
The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

author:The clouds reflect the clear river

India's population has grown to 1.41 billion in recent days and will overtake China as the world's most populous country in April.

The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

As soon as the news spread, it has exploded on the Internet.

The mainland has been a populous country for decades, and in the 60s of the last century, the birth rate reached its peak, and in order to control the number of people, the mainland's fertility policy has been adjusted since then.

Until 2016, the birth rate had stopped rising, even without the impact of the one-child policy.

In 2017, the mainland's population plummeted from its peak of more than 16 million to 9.56 million.

The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

In the following years, the country successively opened up the second and third children, and various places constantly adjusted and optimized the birth policy to encourage childbirth, even so, the birth rate is still declining.

In 2022, the country's population will decrease by 650,000! This is the first negative growth in 61 years. In the future, Chinese will only continue to decline.

The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

So some experts proposed: appropriate punishment for young people who do not have children! You can't buy social housing, you have to pay too much pension before retirement, and you have to get less pension after retirement.

Why are people now increasingly reluctant to have children?

Reproducing offspring is a biological instinct, but in this era of soaring prices, how many people can raise children.

The reasons stopping fertility from rising are simple but most extravagant: housing, education, and health care.

In the past, having children was to continue the family incense. As times change, so do the values of the past.

Today's people are more focused on quality of life and career development, and today's socio-economic instability is increasing, the difficulty of employment is increasing rapidly, and the cost of raising a child is increasing.

Under the current conditions, there are only two kinds of people who still have the courage to have children: one is a person with rich conditions, and the other is a person who only cares about giving birth and not upbringing.

And some clear-headed people clearly understand that fewer children and better fertility is the best state of fertility. Therefore, not having children has become the best choice.

The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

What are the long-term implications of not having children?

Many people think that not having children is nothing more than being old and unaccompanied, but this is wrong.

Once the trend of negative population growth begins, it is irreversible, and aging will be more serious in the future, which will have a far-reaching impact on economic development.

  • Related industries, especially infant and toddler industries, will be severely affected, and the education sector will be shut down, leaving most people facing layoffs and unemployment
  • The lower the level of consumption, the more difficult it will be to start a business
  • If there are fewer young people in the future, the population will tend to age, which may lead to problems such as labor shortages and increased social security burdens.
The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

Is the expert's proposal feasible?

Not feasible.

The expert's keynote speech was to the effect that in the past, if people had one more person in their family, they had an extra labor force and income, so they were willing to give birth. Now people do not want to give birth, then punish from the perspective of capital, link social housing and pensions with fertility rates, punish groups who do not want to give birth, social security and pensions must be different, and if they do not have children, the share of capital will decline.

In addition to arousing public anger, such a speech also aggravated the antipathy of the whole society.

Experts don't realize that not having children is not about not wanting to have children. It is essentially the current state of life that leaves young people with less energy to cope with childbirth.

The professor proposed to deduct the pension for not giving birth to children, and in the past it was punished for overbirth, but now it is also punished if you do not give birth ?!

If you want to improve fertility, I think you can start with the following three points:

  • Reduced house prices; A current house can exhaust a young person's energy for a lifetime, and how can a person who is overwhelmed by a mortgage and a car loan raise a child
  • overall improvement in healthcare; In order to cope with the current phenomenon of people looking down on the disease, protect the health of children and women, and reduce the risk of disability or death
  • improving equity in education; Although the "nine-year compulsory education" is now free, it does not include preschool education, in addition to various extracurricular tuition classes, if you want your child to be able to keep up with other students, you must also sign up for cram school. If extracurricular training is not banned, there will never be fairness in education.

If all this can be achieved, why worry about the low birth rate?

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