five to eat once, better than deer antler velvet, men eat strong, women eat beauty and beauty.

  1. Cabbage

Recommended recipe: camelina rolls

It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Clean the camelina and put it in a pot of boiling water to blanch water, for one minute, put the scalded camelina into cool water to soak it, and then prepare a handful of soaked black fungus, put it in the boiling water pot for one minute and fish it out to cool.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Squeeze out the water of the camelin, chop it and put it in a bowl, chop the fungus, put it together with the camelin, take another small bowl, beat in two eggs, and cut half a carrot into small cubes.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Put the cut carrots in the oil pan and stir-fry, add the egg liquid, fry the eggs, pour into the camelin, add salt, peppercorn powder, oyster sauce and chicken essence, and stir well with a little sesame oil.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Prepare a dozen dumpling skins, four to five in a group, use a rolling pin to roll out larger, take a dough crust, put a spoonful of filling in the middle, spread a little water on the bottom, fold both sides, and then fold off the top, and the camelina rolls are ready.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Heat the pan, add a little cooking oil, brush it with a brush, put in the camelina roll, fry each side until browned, fry slowly over low heat, all turn golden, and you can get out of the pan.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong

2. Spinach

Recommended recipe: spinach omelet

  1. Prepare a handful of spinach, cut off the roots, put in salted water, soak for ten minutes, wash well, a carrot, peel and cut into fine strips for later use.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Prepare a small bowl, crack in two eggs, add a few drops of white vinegar to remove the fishy, stir and set aside, cut the spinach into two centimeters long pieces, put it in boiling water and blanch it to remove oxalic acid, put it in a bowl, and then put the shredded carrots in, blanch it, fish it out, and put it with the spinach.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Drizzle the egg liquid into it, add a little salt to increase the bottom taste, stir well with chopsticks, prepare a glass container, brush with a layer of cooking oil, put the ingredients in, and use a spoon to sort it out.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. Spread a layer of plastic wrap to prevent steam from entering, put it in a steamer, steam for ten minutes on high heat, to mix a sauce, put some minced garlic and green onion in the bowl, a spoonful of white sesame seeds, a spoonful of chili noodles, drizzle half a spoonful of hot oil, stimulate the aroma in the ingredients, add half a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of light soy sauce, soy sauce, stir with a spoon, and it is adjusted.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong
  1. The spinach is steamed, take it out and put it on the board, cut it into your favorite pieces, and the spinach egg roll is ready, dipped in the sauce and eaten, it is very delicious.
It is the "aphrodisiac household", eating it more in spring is better than deer antler velvet, and men eat the body strong

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